Asset Browser
The asset browser lets you view all assets in a project directory. Assets are files the engine loads game media from, and include textures, shaders, materials, models, sounds, scripts, and fonts.
The directory pane displays the folder structure of the project directory. You can use this to navigate around a project's folder hierarchy.
The preview pane displays thumbnail previews for individual files. You can view an entire folder at once without opening each asset file. You can open most asset files by double-clicking on the file thumbnail.
To add a model into the scene, click the model thumbnail with the left mouse button, then hold the mouse down and drag it into one of the viewports. Release the mouse to create an instance of the model.
You can view a the contents of an entire subdirectory by checking the recursive checkbox. If you select the root project folder with this option enabled, you can browse the entire contents of the project directory at once.
The search bar can be used to filter files with a search term. Only the selected folder's files will be searched and displayed. (If the recursive checkbox is checked, the folder's subdirectory will be searched as well.) A list of recent search terms is available in the drop down items of the search bar.