
时间:2025-02-12 07:01:36
""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright © 2020 Walkline Wang () Gitee: /walkline/esp32-ble-uart Original repo: /micropython/micropython/blob/master/examples/bluetooth/ """ import ubluetooth as bt __UART_UUID = bt.UUID("6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E") __RX_UUID = bt.UUID("6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E") __TX_UUID = bt.UUID("6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E") __UART_SERVICE = ( __UART_UUID, ( (__TX_UUID, bt.FLAG_NOTIFY,), (__RX_UUID, bt.FLAG_WRITE,), ), ) class BLEUART: def __init__(self, ble, rx_callback=None, name="mpy-uart", rxbuf=100): self.__ble = ble self.__rx_cb = rx_callback self.__conn_handle = None self.__write = self.__ble.gatts_write self.__read = self.__ble.gatts_read self.__notify = self.__ble.gatts_notify print("activating ble...") print("ble activated") self.__ble.config(rxbuf=rxbuf) self.__ble.irq(self.__irq) self.__register_services() self.__adv_payload = BLETools.advertising_generic_payload( services=(__UART_UUID,), appearance=BLEConst.Appearance.GENERIC_COMPUTER, ) self.__resp_payload = BLETools.advertising_resp_payload( name=name ) self.__advertise() def __register_services(self): ( ( self.__tx_handle, self.__rx_handle, ), ) = self.__ble.gatts_register_services((__UART_SERVICE,)) def __advertise(self, interval_us=500000): self.__ble.gap_advertise(None) self.__ble.gap_advertise(interval_us, adv_data=self.__adv_payload, resp_data=self.__resp_payload) print("advertising...") #中断请求 def __irq(self, event, data): if event == BLEConst.IRQ.IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT: self.__conn_handle, addr_type, addr, = data print("[{}] connected, handle: {}".format(BLETools.decode_mac(addr), self.__conn_handle)) self.__ble.gap_advertise(None) elif event == BLEConst.IRQ.IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT: self.__conn_handle, _, addr, = data print("[{}] disconnected, handle: {}".format(BLETools.decode_mac(addr), self.__conn_handle)) self.__conn_handle = None self.__advertise() elif event == BLEConst.IRQ.IRQ_GATTS_WRITE: conn_handle, value_handle = data if conn_handle == self.__conn_handle and value_handle == self.__rx_handle: if self.__rx_cb: self.__rx_cb(self.__read(self.__rx_handle)) def send(self, data): """ 将数据写入本地缓存,并推送到中心设备 """ self.__write(self.__tx_handle, data) if self.__conn_handle is not None: self.__notify(self.__conn_handle, self.__tx_handle, data) #从中摘取。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 import struct from ubluetooth import UUID PACK = struct.pack UNPACK = struct.unpack class BLETools(object): """ Payload Generator Functions """ # Advertising payloads are repeated packets of the following form: # 1 byte data length (N + 1) # 1 byte type (see constants below) # N bytes type-specific data @staticmethod def advertising_generic_payload(limited_disc=False, br_edr=False, name=None, services=None, appearance=0): """ Generate a payload to be passed to gap_advertise(adv_data=...). """ payload = bytearray() def _append(adv_type, value): nonlocal payload payload += PACK('BB', len(value) + 1, adv_type) + value _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_FLAGS, PACK('B', (0x01 if limited_disc else 0x02) + (0x00 if br_edr else 0x04))) if name: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, name) if services: for uuid in services: b = bytes(uuid) if len(b) == 2: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_16BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE, b) elif len(b) == 4: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_32BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE, b) elif len(b) == 16: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_128BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE, b) # See _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_APPEARANCE, PACK('<h', appearance)) return payload @staticmethod def advertising_resp_payload(name=None, services=None): """ Generate payload for Scan Response """ payload = bytearray() def _append(adv_type, value): nonlocal payload payload += PACK('BB', len(value) + 1, adv_type) + value if name: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, name) if services: for uuid in services: b = bytes(uuid) if len(b) == 2: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_16BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE, b) elif len(b) == 4: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_32BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE, b) elif len(b) == 16: _append(BLEConst.ADType.AD_TYPE_128BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE, b) return payload @staticmethod def decode_mac(addr): """ Decode readable mac address from advertising addr """ if isinstance(addr, memoryview): addr = bytes(addr) assert isinstance(addr, bytes) and len(addr) == 6, ValueError("mac address value error") return ":".join(['%02X' % byte for byte in addr]) #从中摘取。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 from micropython import const class BLEConst(object): class IRQ(object): IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT = const(1) IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT = const(2) IRQ_GATTS_WRITE = const(3) class Appearance(object): Unknown = const(0) # None GENERIC_PHONE = const(64) # Generic category GENERIC_COMPUTER = const(128) # Generic category class ADType(object): ''' Advertising Data Type ''' AD_TYPE_FLAGS = const(0x01) # Flags for discoverability. AD_TYPE_16BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE = const(0x03) # Complete list of 16 bit service UUIDs. AD_TYPE_32BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE = const(0x05) # Complete list of 32 bit service UUIDs. AD_TYPE_128BIT_SERVICE_UUID_COMPLETE = const(0x07) # Complete list of 128 bit service UUIDs. AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME = const(0x09) # Complete local device name. AD_TYPE_APPEARANCE = const(0x19) # Appearance. def demo(): from machine import Pin def rx_callback(data): print("rx received: {}".format(data)) led.value(1 if data == b'on\0' else 0) uart.send("on" if led.value() else "off") def button_callback(pin): led.value(not led.value()) uart.send("on" if led.value() else "off") ble = bt.BLE() uart = BLEUART(ble, rx_callback) led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT, value=0) button = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button.irq(button_callback, Pin.IRQ_RISING) demo()