- Channel Layers
- Configuration
- Redis Channel Layer
- In-Memory Channel Layer
- Synchronous Functions
- What To Send Over The Channel Layer
- Single Channels
- Groups
- Using Outside Of Consumers
- 参考文献与学习路径
Channel Layers
Channel layers允许您在应用程序的不同实例之间进行对话。如果您不想在数据库中交换所有消息或事件,它们是制作分布式实时应用程序的有用部分。
… note::
Channel layers are an entirely optional part of Channels. If you don’t want
to use them, just leaveCHANNEL_LAYERS
unset, or set it to the empty
… warning::
Channel layers have a purely async interface (for both send and receive);
you will need to wrap them in a converter if you want to ca