1) 自定义请求头获取不到
http {
underscores_in_headers on;
2)nginx没有透传host请求头,tomcat 400
- 默认情况下nginx反向代理是不会转发请求中的Host头部,nginx在没有配置proxy_set_header HOST $host 的时候,在转发http请求的时候会默认把upstream的名称作为Host头部的内容。如果upstream的名称的是非法,就会导致tomcat响应400。例如名称中出现 _ 就是不规范的。
tomcat 更新日志:
- Enable strict validation of the provided host name and port for all connectors. Requests with invalid host names and/or ports will be rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
- Implement the requirements of RFC 7230 (and RFC 2616) that HTTP/1.1 requests must include a Host header and any request that does not must be rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
- Implement the requirements of RFC 7230 that any HTTP/1.1 request that specifies a host in the request line, must specify the same host in the Host header and that any such request that does not, must be rejected with a 400 response. This check is optional and disabled by default. It may be enabled with the allowHostHeaderMismatch attribute of the Connector. (markt)
- Implement the requirements of RFC 7230 that any HTTP/1.1 request that contains multiple Host headers is rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
- Implement configuration options to work-around specification non-compliant user agents (including all the major browsers) that do not correctly %nn encode URI paths and query strings as required by RFC 7230 and RFC 3986. (markt)
location /test {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-real-ip $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;