if标签是与(and)的关系,只要test中的表达式为 true,就会执行 if 标签中的条件;而 choose 是或(or)的关系,并不想应用所有的条件,而只是想从多个选项中选择一个。
choose标签是按顺序判断其内部when标签中的test条件出否成立,如果有一个成立,则 choose 结束。当 choose 中所有 when 的条件都不满则时,则执行 otherwise 中的sql。类似于Java 的 switch 语句,choose 为 switch,when 为 case,otherwise 则为 default。
<!-- 按顺序将实体类 User 第一个不为空的属性作为:where条件 -->
"SELECT * "+
" FROM User u "+
"<where> "+
" <choose>"+
" <when test='username !=null '> "+
" LIKE CONCAT('%', #{username}) "+
" </when > "+
" <when test='sex != null and sex != '' '> "+
" AND = #{sex}" +
" </when > "+
" <when test='birthday != null '> "+
" AND = #{birthday} " +
" </when > "+
" <otherwise> "+
" </otherwise> "+
" </choose> "+
"</where> "+
"SELECT * "+
" FROM User u "+
" WHERE 1 = 1" + //为了保证sql不报错建议使用<where>
" <choose>"+
" <when test='title != null'> "+
" and title = #{title} " +
" </when > "+
" <when test='content != null '> "+
" and content = #{content} " +
" </when > "+
" <otherwise> "+
" and owner = "owner1" " +
" </otherwise>
" </choose> "+