
时间:2025-02-16 10:00:40


假设我们有三个变量nameage,和city,我们想要打印一句话:“Hello, my name is Alice, I am 30 years old and I live in New York.”



name = 'Alice' 
age = 30 
city = 'New York' 
print("Hello, my name is %s, I am %d years old and I live in %s." % (name, age, city)) 


这是Python 2.6引入的方法,比%操作符更加灵活。

name = 'Alice'
 age = 30 
city = 'New York' 
print("Hello, my name is {}, I am {} years old and I live in {}.".format(name, age, city)) 


print("Hello, my name is {0}, I am {1} years old and I live in {2}.".format(name, age, city)) 


print("Hello, my name is {name}, I am {age} years old and I live in {city}.".format(name=name, age=age, city=city)) 

f-string (格式化字符串字面量)

f-string是在Python 3.6中引入的,它使用前缀f来表示字符串是格式化字符串。这是一种更简洁和直观的格式化方式。

print(f"Hello, my name is {name}, I am {age} years old and I live in {city}.")


print(f"Hello, my name is {name}, in 10 years I will be {age + 10} years old.")

Template Strings

Template Strings是通过string模块的Template类实现的,它提供了一种简单的字符串替换机制。

from string import Template 
name = 'Alice' 
age = 30 
city = 'New York' 
t = Template("Hello, my name is $name, I am $age years old and I live in $city.") 
print((name=name, age=age, city=city)) 

每种方法都有其适用场景,但是在现代Python编码中,f-string通常是最受欢迎的选择,因为它简洁、易读且性能好。如果你的代码需要与旧版本的Python兼容,或者你需要一些特定的格式化选项,你可能会选择()%操作符。 Template Strings在需要提供用户定义的格式化模板时非常有用,因为它可以避免因直接字符串插入导致的安全问题。