go 时间戳(秒、毫秒、纳秒)

时间:2025-03-02 08:44:57



	var timestamp = new Date().getTime()
	console.log(timestamp) //1565084135229 毫秒


	now:= time.Now()
	fmt.Println(now.Unix()) // 1565084298 秒
	fmt.Println(now.UnixNano()) // 1565084298178502600 纳秒
	fmt.Println(now.UnixNano() / 1e6) // 1565084298178 毫秒


当初刚接触go的时候,以为go中的 ().Unix() 得到的时间戳是和js中的 new Date().getTime() 的时间戳是一样的,导致在数据传输过程中出现了错误,还找了半天的bug,闹出了笑话。

2022.7.21 更新


// UnixMilli returns t as a Unix time, the number of milliseconds elapsed since
// January 1, 1970 UTC. The result is undefined if the Unix time in
// milliseconds cannot be represented by an int64 (a date more than 292 million
// years before or after 1970). The result does not depend on the
// location associated with t.
func (t Time) UnixMilli() int64 {
	return t.unixSec()*1e3 + int64(t.nsec())/1e6

// UnixMicro returns t as a Unix time, the number of microseconds elapsed since
// January 1, 1970 UTC. The result is undefined if the Unix time in
// microseconds cannot be represented by an int64 (a date before year -290307 or
// after year 294246). The result does not depend on the location associated
// with t.
func (t Time) UnixMicro() int64 {
	return t.unixSec()*1e6 + int64(t.nsec())/1e3