Spring AOP 自定义注解检查请求头(示例)

时间:2025-02-13 14:55:03



一个 Controller 可以处理 HTTP 请求

public class DemoController {

    public String hello(@RequestParam String name) {
        return "Hello, " + name;


$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark"
Hello, Mark

现在要求 请求中必需包含特定的请求头,否则需要抛出异常。



public @interface HeaderChecker {

     * Without default value means this argument is required
     * @return Header names
    String[] headerNames();

备注:注解参数不设置 default 默认值时,这个参数在使用注解时,便是必填的,由编译时保证。

定义 Aspect

public class HeaderCheckerAspect {

    public void doBefore(HeaderChecker headerChecker) {
        HttpServletRequest request = currentRequest();
        if ((request)) {
            ("without request, skip");

        String[] headerNames = ();
        for (String headerName : headerNames) {
            String value = (headerName);
            if ((value)) {
            ("Header {} is required", headerName);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header " + headerName + " is required");


     * Return request current thread bound or null if none bound.
     * @return Current request or null
    private HttpServletRequest currentRequest() {
        // Use getRequestAttributes because of its return null if none bound
        ServletRequestAttributes servletRequestAttributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) ();
        return (servletRequestAttributes).map(ServletRequestAttributes::getRequest).orElse(null);

通过 RequestContextHolder 获取当前线程对应的 Servlet Request。

检查请求的 header 中是否包含必需的 header name,否则抛出异常。

为 Controller 添加注解

public class DemoController {

    @HeaderChecker(headerNames = {"Ni-Hao", "Do"})
    public String hello(@RequestParam String name) {
        return "Hello, " + name;


$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark"                                               
{"timestamp":"2018-11-14T07:53:08.426+0000","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"Header Ni-Hao is required","path":"/hello"}

$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark" --header "Ni-Hao: World"                      
{"timestamp":"2018-11-14T07:53:29.106+0000","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"Header Do is required","path":"/hello"}

$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark" --header "Ni-Hao: World" --header "Do: World" 
Hello, Mark




@Target({, })
public @interface HeaderChecker {

     * Without default value means this argument is required
     * @return Header names
    String[] headerNames();
  • 注解作用目标:方法
  • 注解作用目标:接口、类、枚举、注解


@HeaderChecker(headerNames = {"Hello"})
public class DemoController {

    @HeaderChecker(headerNames = {"Ni-Hao", "Do"})
    public String hello(@RequestParam String name) {
        return "Hello, " + name;

    public String doSomething(@RequestParam String thing) {
        return "Do, " + thing;

启动并请求会发现,注解无法真正的生效,没有 Hello 请求头依然可以请求成功,显然存在错误

$ curl "localhost:8080/do?thing=Noting"
Do, Noting

这涉及到 Aspect 类中,切面方法定义时 @annotation@within 的区分,先给出可以实现需求的 Aspect 类,如下,

public class HeaderCheckerAspect {
    public void doBeforeForClass(HeaderChecker headerChecker) {

    public void doBeforeForMethod(HeaderChecker headerChecker) {

    private void doBefore(HeaderChecker headerChecker) {
        HttpServletRequest request = currentRequest();
        if ((request)) {
            ("without request, skip");

        String[] headerNames = ();
        for (String headerName : headerNames) {
            String value = (headerName);
            if ((value)) {
            ("Header {} is required", headerName);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header " + headerName + " is required");


     * Return request current thread bound or null if none bound.
     * @return Current request or null
    private HttpServletRequest currentRequest() {
        // Use getRequestAttributes because of its return null if none bound
        ServletRequestAttributes servletRequestAttributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) ();
        return (servletRequestAttributes).map(ServletRequestAttributes::getRequest).orElse(null);


$ curl "localhost:8080/do?thing=noting"                                                  
{"timestamp":"2018-11-14T09:39:11.842+0000","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"Header Hello is required","path":"/do"}

$ curl "localhost:8080/do?thing=noting" --header "Hello: ww"
Do, noting

可以发现,类注解生效了,必须要有 Hello 请求头。继续测试,

$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark"  --header "Hello: ww"
{"timestamp":"2018-11-14T09:38:41.670+0000","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"Header Ni-Hao is required","path":"/hello"}

$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark" --header "Ni-Hao: World" --header "Do: World"    
{"timestamp":"2018-11-14T09:38:47.028+0000","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"Header Hello is required","path":"/hello"}

$ curl "localhost:8080/hello?name=Mark" --header "Ni-Hao: World" --header "Do: World" --header "Hello: ww"
Hello, Mark

可以发现,类注解和方法注解同时生效,必需同时具有 Hello, Ni-Hao, Do 三个请求头。

而实现类注解,自然归功于 @within 这个指示符啦~(可参考 AspectJ语法详解:execution,within,this,@Aspect

  • @within:用于匹配,持有指定注解的,类型内的“所有方法”;
  • @annotation:用于匹配,持有指定注解的,方法;

当然 @within 所指代的 “所有方法” 是指被 Spring Bean 所调用的方法,而不是真的所有方法。

如下面栗子中的 doSomething 被 Controller 的 Bean 调用时,会匹配切面方法。

然而,如果 doSomething 仅仅是被普通调用,或者像 realDoSomething 这样被 doSomething 调用,是不会匹配切面方法的。

原因 嘛,自然是与 AOP 相关的一个概念:动态代理

个人理解:上面提到的那个 Bean 实际是动态代理实例,所以被 Bean 实例调用才会匹配;不过不确定,就不展开描述了,藏~

public String doSomething(@RequestParam String thing) {
    return realDoSomething(thing);

private String realDoSomething(String thing) {
    return "Do, " + thing;
