[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.0.0:repackage (default) @ ex-flow-business ---
[WARNING] Error injecting:
: Type not present
at (:147)
at (:46)
at (:48)
at (:81)
at (:53)
at $(:65)
at $(:115)
at $(:133)
at (:68)
at (:63)
at (:45)
at $2$(:1016)
at (:1092)
at $(:1012)
at .Guice4$(:162)
at (:81)
at (:51)
at (:263)
at (:255)
at (:519)
at (:121)
at (:208)
at (:154)
at (:146)
at (:117)
at (:81)
at (:51)
at (:128)
at (:309)
at (:194)
at (:107)
at (:993)
at (:345)
at (:191)
at .invoke0(Native Method)
at (:62)
at (:43)
at (:498)
at (:289)
at (:229)
at (:415)
at (:356)
at (:47)
Caused by: : org/springframework/boot/maven/RepackageMojo has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
at .defineClass1(Native Method)
at (:756)
at (:142)
at (:473)
at $100(:74)
at $(:369)
at $(:363)
at (Native Method)
at (:362)
at (:401)
at (:42)
at (:271)
at (:247)
at (:239)
at (:139)
... 42 more
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 19.423 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-25T20:03:09+08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 82M/855M
项目在本地时可以正常启动的,但是打包就报错,经过分析得出,应该是打包依赖的问题,解决方法: 在pom文件中的build—>plugins---->plugin中添加spring-boot-maven-plugin依赖的版本号如下:
- springboot打包出现Type not present
- SpringBoot在使用Jpa的时候出现Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a managed type: class
- springboot多数据源配置并解决多数据源下出现Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE的问题
- 解决SpringBoot跳转页面出现 There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
- 【记录】springboot集成kafka消费者启动报错Type org.springframework.kafka.listener.RecordInterceptor not present
- 新建一个工程,第一次编译就出现两个警告:W8050 No type OBJ file present. Disabling external types option.
- idea使用maven install命令打包(springboot),jar运行时出现没有主清单属性