
时间:2025-02-09 08:53:49

Today I had the gratifying experience of discovering, in my server logs, someone with Netscape 4 arriving at my page via someone elses upgrade page!!!

今天,我经历了令人愉悦的体验,发现在我的服务器日志中,有Netscape 4的人通过别人的升级页面到达了我的页面!

Being thoroughly evil, it then occured to me what fun it could be if those of us with upgrade pages a la The Web Standards Project linked to a few other sites using the same tactic. If, by the time our visitor had staggered around a few sites in this bizarre webring, they didn’t upgrade, nothing is gonna make them!

彻底地邪恶了,然后让我想到,如果我们这些升级页面的人通过Web Standards Project链接到其他使用相同策略的其他站点,那将会是一件多么有趣的事情。 如果到我们的访客在这个奇怪的网站中错开几个站点时,它们还没有升级,那么什么也做不了!

Hmmmm …. or what about a redirect script that gives them just enough time to read my message before bouncing them off to someone else’s site… now that would really be plain evil….

嗯…… 或者重定向脚本给他们足够的时间来阅读我的消息,然后再将它们弹回到别人的站点上……那真是无稽之谈……。