
时间:2022-03-28 05:36:56

I often find myself trying to come up with good names for complementary pairs of variables; where two variables denote opposing concepts, two participants in some sort of duologue, and so on.


This might be better explained by a counter-example - I maintain an app that prints two graphics as part of a print advertisement. They're stored in the database as TopLogo and LowerLogo, which I have to stop and double-check every time I use them because I'm expecting top to complement bottom, and lower should complement upper.

这可以通过反例来更好地解释 - 我维护一个应用程序,它打印两个图形作为打印广告的一部分。它们作为TopLogo和LowerLogo存储在数据库中,我每次使用它时都必须停止并仔细检查,因为我期望顶部补充底部,而较低部分应补充上部。

There's some obvious examples that I think work well:


client / server
source / target for copying/moving data or files from one variable to another
minimum / maximum


but there's some concepts that just don't lend themselves to such neat naming schemes. For example, when paging through records, does 'last' mean 'final' or 'previous' ? I recently saw some code that used firstPage, previousPage, nextPage and finalPage to avoid the ambiuous lastPage completely, which I thought was very beat, hence this question.


Do you have any particularly neat variable name pairs you'd care to share with us? (Bonus points if they're the same length, which makes the code so much neater in monospaced fonts.)

你有什么特别整洁的变量名对你要跟我们分享吗? (如果它们的长度相同,则会获得奖励,这使得代码在等宽字体中更加整洁。)

4 个解决方案



Like with all kinds of code style conventions, consistency is what you should strive for.

I would have the development team agree on "standard" pairs of prefixes for common scenarios like "source/destination" or "from/to" and then stick with them for the whole project. As long as every developer is aware of what is meant with a particular prefix in the codebase, it is easier to avoid misunderstandings.

Exceptions to the rule should be clarified in the documentation if the variable is part of a public API, or in comments within the code, if it's visibility is restricted to a single class or method.




In my databases you'll find many valid-state temporal ("history") tables containing a pair of columns named start_date and end_date. No bonus points for me, then, because I'd rather use the commonly used 'end' than try to come up with an intuitive alternative with the same number of characters as the word 'start'.


I tend to prefer these generic terms even when more context-specific terms may be viable e.g. preferring employee_start_date over employee_hire_date (what if their employment started for a reason other than being formally hiring e.g. their company was the subject of an acquisition). That said, I'd prefer person_birth_date over person_start_date :)

我倾向于更喜欢这些通用术语,即使更多特定于上下文的术语可能是可行的,例如更喜欢employee_start_date而不是employee_hire_date(如果他们的工作开始的原因不是正式招聘,例如他们的公司就是收购的主题)。那就是说,我更喜欢person_birth_date而不是person_start_date :)



While one does try to be semantically coherent in obvious cases -- e.g., maximum goes with minimum, and not "lowest" -- in well-structured OO code (which isn't all code, I know) the problem disappears with a good IDE. Classes are short, methods are short, and variables are few in each method. So it doesn't matter what you call the variable pairs so long as they're clear. Your code might not look professional, but real quality is in the code, not in the look of your code.

虽然人们确实试图在明显的情况下在语义上保持一致 - 例如,最大值是最小的,而不是“最低” - 在结构良好的OO代码中(这不是所有代码,我知道)问题随着一个好的消失而消失IDE。类很短,方法很短,每种方法中的变量都很少。因此,只要它们清晰,你所谓的变量对并不重要。您的代码可能看起来不专业,但代码中的真实质量,而不是代码的外观。

The problem further disappears if there is good JavaDoc or whatever the documentation system is, and if have good Class names that go with them. For instance, if you have an instance of a Connection class and it has a method a method called setDestination, that's okay, but if you know that setDestination takes one parameter called destination and it's of the Server class, you're cool... even though you might prefer to call it target, aimHere, placeToSendTheData, or whatever (and the corresponding names, source, comingFromHere, and placeToGetTheDataFrom). Plus the doc system says what the thing is for, and that is priceless.


This next thing might sound stupid and I'm sure I'll get voted down here on *, but unique non-professional sounding variable names have a great advantage: I know that my variables have names like placeWeWantTheDataToGo (and the IDE takes care of typing it), but the "serious" guys who do the JDK would never use such silly names. So I know immediately that the variable is one of mine. Incidentally, when I worked with developers in Spain and Italy, they write code with Spanish variable names (not always, but usually). This causes the same effect: we can quickly see that the Conexion class is ours, but the Connection class is not.


[Also, instead of typing your variable names, assign them a constant String somewhere in your code and use that, so if they called it lower or downer instead of low, you're still okay.]




Yes, I do try to name complementary sets of variables systematically so that the symmetry is clear. It is not always easy; sometimes, not even possible. Well, not possible using the rules I lay down for myself - which means I usually try to have the names the same length. The 'top' and 'lower' example would drive me batty (assuming I'm not batty already, which is far from certain); I'd probably use 'upper' and 'lower' because those are the same length; 'top' and 'bottom' would frustrate me too because of the difference in length.

是的,我确实试图系统地命名互补的变量集,以便明确对称性。这并不容易;有时,甚至不可能。好吧,不可能使用我为自己制定的规则 - 这意味着我通常会尝试使用相同长度的名称。 “顶部”和“较低”的例子会让我感到沮丧(假设我已经不是很邋,,这远非确定);我可能会使用'upper'和'lower'因为它们长度相同;由于长度的不同,'top'和'bottom'也会让我感到沮丧。



Like with all kinds of code style conventions, consistency is what you should strive for.

I would have the development team agree on "standard" pairs of prefixes for common scenarios like "source/destination" or "from/to" and then stick with them for the whole project. As long as every developer is aware of what is meant with a particular prefix in the codebase, it is easier to avoid misunderstandings.

Exceptions to the rule should be clarified in the documentation if the variable is part of a public API, or in comments within the code, if it's visibility is restricted to a single class or method.




In my databases you'll find many valid-state temporal ("history") tables containing a pair of columns named start_date and end_date. No bonus points for me, then, because I'd rather use the commonly used 'end' than try to come up with an intuitive alternative with the same number of characters as the word 'start'.


I tend to prefer these generic terms even when more context-specific terms may be viable e.g. preferring employee_start_date over employee_hire_date (what if their employment started for a reason other than being formally hiring e.g. their company was the subject of an acquisition). That said, I'd prefer person_birth_date over person_start_date :)

我倾向于更喜欢这些通用术语,即使更多特定于上下文的术语可能是可行的,例如更喜欢employee_start_date而不是employee_hire_date(如果他们的工作开始的原因不是正式招聘,例如他们的公司就是收购的主题)。那就是说,我更喜欢person_birth_date而不是person_start_date :)



While one does try to be semantically coherent in obvious cases -- e.g., maximum goes with minimum, and not "lowest" -- in well-structured OO code (which isn't all code, I know) the problem disappears with a good IDE. Classes are short, methods are short, and variables are few in each method. So it doesn't matter what you call the variable pairs so long as they're clear. Your code might not look professional, but real quality is in the code, not in the look of your code.

虽然人们确实试图在明显的情况下在语义上保持一致 - 例如,最大值是最小的,而不是“最低” - 在结构良好的OO代码中(这不是所有代码,我知道)问题随着一个好的消失而消失IDE。类很短,方法很短,每种方法中的变量都很少。因此,只要它们清晰,你所谓的变量对并不重要。您的代码可能看起来不专业,但代码中的真实质量,而不是代码的外观。

The problem further disappears if there is good JavaDoc or whatever the documentation system is, and if have good Class names that go with them. For instance, if you have an instance of a Connection class and it has a method a method called setDestination, that's okay, but if you know that setDestination takes one parameter called destination and it's of the Server class, you're cool... even though you might prefer to call it target, aimHere, placeToSendTheData, or whatever (and the corresponding names, source, comingFromHere, and placeToGetTheDataFrom). Plus the doc system says what the thing is for, and that is priceless.


This next thing might sound stupid and I'm sure I'll get voted down here on *, but unique non-professional sounding variable names have a great advantage: I know that my variables have names like placeWeWantTheDataToGo (and the IDE takes care of typing it), but the "serious" guys who do the JDK would never use such silly names. So I know immediately that the variable is one of mine. Incidentally, when I worked with developers in Spain and Italy, they write code with Spanish variable names (not always, but usually). This causes the same effect: we can quickly see that the Conexion class is ours, but the Connection class is not.


[Also, instead of typing your variable names, assign them a constant String somewhere in your code and use that, so if they called it lower or downer instead of low, you're still okay.]




Yes, I do try to name complementary sets of variables systematically so that the symmetry is clear. It is not always easy; sometimes, not even possible. Well, not possible using the rules I lay down for myself - which means I usually try to have the names the same length. The 'top' and 'lower' example would drive me batty (assuming I'm not batty already, which is far from certain); I'd probably use 'upper' and 'lower' because those are the same length; 'top' and 'bottom' would frustrate me too because of the difference in length.

是的,我确实试图系统地命名互补的变量集,以便明确对称性。这并不容易;有时,甚至不可能。好吧,不可能使用我为自己制定的规则 - 这意味着我通常会尝试使用相同长度的名称。 “顶部”和“较低”的例子会让我感到沮丧(假设我已经不是很邋,,这远非确定);我可能会使用'upper'和'lower'因为它们长度相同;由于长度的不同,'top'和'bottom'也会让我感到沮丧。