
时间:2025-02-16 08:22:17
import; import com.xiaoxu.crawler.excp.CrawlerForJException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; /** * @author xiaoxu * @date 2022-11-19 21:52 * crawlerJ: */ public class StrUtils { private static final String underLineMark = "_"; private static final String kebabMark = "-"; private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; public static boolean equals(String a, String b){ if(null == a){ return null == b; } return a.equals(b); } public static int getMatchCount(String str, String subStr){ if(!StringUtils.hasLength(str) || !StringUtils.hasLength(subStr)){ ExcpUtils.throwExp( MessageFormat.format( "getMatchCount's str and subStr should not be null or empty:{0},{1}.", str, subStr)); } return StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(str, subStr); } public static String nonEmptyStr(String value){ if(!StringUtils.hasLength(value)){ return EMPTY_STRING; } return value; } /** * @param name 下划线 * @return 小驼峰 */ public static String underlineTransferSmallHump(String name){ return symbolTransferSmallCamel(name, underLineMark.toCharArray()[0]); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static String symbolTransferSmallCamel(String name, Character symbol){ if(!StringUtils.hasLength(name)) { return EMPTY_STRING; } if(null == symbol){ throw new CrawlerForJException("symbol access empty"); } if(nonEmptyContains(name, symbol.toString())){ CharSequence cs = name; int i = 0, csLen = cs.length(); StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder(csLen); boolean isUpper = false; for(; i < csLen; ++ i){ char c; if(i == 0 && Character.isUpperCase(c = cs.charAt(i))){ sbd.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); continue; } c = cs.charAt(i); if(c == symbol){ isUpper = true; }else if(isUpper){ if(sbd.length() == 0){ sbd.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); }else{ sbd.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); } isUpper = false; }else { sbd.append(c); } } return sbd.toString(); }else{ int strLen; return (strLen = name.length()) > 1 ? name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1, strLen) : name.toLowerCase(); } } public static boolean nonEmptyContains(String str1, String str2){ // if str2 "", str1 "XXX", must true, so here return false if(!StringUtils.hasLength(str1) || !StringUtils.hasLength(str2)) return false; return str1.contains(str2); } public static String simpleHumpTransferUnderline(String name){ return symbolTransfer(name, underLineMark); } public static String simpleHumpTransferKebab(String name){ return symbolTransfer(name, kebabMark); } @SuppressWarnings("all") private static String symbolTransfer(String name, CharSequence symbol) { if(!StringUtils.hasLength(name)) { return EMPTY_STRING; } ExcpUtils.throwExpIfFalse(StringUtils.hasLength(symbol), "symbol access empty"); StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder(); CharSequence cs = name; int i = 0, csLen; for(; i < (csLen = cs.length()); i++){ char c = cs.charAt(i); if(Character.isUpperCase(c)){ Character pre = i > 0 ? cs.charAt(i - 1) : null; if(null != pre){ sbd.append(symbol); } c = Character.toLowerCase(c); } sbd.append(c); } return sbd.toString(); } /** * @param name 小驼峰命名Str * @return 下划线 */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public static String humpTransferUnderline(String name){ // null or empty throw exp ExcpUtils.throwExpIfFalse(StringUtils.hasLength(name), "when hump transfer to underline, name should not be empty."); CharSequence cs = name; List<CharSequence> charSequenceList = Lists.newArrayList(); int temI = 0, i = 0, csLen = 0; for (; i < (csLen = cs.length()); i++) { char c = cs.charAt(i); if(Character.isUpperCase(c)){ CharSequence csq = cs.subSequence(temI, i); if(csq.length() > 0){ addCharSequence(charSequenceList, csq); temI = i; } } } CharSequence lastSequence = cs.subSequence(temI, csLen); if(lastSequence.length() > 0){ addCharSequence(charSequenceList, lastSequence); } // actual could not execute this if(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(charSequenceList)) return EMPTY_STRING; return String.join(underLineMark, charSequenceList); } private static void addCharSequence(List<CharSequence> charSequenceList, CharSequence charSequence) { if(null == charSequenceList){ throw new CrawlerForJException("charSequenceList could not be null"); } if(null == charSequence || charSequence.length() <= 0){ throw new CrawlerForJException("charSequence need non empty"); } char[] csqChars = charSequence.toString().toCharArray(); char[] initialLowerCsqChar = new char[csqChars.length]; initialLowerTransfer(initialLowerCsqChar, csqChars); charSequenceList.add(new String(initialLowerCsqChar)); } private static void initialLowerTransfer(char[] targetChar, char[] originChar){ ExcpUtils.throwExpIfFalse(ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(targetChar), "targetChar is empty"); ExcpUtils.throwExpIfFalse(ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(originChar), "originChar is empty"); int totalLength; ExcpUtils.throwExpIfFalse((totalLength = originChar.length) == targetChar.length, "targetChar'length not equals to originChar's length"); char[] temp;int tempSize; System.arraycopy((temp = new char[]{Character.toLowerCase(originChar[0])}), 0 , targetChar, 0, (tempSize = temp.length)); if(totalLength > tempSize){ System.arraycopy(originChar, tempSize, targetChar, tempSize, totalLength - tempSize); } } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("_As1_s_ANd1A_aa_")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("a")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("A")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("12abc")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("createTime")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("create_Time")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("Create_time")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("Ada1cAa2BDFa")); System.out.println(underlineTransferSmallHump("___aHb__3AH_aJK")); } }