/*! \file
* \author Lorenzo Miniero
* \copyright GNU General Public License v3
* \brief SDP processing
* \details Implementation of an SDP
* parser/merger/generator in the server. Each SDP coming from peers is
* stripped/anonymized before it is passed to the plugins: all
* DTLS/ICE/transport related information is removed, only leaving the
* relevant information in place. SDP coming from plugins is stripped/anonymized
* as well, and merged with the proper DTLS/ICE/transport information before
* it is sent to the peers. The actual SDP processing (parsing SDP strings,
* representation of SDP as an internal format, and so on) is done via
* the tools provided in .
* \ingroup protocols
* \ref protocols
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
/* Pre-parse SDP: is this SDP valid? how many audio/video lines? any features to take into account? */
janus_sdp *janus_sdp_preparse(void *ice_handle, const char *jsep_sdp, char *error_str, size_t errlen,
int *audio, int *video, int *data) {
if(!ice_handle || !jsep_sdp || !audio || !video || !data) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, " Can't preparse, invalid arguments\n");
return NULL;
janus_ice_handle *handle = (janus_ice_handle *)ice_handle;
janus_sdp *parsed_sdp = janus_sdp_parse(jsep_sdp, error_str, errlen);
if(!parsed_sdp) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, " Error parsing SDP? %s\n", error_str ? error_str : "(unknown reason)");
/* Invalid SDP */
return NULL;
/* Look for m-lines */
GList *temp = parsed_sdp->m_lines;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_mline *m = (janus_sdp_mline *)temp->data;
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO && m->port > 0) {
*audio = *audio + 1;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && m->port > 0) {
*video = *video + 1;
/* Preparse the mid as well */
GList *tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->name) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "mid")) {
/* Found mid attribute */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO && m->port > 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Audio mid: %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(strlen(a->value) > 16) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Audio mid too large: (%zu > 16)\n", handle->handle_id, strlen(a->value));
return NULL;
if(handle->audio_mid == NULL)
handle->audio_mid = g_strdup(a->value);
if(handle->stream_mid == NULL)
handle->stream_mid = handle->audio_mid;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && m->port > 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Video mid: %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(strlen(a->value) > 16) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Video mid too large: (%zu > 16)\n", handle->handle_id, strlen(a->value));
return NULL;
if(handle->video_mid == NULL)
handle->video_mid = g_strdup(a->value);
if(handle->stream_mid == NULL)
handle->stream_mid = handle->video_mid;
tempA = tempA->next;
temp = temp->next;
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
*data = (strstr(jsep_sdp, "DTLS/SCTP") && !strstr(jsep_sdp, " 0 DTLS/SCTP") &&
!strstr(jsep_sdp, " 0 UDP/DTLS/SCTP")) ? 1 : 0;/* FIXME This is a really hacky way of checking... */
*data = 0;
return parsed_sdp;
/* Parse SDP */
int janus_sdp_process(void *ice_handle, janus_sdp *remote_sdp, gboolean update) {
if(!ice_handle || !remote_sdp)
return -1;
janus_ice_handle *handle = (janus_ice_handle *)ice_handle;
janus_ice_stream *stream = handle->stream;
return -1;
gchar *ruser = NULL, *rpass = NULL, *rhashing = NULL, *rfingerprint = NULL;
int audio = 0, video = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
int data = 0;
gboolean rtx = FALSE;
/* Ok, let's start with global attributes */
GList *temp = remote_sdp->attributes;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)temp->data;
if(a && a->name) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "fingerprint")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Fingerprint (global) : %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(strcasestr(a->value, "sha-256 ") == a->value) {
rhashing = g_strdup("sha-256");
rfingerprint = g_strdup(a->value + strlen("sha-256 "));
} else if(strcasestr(a->value, "sha-1 ") == a->value) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Hashing algorithm not the one we expected (sha-1 instead of sha-256), but that's ok\n", handle->handle_id);
rhashing = g_strdup("sha-1");
rfingerprint = g_strdup(a->value + strlen("sha-1 "));
} else {
/* FIXME We should handle this somehow anyway... OpenSSL supports them all */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Hashing algorithm not the one we expected (sha-256/sha-1), *NOT* cool\n", handle->handle_id);
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-ufrag")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] ICE ufrag (global): %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
ruser = g_strdup(a->value);
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-pwd")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] ICE pwd (global): %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
rpass = g_strdup(a->value);
temp = temp->next;
/* Now go on with m-line and their attributes */
int mlines = 0;
temp = remote_sdp->m_lines;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_mline *m = (janus_sdp_mline *)temp->data;
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO) {
if(handle->rtp_profile == NULL && m->proto != NULL)
handle->rtp_profile = g_strdup(m->proto);
if(audio > 1) {
temp = temp->next;
if(m->port > 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Parsing audio candidates (stream=%d)...\n", handle->handle_id, stream->stream_id);
if(!janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_HAS_AUDIO)) {
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_HAS_AUDIO);
stream->audio_ssrc = janus_random_uint32();/* FIXME Should we look for conflicts? */
if(stream->audio_rtcp_ctx == NULL) {
stream->audio_rtcp_ctx = g_malloc0(sizeof(rtcp_context));
stream->audio_rtcp_ctx->tb = 48000;/* May change later */
switch(m->direction) {
stream->audio_send = FALSE;
stream->audio_recv = FALSE;
/* A sendonly peer means recvonly for Janus */
stream->audio_send = FALSE;
stream->audio_recv = TRUE;
/* A recvonly peer means sendonly for Janus */
stream->audio_send = TRUE;
stream->audio_recv = FALSE;
stream->audio_send = TRUE;
stream->audio_recv = TRUE;
if(m->ptypes != NULL) {
stream->audio_payload_types = g_list_copy(m->ptypes);
} else {
/* Audio rejected? */
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_HAS_AUDIO);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Audio rejected by peer...\n", handle->handle_id);
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
if(handle->rtp_profile == NULL && m->proto != NULL)
handle->rtp_profile = g_strdup(m->proto);
if(video > 1) {
temp = temp->next;
if(m->port > 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Parsing video candidates (stream=%d)...\n", handle->handle_id, stream->stream_id);
if(!janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_HAS_VIDEO)) {
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_HAS_VIDEO);
stream->video_ssrc = janus_random_uint32();/* FIXME Should we look for conflicts? */
if(stream->video_rtcp_ctx[0] == NULL) {
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[0] = g_malloc0(sizeof(rtcp_context));
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[0]->tb = 90000;/* May change later */
switch(m->direction) {
stream->video_send = FALSE;
stream->video_recv = FALSE;
/* A sendonly peer means recvonly for Janus */
stream->video_send = FALSE;
stream->video_recv = TRUE;
/* A recvonly peer means sendonly for Janus */
stream->video_send = TRUE;
stream->video_recv = FALSE;
stream->video_send = TRUE;
stream->video_recv = TRUE;
if(m->ptypes != NULL) {
stream->video_payload_types = g_list_copy(m->ptypes);
} else {
/* Video rejected? */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Video rejected by peer...\n", handle->handle_id);
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_HAS_VIDEO);
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION) {
/* Is this SCTP for DataChannels? */
if(!strcasecmp(m->proto, "DTLS/SCTP") || !strcasecmp(m->proto, "UDP/DTLS/SCTP")) {
if(data > 1) {
temp = temp->next;
if(m->port > 0) {
/* Yep */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Parsing SCTP candidates (stream=%d)...\n", handle->handle_id, stream->stream_id);
if(!janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_DATA_CHANNELS)) {
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_DATA_CHANNELS);
if(!strcasecmp(m->proto, "UDP/DTLS/SCTP")) {
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_NEW_DATACHAN_SDP);
} else {
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_NEW_DATACHAN_SDP);
} else {
/* Data channels rejected? */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Data channels rejected by peer...\n", handle->handle_id);
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_DATA_CHANNELS);
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_NEW_DATACHAN_SDP);
} else {
/* Unsupported data channels format. */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Data channels format %s unsupported, skipping\n", handle->handle_id, m->proto);
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_DATA_CHANNELS);
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_NEW_DATACHAN_SDP);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping disabled/unsupported media line...\n", handle->handle_id);
if(stream == NULL) {
temp = temp->next;
/* Look for mid, ICE credentials and fingerprint first: check media attributes */
GList *tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->name && a->value) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "mid")) {
/* Found mid attribute */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO && m->port > 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Audio mid: %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(strlen(a->value) > 16) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Audio mid too large: (%zu > 16)\n", handle->handle_id, strlen(a->value));
return -2;
if(handle->audio_mid == NULL)
handle->audio_mid = g_strdup(a->value);
if(handle->stream_mid == NULL)
handle->stream_mid = handle->audio_mid;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && m->port > 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Video mid: %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(strlen(a->value) > 16) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Video mid too large: (%zu > 16)\n", handle->handle_id, strlen(a->value));
return -2;
if(handle->video_mid == NULL)
handle->video_mid = g_strdup(a->value);
if(handle->stream_mid == NULL)
handle->stream_mid = handle->video_mid;
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Data Channel mid: %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(handle->data_mid == NULL)
handle->data_mid = g_strdup(a->value);
if(handle->stream_mid == NULL)
handle->stream_mid = handle->data_mid;
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "fingerprint")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Fingerprint (local) : %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(strcasestr(a->value, "sha-256 ") == a->value) {
g_free(rhashing);/* FIXME We're overwriting the global one, if any */
rhashing = g_strdup("sha-256");
g_free(rfingerprint);/* FIXME We're overwriting the global one, if any */
rfingerprint = g_strdup(a->value + strlen("sha-256 "));
} else if(strcasestr(a->value, "sha-1 ") == a->value) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Hashing algorithm not the one we expected (sha-1 instead of sha-256), but that's ok\n", handle->handle_id);
g_free(rhashing);/* FIXME We're overwriting the global one, if any */
rhashing = g_strdup("sha-1");
g_free(rfingerprint);/* FIXME We're overwriting the global one, if any */
rfingerprint = g_strdup(a->value + strlen("sha-1 "));
} else {
/* FIXME We should handle this somehow anyway... OpenSSL supports them all */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Hashing algorithm not the one we expected (sha-256), *NOT* cool\n", handle->handle_id);
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "setup")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] DTLS setup (local): %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
if(!update) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->value, "actpass") || !strcasecmp(a->value, "passive")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Setting connect state (DTLS client)\n", handle->handle_id);
stream->dtls_role = JANUS_DTLS_ROLE_CLIENT;
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->value, "active")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Setting accept state (DTLS server)\n", handle->handle_id);
stream->dtls_role = JANUS_DTLS_ROLE_SERVER;
if(stream->component && stream->component->dtls)
stream->component->dtls->dtls_role = stream->dtls_role;
/* TODO Handle holdconn... */
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-ufrag")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] ICE ufrag (local): %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
g_free(ruser);/* FIXME We're overwriting the global one, if any */
ruser = g_strdup(a->value);
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-pwd")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] ICE pwd (local): %s\n", handle->handle_id, a->value);
g_free(rpass);/* FIXME We're overwriting the global one, if any */
rpass = g_strdup(a->value);
tempA = tempA->next;
if(mlines == 1) {
if(!ruser || !rpass || (janus_is_webrtc_encryption_enabled() && (!rfingerprint || !rhashing))) {
/* Missing mandatory information, failure... */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] SDP missing mandatory information\n", handle->handle_id);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] %p, %p, %p, %p\n", handle->handle_id, ruser, rpass, rfingerprint, rhashing);
ruser = NULL;
rpass = NULL;
rhashing = NULL;
rfingerprint = NULL;
return -2;
/* If we received the ICE credentials for the first time, enforce them */
if(ruser && !stream->ruser && rpass && !stream->rpass) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Setting remote credentials...\n", handle->handle_id);
if(!nice_agent_set_remote_credentials(handle->agent, handle->stream_id, ruser, rpass)) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to set remote credentials!\n", handle->handle_id);
} else
/* If this is a renegotiation, check if this is an ICE restart */
if((ruser && stream->ruser && strcmp(ruser, stream->ruser)) ||
(rpass && stream->rpass && strcmp(rpass, stream->rpass))) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] ICE restart detected\n", handle->handle_id);
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_ALL_TRICKLES);
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_ICE_RESTART);
/* Store fingerprint and hashing */
if(janus_is_webrtc_encryption_enabled()) {
stream->remote_hashing = g_strdup(rhashing);
stream->remote_fingerprint = g_strdup(rfingerprint);
/* Store the ICE username and password for this stream */
stream->ruser = g_strdup(ruser);
stream->rpass = g_strdup(rpass);
/* Is simulcasting enabled, using rid? (we need to check this before parsing SSRCs) */
tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->name && !strcasecmp(a->name, "rid") && a->value) {
/* This attribute is used for simulcasting */
char rid[16];
if(sscanf(a->value, "%15s send", rid) != 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse rid attribute...\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Parsed rid: %s\n", handle->handle_id, rid);
if(stream->rid[0] == NULL) {
stream->rid[0] = g_strdup(rid);
} else if(stream->rid[1] == NULL) {
stream->rid[1] = g_strdup(rid);
} else if(stream->rid[2] == NULL) {
stream->rid[2] = g_strdup(rid);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Too many RTP Stream IDs, ignoring '%s'...\n", handle->handle_id, rid);
} else if(a->name && !strcasecmp(a->name, "simulcast") && a->value) {
/* Firefox and Chrome signal simulcast support differently */
stream->legacy_rid = strstr(a->value, "rssrc-group") && strstr(a->value, "SIM")) {
int res = janus_sdp_parse_ssrc_group(stream, (const char *)a->value, m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO);
if(res != 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse SSRC SIM group attribute... (%d)\n", handle->handle_id, res);
tempA = tempA->next;
/* Any SSRC FID group? */
tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->name && a->value) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ssrc-group") && strstr(a->value, "FID")) {
int res = janus_sdp_parse_ssrc_group(stream, (const char *)a->value, m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO);
if(res != 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse SSRC FID group attribute... (%d)\n", handle->handle_id, res);
tempA = tempA->next;
/* Any SSRC in general? */
tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->name && a->value) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ssrc")) {
int res = janus_sdp_parse_ssrc(stream, (const char *)a->value, m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO);
if(res != 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse SSRC attribute... (%d)\n", handle->handle_id, res);
tempA = tempA->next;
/* Now look for candidates and other info */
tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->name) {
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "candidate")) {
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO && mlines > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] This is an audio candidate but we're bundling on another stream, ignoring...\n", handle->handle_id);
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && mlines > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] This is a video candidate but we're bundling on another stream, ignoring...\n", handle->handle_id);
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION && mlines > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] This is a SCTP candidate but we're bundling on another stream, ignoring...\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
int res = janus_sdp_parse_candidate(stream, (const char *)a->value, 0);
if(res != 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse candidate... (%d)\n", handle->handle_id, res);
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "rtcp-fb")) {
if(a->value && strstr(a->value, "nack") && stream->component) {
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO) {
/* Enable NACKs for audio */
stream->component->do_audio_nacks = TRUE;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
/* Enable NACKs for video */
stream->component->do_video_nacks = TRUE;
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "fmtp")) {
if(a->value && strstr(a->value, "apt=")) {
/* RFC4588 rtx payload type mapping */
int ptype = -1, rtx_ptype = -1;
if(sscanf(a->value, "%d apt=%d", &rtx_ptype, &ptype) != 2) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse fmtp/apt attribute...\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
rtx = TRUE;
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_RFC4588_RTX);
if(stream->rtx_payload_types == NULL)
stream->rtx_payload_types = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
g_hash_table_insert(stream->rtx_payload_types, GINT_TO_POINTER(ptype), GINT_TO_POINTER(rtx_ptype));
} else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "rtpmap")) {
if(a->value) {
int ptype = atoi(a->value);
if(ptype > -1) {
char *cr = strchr(a->value, '/');
if(cr != NULL) {
uint32_t clock_rate = 0;
if(janus_string_to_uint32(cr, &clock_rate) == 0) {
if(stream->clock_rates == NULL)
stream->clock_rates = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
g_hash_table_insert(stream->clock_rates, GINT_TO_POINTER(ptype), GUINT_TO_POINTER(clock_rate));
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
else if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "sctpmap")) {
/* We don't really care */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Got a sctpmap attribute: %s\n", a->value);
tempA = tempA->next;
/* Any change in SSRCs we should be aware of? */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO) {
if(stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new > 0) {
if(stream->audio_ssrc_peer > 0 && stream->audio_ssrc_peer != stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "[%"SCNu64"] Audio SSRC changed: %"SCNu32" --> %"SCNu32"\n",
handle->handle_id, stream->audio_ssrc_peer, stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new);
/* FIXME Reset the RTCP context */
janus_ice_component *component = stream->component;
if(stream->audio_rtcp_ctx) {
memset(stream->audio_rtcp_ctx, 0, sizeof(*stream->audio_rtcp_ctx));
stream->audio_rtcp_ctx->tb = 48000;/* May change later */
stream->audio_ssrc_peer = stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new;
stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new = 0;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
int vindex = 0;
for(vindex=0; vindex<3; vindex++) {
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[vindex] > 0) {
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer[vindex] > 0 && stream->video_ssrc_peer[vindex] != stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[vindex]) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "[%"SCNu64"] Video SSRC (#%d) changed: %"SCNu32" --> %"SCNu32"\n",
handle->handle_id, vindex, stream->video_ssrc_peer[vindex], stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[vindex]);
/* FIXME Reset the RTCP context */
janus_ice_component *component = stream->component;
if(component != NULL) {
if(stream->video_rtcp_ctx[vindex]) {
memset(stream->video_rtcp_ctx[vindex], 0, sizeof(*stream->video_rtcp_ctx[vindex]));
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[vindex]->tb = 90000;
stream->video_ssrc_peer[vindex] = stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[vindex];
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[vindex] = 0;
/* Do the same with the related rtx SSRC, if any */
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[vindex] > 0) {
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx[vindex] > 0 && stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx[vindex] != stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[vindex]) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "[%"SCNu64"] Video SSRC (#%d rtx) changed: %"SCNu32" --> %"SCNu32"\n",
handle->handle_id, vindex, stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx[vindex], stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[vindex]);
stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx[vindex] = stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[vindex];
stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[vindex] = 0;
if(stream->video_ssrc_rtx == 0)
stream->video_ssrc_rtx = janus_random_uint32();/* FIXME Should we look for conflicts? */
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer[1] && stream->video_rtcp_ctx[1] == NULL) {
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[1] = g_malloc0(sizeof(rtcp_context));
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[1]->tb = 90000;
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer[2] && stream->video_rtcp_ctx[2] == NULL) {
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[2] = g_malloc0(sizeof(rtcp_context));
stream->video_rtcp_ctx[2]->tb = 90000;
temp = temp->next;
/* Disable RFC4588 if the peer didn't negotiate it */
if(!rtx) {
janus_flags_clear(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_RFC4588_RTX);
stream->video_ssrc_rtx = 0;
/* Cleanup */
return 0;/* FIXME Handle errors better */
int janus_sdp_parse_candidate(void *ice_stream, const char *candidate, int trickle) {
if(ice_stream == NULL || candidate == NULL)
return -1;
janus_ice_stream *stream = (janus_ice_stream *)ice_stream;
janus_ice_handle *handle = stream->handle;
if(handle == NULL)
return -2;
janus_ice_component *component = NULL;
if(strlen(candidate) == 0 || strstr(candidate, "end-of-candidates")) {
/* FIXME Should we do something with this? */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] end-of-candidates received\n", handle->handle_id);
return 0;
if(strstr(candidate, "candidate:") == candidate) {
/* Skipping the 'candidate:' prefix Firefox puts in trickle candidates */
candidate += strlen("candidate:");
char rfoundation[33], rtransport[4], rip[50], rtype[6], rrelip[40];
guint32 rcomponent, rpriority, rport, rrelport;
int res = sscanf(candidate, "%32s %30u %3s %30u %49s %30u typ %5s %*s %39s %*s %30u",
rfoundation, &rcomponent, rtransport, &rpriority,
rip, &rport, rtype, rrelip, &rrelport);
if(res < 7) {
/* Failed to parse this address, can it be IPv6? */
if(!janus_ice_is_ipv6_enabled()) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Received IPv6 candidate, but IPv6 support is disabled...\n", handle->handle_id);
return res;
if(res >= 7) {
if(strstr(rip, ".local")) {
/* The IP is actually an mDNS address, try to resolve it
* /html/draft-ietf-rtcweb-mdns-ice-candidates-00 */
struct addrinfo *info = NULL;
janus_network_address addr;
janus_network_address_string_buffer addr_buf;
if(getaddrinfo(rip, NULL, NULL, &info) != 0 ||
janus_network_address_from_sockaddr(info->ai_addr, &addr) != 0 ||
janus_network_address_to_string_buffer(&addr, &addr_buf) != 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Couldn't resolve mDNS address (%s), dropping candidate\n",
handle->handle_id, rip);
return res;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] mDNS address (%s) resolved: %s\n",
handle->handle_id, rip, janus_network_address_string_from_buffer(&addr_buf));
g_strlcpy(rip, janus_network_address_string_from_buffer(&addr_buf), sizeof(rip));
/* Add remote candidate */
component = stream->component;
if(component == NULL || rcomponent > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] -- Skipping component %d in stream %d (rtcp-muxing)\n", handle->handle_id, rcomponent, stream->stream_id);
} else {
//~ if(trickle) {
//~ if(component->dtls != NULL) {
//~ /* This component is already ready, ignore this further candidate */
//~ JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] -- Ignoring this candidate, the component is already ready\n", handle->handle_id);
//~ return 0;
//~ }
//~ }
component->component_id = rcomponent;
component->stream_id = stream->stream_id;
NiceCandidate *c = NULL;
if(!strcasecmp(rtype, "host")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Adding remote candidate component:%d stream:%d type:host %s:%d\n",
handle->handle_id, rcomponent, stream->stream_id, rip, rport);
/* Unless this is libnice >= 0.1.8, we only support UDP... */
if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "udp")) {
c = nice_candidate_new(NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST);
} else if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "tcp") && janus_ice_is_ice_tcp_enabled()) {
c = nice_candidate_new(NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping unsupported transport '%s' for media\n", handle->handle_id, rtransport);
} else if(!strcasecmp(rtype, "srflx")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Adding remote candidate component:%d stream:%d type:srflx %s:%d --> %s:%d \n",
handle->handle_id, rcomponent, stream->stream_id, rrelip, rrelport, rip, rport);
/* Unless this is libnice >= 0.1.8, we only support UDP... */
if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "udp")) {
} else if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "tcp") && janus_ice_is_ice_tcp_enabled()) {
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping unsupported transport '%s' for media\n", handle->handle_id, rtransport);
} else if(!strcasecmp(rtype, "prflx")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Adding remote candidate component:%d stream:%d type:prflx %s:%d --> %s:%d\n",
handle->handle_id, rcomponent, stream->stream_id, rrelip, rrelport, rip, rport);
/* Unless this is libnice >= 0.1.8, we only support UDP... */
if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "udp")) {
} else if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "tcp") && janus_ice_is_ice_tcp_enabled()) {
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping unsupported transport '%s' for media\n", handle->handle_id, rtransport);
} else if(!strcasecmp(rtype, "relay")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Adding remote candidate component:%d stream:%d type:relay %s:%d --> %s:%d\n",
handle->handle_id, rcomponent, stream->stream_id, rrelip, rrelport, rip, rport);
/* We only support UDP/TCP/TLS... */
if(strcasecmp(rtransport, "udp") && strcasecmp(rtransport, "tcp") && strcasecmp(rtransport, "tls")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping unsupported transport '%s' for media\n", handle->handle_id, rtransport);
} else {
c = nice_candidate_new(NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED);
} else {
/* FIXME What now? */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Unknown remote candidate type:%s for component:%d stream:%d!\n",
handle->handle_id, rtype, rcomponent, stream->stream_id);
if(c != NULL) {
c->component_id = rcomponent;
c->stream_id = stream->stream_id;
if(!strcasecmp(rtransport, "udp")) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Transport: UDP\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
/* Check the type (/html/rfc6544#section-4.5) */
const char *type = NULL;
int ctype = 0;
if(strstr(candidate, "tcptype active")) {
type = "active";
} else if(strstr(candidate, "tcptype passive")) {
type = "passive";
} else if(strstr(candidate, "tcptype so")) {
type = "so";
} else {
/* TODO: We should actually stop here... */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Missing tcptype info for the TCP candidate!\n", handle->handle_id);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Transport: TCP (%s)\n", handle->handle_id, type);
c->transport = ctype;
g_strlcpy(c->foundation, rfoundation, NICE_CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION);
c->priority = rpriority;
nice_address_set_from_string(&c->addr, rip);
nice_address_set_port(&c->addr, rport);
c->username = g_strdup(stream->ruser);
c->password = g_strdup(stream->rpass);
nice_address_set_from_string(&c->base_addr, rrelip);
nice_address_set_port(&c->base_addr, rrelport);
} else if(c->type == NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAYED) {
/* FIXME Do we really need the base address for TURN? */
nice_address_set_from_string(&c->base_addr, rrelip);
nice_address_set_port(&c->base_addr, rrelport);
component->candidates = g_slist_append(component->candidates, c);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%"SCNu64"] Candidate added to the list! (%u elements for %d/%d)\n", handle->handle_id,
g_slist_length(component->candidates), stream->stream_id, component->component_id);
/* Save for the summary, in case we need it */
component->remote_candidates = g_slist_append(component->remote_candidates, g_strdup(candidate));
/* Notify event handlers */
if(janus_events_is_enabled()) {
janus_session *session = (janus_session *)handle->session;
json_t *info = json_object();
json_object_set_new(info, "remote-candidate", json_string(candidate));
json_object_set_new(info, "stream_id", json_integer(stream->stream_id));
json_object_set_new(info, "component_id", json_integer(component->component_id));
janus_events_notify_handlers(JANUS_EVENT_TYPE_WEBRTC, session->session_id, handle->handle_id, handle->opaque_id, info);
/* See if we need to process this */
if(trickle) {
if(janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_START)) {
/* This is a trickle candidate and ICE has started, we should process it right away */
if(!component->process_started) {
/* Actually, ICE has JUST started for this component, take care of the candidates we've added so far */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] ICE already started for this component, setting candidates we have up to now\n", handle->handle_id);
janus_ice_setup_remote_candidates(handle, component->stream_id, component->component_id);
} else {
GSList *candidates = NULL;
candidates = g_slist_append(candidates, c);
if(nice_agent_set_remote_candidates(handle->agent, stream->stream_id, component->component_id, candidates) < 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to add trickle candidate :-(\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%"SCNu64"] Trickle candidate added!\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
/* ICE hasn't started yet: to make sure we're not stuck, also check if we stopped processing the SDP */
if(!janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_PROCESSING_OFFER)) {
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_START);
/* This is a trickle candidate and ICE has started, we should process it right away */
if(!component->process_started) {
/* Actually, ICE has JUST started for this component, take care of the candidates we've added so far */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] SDP processed but ICE not started yet for this component, setting candidates we have up to now\n", handle->handle_id);
janus_ice_setup_remote_candidates(handle, component->stream_id, component->component_id);
} else {
GSList *candidates = NULL;
candidates = g_slist_append(candidates, c);
if(nice_agent_set_remote_candidates(handle->agent, stream->stream_id, component->component_id, candidates) < 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to add trickle candidate :-(\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%"SCNu64"] Trickle candidate added!\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
/* Still processing the offer/answer: queue the trickle candidate for now, we'll process it later */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Queueing trickle candidate, status is not START yet\n", handle->handle_id);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%"SCNu64"] Failed to parse candidate (res=%d)...\n", handle->handle_id, res);
return res;
return 0;
int janus_sdp_parse_ssrc_group(void *ice_stream, const char *group_attr, int video) {
if(ice_stream == NULL || group_attr == NULL)
return -1;
janus_ice_stream *stream = (janus_ice_stream *)ice_stream;
janus_ice_handle *handle = stream->handle;
if(handle == NULL)
return -2;
return -3;
if(stream->rid[0] != NULL) {
/* Simulcasting is rid-based, don't parse SSRCs for now */
return 0;
gboolean fid = strstr(group_attr, "FID") != NULL;
gboolean sim = strstr(group_attr, "SIM") != NULL;
guint64 ssrc = 0;
guint32 first_ssrc = 0;
gchar **list = g_strsplit(group_attr, " ", -1);
gchar *index = list[0];
if(index != NULL) {
int i=0;
while(index != NULL) {
if(i > 0 && strlen(index) > 0) {
ssrc = g_ascii_strtoull(index, NULL, 0);
switch(i) {
case 1:
first_ssrc = ssrc;
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0] == ssrc || stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1] == ssrc
|| stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2] == ssrc) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%"SCNu64"] Already parsed this SSRC: %"SCNu64" (%s group)\n",
handle->handle_id, ssrc, (fid ? "FID" : (sim ? "SIM" : "??")));
} else {
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC: %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0]);
} else {
/* We already have a video SSRC: check if rid is involved, and we'll keep track of this for simulcasting */
if(stream->rid[0]) {
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (sim-1): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1]);
} else if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (sim-2): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2]);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Don't know what to do with video SSRC: %"SCNu64"\n", handle->handle_id, ssrc);
case 2:
if(fid) {
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0] == first_ssrc && stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[0] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[0] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (rtx): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[0]);
} else if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1] == first_ssrc && stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[1] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[1] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (sim-1 rtx): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[1]);
} else if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2] == first_ssrc && stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[2] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[2] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (sim-2 rtx): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_rtx_new[2]);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Don't know what to do with rtx SSRC: %"SCNu64"\n", handle->handle_id, ssrc);
} else if(sim) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (sim-1): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[1]);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Don't know what to do with SSRC: %"SCNu64"\n", handle->handle_id, ssrc);
case 3:
if(fid) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Found one too many retransmission SSRC (rtx): %"SCNu64"\n", handle->handle_id, ssrc);
} else if(sim) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC (sim-2): %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[2]);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Don't know what to do with SSRC: %"SCNu64"\n", handle->handle_id, ssrc);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Don't know what to do with video SSRC: %"SCNu64"\n", handle->handle_id, ssrc);
index = list[i];
g_clear_pointer(&list, g_strfreev);
return 0;
int janus_sdp_parse_ssrc(void *ice_stream, const char *ssrc_attr, int video) {
if(ice_stream == NULL || ssrc_attr == NULL)
return -1;
janus_ice_stream *stream = (janus_ice_stream *)ice_stream;
janus_ice_handle *handle = stream->handle;
if(handle == NULL)
return -2;
guint64 ssrc = g_ascii_strtoull(ssrc_attr, NULL, 0);
if(ssrc == 0 || ssrc > G_MAXUINT32)
return -3;
if(video) {
if(stream->rid[0] != NULL) {
/* Simulcasting is rid-based, only keep track of a single SSRC for fallback */
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_temp == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_temp = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video fallback SSRC: %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_temp);
return 0;
if(stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0] == 0) {
stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0] = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer video SSRC: %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->video_ssrc_peer_new[0]);
} else {
if(stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new == 0) {
stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new = ssrc;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%"SCNu64"] Peer audio SSRC: %"SCNu32"\n", handle->handle_id, stream->audio_ssrc_peer_new);
return 0;
int janus_sdp_anonymize(janus_sdp *anon) {
if(anon == NULL)
return -1;
int audio = 0, video = 0, data = 0;
/* o= */
if(anon->o_addr != NULL) {
anon->o_ipv4 = TRUE;
anon->o_addr = g_strdup("");
/* a= */
GList *temp = anon->attributes;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)temp->data;
/* These are attributes we handle ourselves, the plugins don't need them */
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-ufrag")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-pwd")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-options")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "fingerprint")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "group")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "msid-semantic")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "rtcp-rsize")) {
anon->attributes = g_list_remove(anon->attributes, a);
temp = anon->attributes;
temp = temp->next;
/* m= */
temp = anon->m_lines;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_mline *m = (janus_sdp_mline *)temp->data;
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO && m->port > 0) {
m->port = audio == 1 ? 9 : 0;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && m->port > 0) {
m->port = video == 1 ? 9 : 0;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION && m->port > 0) {
if(m->proto != NULL && (!strcasecmp(m->proto, "DTLS/SCTP") || !strcasecmp(m->proto, "UDP/DTLS/SCTP"))) {
m->port = data == 1 ? 9 : 0;
} else {
m->port = 0;
} else {
m->port = 0;
/* c= */
if(m->c_addr != NULL) {
m->c_ipv4 = TRUE;
m->c_addr = g_strdup("");
/* a= */
GList *tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(!a->name) {
tempA = tempA->next;
/* These are attributes we handle ourselves, the plugins don't need them */
if(!strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-ufrag")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-pwd")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "ice-options")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "crypto")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "fingerprint")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "setup")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "connection")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "group")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "mid")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "msid")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "msid-semantic")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "rid")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "simulcast")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "rtcp")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "rtcp-mux")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "rtcp-rsize")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "candidate")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "end-of-candidates")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "ssrc")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "ssrc-group")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "sctpmap")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "sctp-port")
|| !strcasecmp(a->name, "max-message-size")) {
m->attributes = g_list_remove(m->attributes, a);
tempA = m->attributes;
tempA = tempA->next;
/* We don't support encrypted RTP extensions yet, so get rid of them */
tempA = m->attributes;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->value && strstr(a->value, JANUS_RTP_EXTMAP_ENCRYPTED)) {
m->attributes = g_list_remove(m->attributes, a);
tempA = m->attributes;
tempA = tempA->next;
/* Also remove attributes/formats we know we don't support (or don't want to support) now */
tempA = m->attributes;
GList *purged_ptypes = NULL;
while(tempA) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = (janus_sdp_attribute *)tempA->data;
if(a->value && (strstr(a->value, "red/90000") || strstr(a->value, "ulpfec/90000") || strstr(a->value, "rtx/90000"))) {
int ptype = atoi(a->value);
if(ptype < 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Invalid payload type (%d)\n", ptype);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Will remove payload type %d (%s)\n", ptype, a->value);
purged_ptypes = g_list_append(purged_ptypes, GINT_TO_POINTER(ptype));
tempA = tempA->next;
if(purged_ptypes) {
tempA = purged_ptypes;
while(tempA) {
int ptype = GPOINTER_TO_INT(tempA->data);
janus_sdp_remove_payload_type(anon, ptype);
tempA = tempA->next;
purged_ptypes = NULL;
temp = temp->next;
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " -------------------------------------------\n");
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " >> Anonymized\n");
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " -------------------------------------------\n");
return 0;
char *janus_sdp_merge(void *ice_handle, janus_sdp *anon, gboolean offer) {
if(ice_handle == NULL || anon == NULL)
return NULL;
janus_ice_handle *handle = (janus_ice_handle *)ice_handle;
janus_ice_stream *stream = handle->stream;
if(stream == NULL)
return NULL;
char *rtp_profile = handle->rtp_profile ? handle->rtp_profile : (char *)"UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF";
rtp_profile = (char *)"RTP/AVPF";
gboolean ipv4 = !strstr(janus_get_public_ip(), ":");
/* Origin o= */
gint64 sessid = janus_get_real_time();
if(anon->o_name == NULL)
anon->o_name = g_strdup("-");
if(anon->o_sessid == 0 || anon->o_version == 0) {
anon->o_sessid = sessid;
anon->o_version = 1;
anon->o_ipv4 = ipv4;
anon->o_addr = g_strdup(janus_get_public_ip());
/* Session name s= */
if(anon->s_name == NULL)
anon->s_name = g_strdup("Meetecho Janus");
/* Chrome doesn't like global c= lines, remove it */
anon->c_addr = NULL;
/* bundle: add new global attribute */
char buffer[2048], buffer_part[512];
buffer[0] = '\0';
buffer_part[0] = '\0';
g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "BUNDLE");
/* Iterate on available media */
int audio = 0;
int video = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
int data = 0;
GList *temp = anon->m_lines;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_mline *m = (janus_sdp_mline *)temp->data;
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO) {
if(audio == 1) {
g_snprintf(buffer_part, sizeof(buffer_part),
" %s", handle->audio_mid ? handle->audio_mid : "audio");
g_strlcat(buffer, buffer_part, JANUS_BUFSIZE);
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
if(video == 1) {
g_snprintf(buffer_part, sizeof(buffer_part),
" %s", handle->video_mid ? handle->video_mid : "video");
g_strlcat(buffer, buffer_part, JANUS_BUFSIZE);
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION) {
if(m->proto && (!strcasecmp(m->proto, "DTLS/SCTP") || !strcasecmp(m->proto, "UDP/DTLS/SCTP")))
if(data == 1) {
g_snprintf(buffer_part, sizeof(buffer_part),
" %s", handle->data_mid ? handle->data_mid : "data");
g_strlcat(buffer, buffer_part, JANUS_BUFSIZE);
temp = temp->next;
/* Global attributes: start with group */
GList *first = anon->attributes;
janus_sdp_attribute *a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("group", "%s", buffer);
anon->attributes = g_list_insert_before(anon->attributes, first, a);
/* msid-semantic: add new global attribute */
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("msid-semantic", " WMS janus");
anon->attributes = g_list_insert_before(anon->attributes, first, a);
/* ICE Full or Lite? */
if(janus_ice_is_ice_lite_enabled()) {
/* Janus is acting in ICE Lite mode, advertize this */
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ice-lite", NULL);
anon->attributes = g_list_insert_before(anon->attributes, first, a);
/* Media lines now */
audio = 0;
video = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
data = 0;
temp = anon->m_lines;
while(temp) {
janus_sdp_mline *m = (janus_sdp_mline *)temp->data;
first = m->attributes;
/* Overwrite RTP profile for audio and video */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO || m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
m->proto = g_strdup(rtp_profile);
/* Media connection c= */
m->c_ipv4 = ipv4;
m->c_addr = g_strdup(janus_get_public_ip());
/* Check if we need to refuse the media or not */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO) {
/* Audio */
if(audio > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping audio line (we have one already)\n", handle->handle_id);
m->port = 0;
if(m->port == 0) {
m->direction = JANUS_SDP_INACTIVE;
stream->audio_ssrc = 0;
if(audio == 1) {
switch(m->direction) {
stream->audio_send = FALSE;
stream->audio_recv = FALSE;
stream->audio_send = TRUE;
stream->audio_recv = FALSE;
stream->audio_send = FALSE;
stream->audio_recv = TRUE;
stream->audio_send = TRUE;
stream->audio_recv = TRUE;
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
/* Video */
if(video > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping video line (we have one already)\n", handle->handle_id);
m->port = 0;
if(m->port == 0) {
m->direction = JANUS_SDP_INACTIVE;
stream->video_ssrc = 0;
if(video == 1) {
switch(m->direction) {
stream->video_send = FALSE;
stream->video_recv = FALSE;
stream->video_send = TRUE;
stream->video_recv = FALSE;
stream->video_send = FALSE;
stream->video_recv = TRUE;
stream->video_send = TRUE;
stream->video_recv = TRUE;
if(janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_RFC4588_RTX)) {
/* Add RFC4588 stuff */
if(stream->rtx_payload_types && g_hash_table_size(stream->rtx_payload_types) > 0) {
janus_sdp_attribute *a = NULL;
GList *ptypes = g_list_copy(m->ptypes), *tempP = ptypes;
while(tempP) {
int ptype = GPOINTER_TO_INT(tempP->data);
int rtx_ptype = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup(stream->rtx_payload_types, GINT_TO_POINTER(ptype)));
if(rtx_ptype > 0) {
m->ptypes = g_list_append(m->ptypes, GINT_TO_POINTER(rtx_ptype));
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("rtpmap", "%d rtx/90000", rtx_ptype);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("fmtp", "%d apt=%d", rtx_ptype, ptype);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
tempP = tempP->next;
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION) {
/* Is this SCTP for DataChannels? */
if(m->port > 0 && (!strcasecmp(m->proto, "DTLS/SCTP") || !strcasecmp(m->proto, "UDP/DTLS/SCTP"))) {
/* Yep */
if(data > 1) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping SCTP line (we have one already)\n", handle->handle_id);
m->port = 0;
m->direction = JANUS_SDP_INACTIVE;
temp = temp->next;
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping unsupported application media line...\n", handle->handle_id);
m->port = 0;
m->direction = JANUS_SDP_INACTIVE;
temp = temp->next;
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "[%"SCNu64"] Skipping disabled/unsupported media line...\n", handle->handle_id);
m->port = 0;
m->direction = JANUS_SDP_INACTIVE;
temp = temp->next;
/* a=mid:(audio|video|data) */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO && audio == 1) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("mid", "%s", handle->audio_mid);
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && video == 1) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("mid", "%s", handle->video_mid);
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
#ifdef HAVE_SCTP
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_APPLICATION && data == 1) {
if(!strcasecmp(m->proto, "UDP/DTLS/SCTP"))
janus_flags_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_NEW_DATACHAN_SDP);
if(!janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_NEW_DATACHAN_SDP)) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("sctpmap", "5000 webrtc-datachannel 16");
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
} else {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("sctp-port", "5000");
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("mid", "%s", handle->data_mid);
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO || m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("rtcp-mux", NULL);
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
/* ICE ufrag and pwd, DTLS fingerprint setup and connection a= */
gchar *ufrag = NULL;
gchar *password = NULL;
nice_agent_get_local_credentials(handle->agent, stream->stream_id, &ufrag, &password);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ice-ufrag", "%s", ufrag);
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ice-pwd", "%s", password);
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ice-options", "trickle");
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
if(janus_is_webrtc_encryption_enabled()) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("fingerprint", "sha-256 %s", janus_dtls_get_local_fingerprint());
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("setup", "%s", janus_get_dtls_srtp_role(offer ? JANUS_DTLS_ROLE_ACTPASS : stream->dtls_role));
m->attributes = g_list_insert_before(m->attributes, first, a);
/* Add last attributes, rtcp and ssrc (msid) */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_RFC4588_RTX) &&
(m->direction == JANUS_SDP_DEFAULT || m->direction == JANUS_SDP_SENDRECV || m->direction == JANUS_SDP_SENDONLY)) {
/* Add FID group to negotiate the RFC4588 stuff */
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc-group", "FID %"SCNu32" %"SCNu32, stream->video_ssrc, stream->video_ssrc_rtx);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_AUDIO) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("msid", "janus janusa0");
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" cname:janus", stream->audio_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" msid:janus janusa0", stream->audio_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" mslabel:janus", stream->audio_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" label:janusa0", stream->audio_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
} else if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("msid", "janus janusv0");
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" cname:janus", stream->video_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" msid:janus janusv0", stream->video_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" mslabel:janus", stream->video_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" label:janusv0", stream->video_ssrc);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
if(janus_flags_is_set(&handle->webrtc_flags, JANUS_ICE_HANDLE_WEBRTC_RFC4588_RTX)) {
/* Add rtx SSRC group to negotiate the RFC4588 stuff */
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" cname:janus", stream->video_ssrc_rtx);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" msid:janus janusv0", stream->video_ssrc_rtx);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" mslabel:janus", stream->video_ssrc_rtx);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("ssrc", "%"SCNu32" label:janusv0", stream->video_ssrc_rtx);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
/* FIXME If the peer is Firefox and is negotiating simulcasting, add the rid attributes */
if(m->type == JANUS_SDP_VIDEO && stream->rid[0] != NULL) {
char rids[50];
rids[0] = '\0';
int i=0;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
if(stream->rid[i] == NULL)
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("rid", "%s recv", stream->rid[i]);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
if(strlen(rids) == 0) {
g_strlcat(rids, stream->rid[i], sizeof(rids));
} else {
g_strlcat(rids, ";", sizeof(rids));
g_strlcat(rids, stream->rid[i], sizeof(rids));
if(stream->legacy_rid) {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("simulcast", " recv rid=%s", rids);
} else {
a = janus_sdp_attribute_create("simulcast", " recv %s", rids);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, a);
if(!janus_ice_is_full_trickle_enabled()) {
/* And now the candidates (but only if we're half-trickling) */
janus_ice_candidates_to_sdp(handle, m, stream->stream_id, 1);
/* Since we're half-trickling, we need to notify the peer that these are all the
* candidates we have for this media stream, via an end-of-candidates attribute:
* /html/draft-ietf-mmusic-trickle-ice-02#section-4.1 */
janus_sdp_attribute *end = janus_sdp_attribute_create("end-of-candidates", NULL);
m->attributes = g_list_append(m->attributes, end);
/* Next */
temp = temp->next;
char *sdp = janus_sdp_write(anon);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " -------------------------------------------\n");
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " >> Merged (%zu bytes)\n", strlen(sdp));
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " -------------------------------------------\n");
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "%s\n", sdp);
return sdp;