30、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个由分散团队成员组成的全球项目。此前,当与远程团队合作时,项目经理发现团队成员倾向于不提供高质量的工作。为确保项目按时保质完成,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is assigned to a global project with dispersed team members. Previously, when working with remote teams, the project manager observed that team members do not tend to produce quality work. What should the project manager do to ensure the project is completed on time with quality?
- A:鼓励团队在项目结束时参加同行评估活动。 Encourage the team to participate in a peer evaluation activity by the end of the project.
- B:引入时间表的使用,并要求团队成员定期审查和提交时间表。 Introduce the use of time sheets and ask team members to review and submit them regularly.
- C:安排定期的团队会议,以便团队成员更新彼此分配任务的进度。 Arrange regular team meetings for the team to update one another on the progress of their assigned tasks.
- D:与团队进行集体和一对一的会议,以制定明确的共同目标。 Meet with the team together and in one-on-one meetings to set clear, shared targets.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
31、 [单选] 一个实验室正在推出一个新产品,定义为在一个固定的发布日期中执行八次迭代。在第二次迭代的开始,项目经理意识到在项目待办事项列表中缺少一个重要的监管功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A laboratory is launching a new product, defined to be executed in eight iterations with a fixed release date. At the beginning of the second iteration, the project manager realizes that a significant regulatory feature is missing in the project backlog. What should the project manager do?
- A:要求产品负责人在待办事项列表中添加缺失的功能。 Ask the product owner to add the missing feature in the backlog.
- B:邀请干系人讨论增加监管功能的影响。 Invite stakeholders to discuss the impact of adding the regulatory feature.
- C:估算相关成本并申请延期。 Estimate the related cost and ask for a project extension.
- D:增加团队的能力以包含遗漏的功能。 Increase the capacity of the team to include the missed feature.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
33、 [单选] 一个项目正在进行六次迭代中的第五次。团队中有一个成员意外离开了公司。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A project is on its fifth iteration out of six. One member of the team has left the company unexpectedly. What should the project manager do next?
- A:在状态报告中详细说明项目延迟的原因。 Detail the reason for the project delay in the status report.
- B:邀请干系人讨论缓解计划。 Invite the stakeholders to discuss a mitigation plan.
- C:承担一些必要的工作,以尽量减少影响。 Take on some of the necessary work to minimize the impact.
- D:登记一个问题,并将其升级到项目发起人。 Register an issue and escalate it to the project sponsor.
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
单选题 (每题1分,共34道题)
12、 [单选] 一位项目相关方抱怨说,他们没有收到进度中规定的重要交付。负责可交付物的团队成员解释说,他们给相关方发了一封电子邮件,通知他们可交付物不能按时交付。项目经理应该做些什么来避免这种情况?
A project stakeholder complained that they did not receive an important delivery that was stated in the schedule. The team member responsible for this deliverable explained that they sent an email to the stakeholder, advising them that the deliverable would not be delivered on time. What should the project manager have done to avoid this situation?
- A:确保团队成员没有直接与项目相关方沟通。 Ensured that the team member did not communicate directly with the project stakeholder.
- B:确认相关方已知晓交货延迟。 Confirmed that the stakeholder was made aware of the delivery delay.
- C:告诉团队成员将未完成的可交付物发送给相关方,并在稍后完成。 Told the team member to send the unfinished deliverable to the stakeholder and finalize it later.
- D:直接与相关方沟通交货延迟问题。 Communicated with the stakeholder directly regarding the delivery delay.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
13、 [单选] 一个项目团队正在计划下一次冲刺评审。项目负责人从高级经理那里收到一封电子邮件,询问项目状态,使用的模板比发送给项目管理办公室(PMO)的每月报告使用的模板更详细。团队使用电子产品待办事项列表清单和看板来跟踪进度。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project team is planning the next sprint review. The project lead receives an email from a senior manager asking for a project status using a template that is more detailed than the one used for monthly reports sent to the project management office (PMO). The team uses an electronic product backlog and a kanban board to track the progress. What should the project manager do next?
- A:修改PMO模板,使其包含这些信息。 Modify the PMO template to include the information.
- B:与高级经理联系,讨论他们的需求。 Contact the senior manager and discuss their needs.
- C:允许高级经理访问产品待办事项列表。 Give the senior manager access to the product backlog.
- D:与经理组织对看板的评审。 Organize a review of the kanban board with the manager.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
18、 [单选] 一个高绩效的团队参与一个新领域的项目。该团队无法按预期交付。项目经理应该怎么做?
A high-performing team is involved in a project with a new domain. The team is unable to deliver as expected. What should the project manager do?
- A:支持工作队确定发展领域并解决差距。 Support the team in identifying the area of development and address the gap.
- B:解散团队,并将团队成员纳入其他现有团队。 Dissolve the team and include the team members in other existing teams.
- C:找出有困难的团队成员,并将他们移出团队。 Identify the struggling team members and move them out of the team.
- D:建立一个明确的期望,即团队要像在以前的项目中那样交付。 Set up a clear expectation that the team is to deliver as in their previous projects.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
25、 [单选] 一个敏捷的团队正在头脑风暴,并根据严重程度对所有风险进行优先级排序。团队应如何处理已识别的风险?
An agile team is brainstorming and prioritizing all of the risks according to severity. What should the team do about the identified risks?
- A:减轻适用于当前和后续迭代的风险。 Mitigate the risks that are applicable to the current and following iterations.
- B:关注项目可交付物,而不是记录在案的风险。 Focus on the project deliverables rather than the documented risks.
- C:同意任何问题在成为问题时都是可以处理的。 Agree that any issue can be handled when it becomes a problem.
- D:确认风险将在相应的迭代中处理。 Acknowledge that the risks will be handled in the corresponding iteration.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
26、 [单选] 一个大型矩阵组织正在采用一种新的沟通方法。这是必要的,因为它们的项目往往需要从各部门和部门的专家那里获得专家知识的资源。项目经理应该做些什么来建立有效的沟通?
A large matrix organization is adopting a new communications approach. This is necessary because their projects often require the resourcing of expert knowledge in the form of specialists from various departments and divisions. What should the project manager do to set up effective communications?
- A:计划以易于理解的方式传递信息。 Plan on transmitting the information in an easily understandable manner.
- B:注重收件人的需要,而不是信息本身。 Focus on the recipients' needs and not the information itself.
- C:尽量使用技术语言,避免使用隐喻。 Use the highest possible technical language and avoid using metaphors.
- D:确保发送给收件人的消息得到传递。 Ensure that messages sent to the recipients are delivere
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
28、 [单选] 在一家金融公司,一个战略项目已经计划使用预测型方法。在项目计划期间,产品*要求提交里程碑以供审查。有一个明确的范围和确定的最后期限来完成项目。为了满足产品负责人的期望,项目经理首先应该做什么?
In a financial company, a strategic project has been planned to use a predictive approach. During project planning, the product leader requests that milestones be submitted for review. There is a defined scope and an established deadline to conclude the project. What should the project manager do first to meet the product leader's expectations?
- A:更改项目章程,以表明方法将有所不同。 Change the project charter to indicate that the approach will be different.
- B:通知产品*他们必须等到项目结束。 Inform the product leader that they must wait until the end of the project.
- C:与软件团队会面,审查每月里程碑审查的可能性。 Meet with the software team to review the possibility of monthly milestone reviews.
- D:修改项目管理计划,使用敏捷框架来纳入里程碑。 Modify the project management plan to use an agile framework to incorporate milestones.
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
30、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个由分散团队成员组成的全球项目。此前,当与远程团队合作时,项目经理发现团队成员倾向于不提供高质量的工作。为确保项目按时保质完成,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is assigned to a global project with dispersed team members. Previously, when working with remote teams, the project manager observed that team members do not tend to produce quality work. What should the project manager do to ensure the project is completed on time with quality?
- A:鼓励团队在项目结束时参加同行评估活动。 Encourage the team to participate in a peer evaluation activity by the end of the project.
- B:引入时间表的使用,并要求团队成员定期审查和提交时间表。 Introduce the use of time sheets and ask team members to review and submit them regularly.
- C:安排定期的团队会议,以便团队成员更新彼此分配任务的进度。 Arrange regular team meetings for the team to update one another on the progress of their assigned tasks.
- D:与团队进行集体和一对一的会议,以制定明确的共同目标。 Meet with the team together and in one-on-one meetings to set clear, shared targets.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
31、 [单选] 一个实验室正在推出一个新产品,定义为在一个固定的发布日期中执行八次迭代。在第二次迭代的开始,项目经理意识到在项目待办事项列表中缺少一个重要的监管功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A laboratory is launching a new product, defined to be executed in eight iterations with a fixed release date. At the beginning of the second iteration, the project manager realizes that a significant regulatory feature is missing in the project backlog. What should the project manager do?
- A:要求产品负责人在待办事项列表中添加缺失的功能。 Ask the product owner to add the missing feature in the backlog.
- B:邀请干系人讨论增加监管功能的影响。 Invite stakeholders to discuss the impact of adding the regulatory feature.
- C:估算相关成本并申请延期。 Estimate the related cost and ask for a project extension.
- D:增加团队的能力以包含遗漏的功能。 Increase the capacity of the team to include the missed feature.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
33、 [单选] 一个项目正在进行六次迭代中的第五次。团队中有一个成员意外离开了公司。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A project is on its fifth iteration out of six. One member of the team has left the company unexpectedly. What should the project manager do next?
- A:在状态报告中详细说明项目延迟的原因。 Detail the reason for the project delay in the status report.
- B:邀请干系人讨论缓解计划。 Invite the stakeholders to discuss a mitigation plan.
- C:承担一些必要的工作,以尽量减少影响。 Take on some of the necessary work to minimize the impact.
- D:登记一个问题,并将其升级到项目发起人。 Register an issue and escalate it to the project sponsor.
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
34、 [单选] 正在进行紧密部署的团队等待从客户那里收到关键信息,客户一直推迟发送信息,这就延迟了部署。项目经理应该做些什么来防止延迟?
A team working on a close deployment waits to receive critical information from the customer. The customer keeps postponing sending the information which is delaying the deployment. What should the project manager have done to prevent the delay?
- A:提前获得所有关键信息 Obtained all critical information ahead of time
- B:让高层管理人员参与该过程 Involved upper management in the process
- C:让客户参与部署过程 Involved the customer in the deployment process
- D:使用已经到位的样本数据 Used the sample data already in place
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
46、 [单选] 数据库迁移的敏捷项目几乎影响公司的所有业务部门。为了在数据库平台的支持结束日期之前完成迁移,已经尽了一切努力。新的障碍因素现在意味着需要以更高的价格继续使用旧平台一年。对于这种情况,产品负责人应该怎么做?
An agile project for a database migration impacts nearly all business units of the corporation. Every effort has been made to complete the migration before the end-of support date for the database platform. Anew impediment now implies the need to continue use of the old platform another year at a higher support price. What should the product owner do about this situation?
- A:根据延迟的价值和成本除以持续时间,重新排列待办事项的优先级。 Reprioritize the backlog based on value and cost of delay divided by duration.
- B:根据故事规模和能力可用性重新排列待办事项的优先级。 Reprioritize the backlog based on story size and competence availability.
- C:从待办事项中删除低价值的项目,以弥补较高的成本。 Remove low-value items from the backlog to compensate for the higher cost.
- D:切换到预测方法,以防止任何进一步的延迟完成。 Switch to a predictive approach to prevent any further delays to completion.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
63、 [单选] 一个非常关键的项目由于缺乏专业资源而处于危险之中。新任命的项目经理首先应该做什么?
A highly critical project is in jeopardy due to missing professional resources. What should the newly assigned project manager do first?
- A:在组织内寻找可用的专业人员来填补空白。 Find available professionals within the organization to fill the gaps.
- B:拨出资金,物色外部专业人员以填补空缺。 Allocate funding for seeking external professionals to fill the gaps.
- C:确定团队成员分工完成所需任务的可能性。 Determine the possibility for team members to split up the required tasks.
- D:为缺少的专门知识的团队培训申请额外预算。 Request additional budget for team training for the missing expertise.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
70、 [单选] 项目经理领导着一个由不同知识和经验水平的成员组成的项目团队。有些人是专家,有些人经验不足一年。项目进度得到了指导委员会的批准。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a project team composed of members with varying levels of knowledge and experience. Some are experts and some have less than 1 year of experience. The project schedule was approved by the steering committee. What should the project manager do?
- A:要求经验较少的成员完全按照经验丰富的成员的指示执行任务。 Ask the less-experienced members to perform tasks exactly as they are instructed by the experienced members.
- B:要求每个有经验的成员成为一个经验较少的成员的导师。 Ask each experienced member to be the mentor to one of the less-experienced members.
- C:要求经验丰富的成员审查所有由经验较少的成员完成的任务。 Ask the more experienced members to review all of the tasks performed by the less-experienced members.
- D:要求资源经理用更有经验的团队成员替换经验较少的成员。 Ask the resource manager to replace the less-experienced members with more experienced team members.
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
单选题 (每题1分,共34道题)
12、 [单选] 一位项目相关方抱怨说,他们没有收到进度中规定的重要交付。负责可交付物的团队成员解释说,他们给相关方发了一封电子邮件,通知他们可交付物不能按时交付。项目经理应该做些什么来避免这种情况?
A project stakeholder complained that they did not receive an important delivery that was stated in the schedule. The team member responsible for this deliverable explained that they sent an email to the stakeholder, advising them that the deliverable would not be delivered on time. What should the project manager have done to avoid this situation?
- A:确保团队成员没有直接与项目相关方沟通。 Ensured that the team member did not communicate directly with the project stakeholder.
- B:确认相关方已知晓交货延迟。 Confirmed that the stakeholder was made aware of the delivery delay.
- C:告诉团队成员将未完成的可交付物发送给相关方,并在稍后完成。 Told the team member to send the unfinished deliverable to the stakeholder and finalize it later.
- D:直接与相关方沟通交货延迟问题。 Communicated with the stakeholder directly regarding the delivery delay.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
13、 [单选] 一个项目团队正在计划下一次冲刺评审。项目负责人从高级经理那里收到一封电子邮件,询问项目状态,使用的模板比发送给项目管理办公室(PMO)的每月报告使用的模板更详细。团队使用电子产品待办事项列表清单和看板来跟踪进度。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project team is planning the next sprint review. The project lead receives an email from a senior manager asking for a project status using a template that is more detailed than the one used for monthly reports sent to the project management office (PMO). The team uses an electronic product backlog and a kanban board to track the progress. What should the project manager do next?
- A:修改PMO模板,使其包含这些信息。 Modify the PMO template to include the information.
- B:与高级经理联系,讨论他们的需求。 Contact the senior manager and discuss their needs.
- C:允许高级经理访问产品待办事项列表。 Give the senior manager access to the product backlog.
- D:与经理组织对看板的评审。 Organize a review of the kanban board with the manager.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
18、 [单选] 一个高绩效的团队参与一个新领域的项目。该团队无法按预期交付。项目经理应该怎么做?
A high-performing team is involved in a project with a new domain. The team is unable to deliver as expected. What should the project manager do?
- A:支持工作队确定发展领域并解决差距。 Support the team in identifying the area of development and address the gap.
- B:解散团队,并将团队成员纳入其他现有团队。 Dissolve the team and include the team members in other existing teams.
- C:找出有困难的团队成员,并将他们移出团队。 Identify the struggling team members and move them out of the team.
- D:建立一个明确的期望,即团队要像在以前的项目中那样交付。 Set up a clear expectation that the team is to deliver as in their previous projects.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
25、 [单选] 一个敏捷的团队正在头脑风暴,并根据严重程度对所有风险进行优先级排序。团队应如何处理已识别的风险?
An agile team is brainstorming and prioritizing all of the risks according to severity. What should the team do about the identified risks?
- A:减轻适用于当前和后续迭代的风险。 Mitigate the risks that are applicable to the current and following iterations.
- B:关注项目可交付物,而不是记录在案的风险。 Focus on the project deliverables rather than the documented risks.
- C:同意任何问题在成为问题时都是可以处理的。 Agree that any issue can be handled when it becomes a problem.
- D:确认风险将在相应的迭代中处理。 Acknowledge that the risks will be handled in the corresponding iteration.
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
26、 [单选] 一个大型矩阵组织正在采用一种新的沟通方法。这是必要的,因为它们的项目往往需要从各部门和部门的专家那里获得专家知识的资源。项目经理应该做些什么来建立有效的沟通?
A large matrix organization is adopting a new communications approach. This is necessary because their projects often require the resourcing of expert knowledge in the form of specialists from various departments and divisions. What should the project manager do to set up effective communications?
- A:计划以易于理解的方式传递信息。 Plan on transmitting the information in an easily understandable manner.
- B:注重收件人的需要,而不是信息本身。 Focus on the recipients' needs and not the information itself.
- C:尽量使用技术语言,避免使用隐喻。 Use the highest possible technical language and avoid using metaphors.
- D:确保发送给收件人的消息得到传递。 Ensure that messages sent to the recipients are delivere
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
28、 [单选] 在一家金融公司,一个战略项目已经计划使用预测型方法。在项目计划期间,产品*要求提交里程碑以供审查。有一个明确的范围和确定的最后期限来完成项目。为了满足产品负责人的期望,项目经理首先应该做什么?
In a financial company, a strategic project has been planned to use a predictive approach. During project planning, the product leader requests that milestones be submitted for review. There is a defined scope and an established deadline to conclude the project. What should the project manager do first to meet the product leader's expectations?
- A:更改项目章程,以表明方法将有所不同。 Change the project charter to indicate that the approach will be different.
- B:通知产品*他们必须等到项目结束。 Inform the product leader that they must wait until the end of the project.
- C:与软件团队会面,审查每月里程碑审查的可能性。 Meet with the software team to review the possibility of monthly milestone reviews.
- D:修改项目管理计划,使用敏捷框架来纳入里程碑。 Modify the project management plan to use an agile framework to incorporate milestones.
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
30、 [单选] 一个项目经理被分配到一个由分散团队成员组成的全球项目。此前,当与远程团队合作时,项目经理发现团队成员倾向于不提供高质量的工作。为确保项目按时保质完成,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is assigned to a global project with dispersed team members. Previously, when working with remote teams, the project manager observed that team members do not tend to produce quality work. What should the project manager do to ensure the project is completed on time with quality?
- A:鼓励团队在项目结束时参加同行评估活动。 Encourage the team to participate in a peer evaluation activity by the end of the project.
- B:引入时间表的使用,并要求团队成员定期审查和提交时间表。 Introduce the use of time sheets and ask team members to review and submit them regularly.
- C:安排定期的团队会议,以便团队成员更新彼此分配任务的进度。 Arrange regular team meetings for the team to update one another on the progress of their assigned tasks.
- D:与团队进行集体和一对一的会议,以制定明确的共同目标。 Meet with the team together and in one-on-one meetings to set clear, shared targets.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
31、 [单选] 一个实验室正在推出一个新产品,定义为在一个固定的发布日期中执行八次迭代。在第二次迭代的开始,项目经理意识到在项目待办事项列表中缺少一个重要的监管功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A laboratory is launching a new product, defined to be executed in eight iterations with a fixed release date. At the beginning of the second iteration, the project manager realizes that a significant regulatory feature is missing in the project backlog. What should the project manager do?
- A:要求产品负责人在待办事项列表中添加缺失的功能。 Ask the product owner to add the missing feature in the backlog.
- B:邀请干系人讨论增加监管功能的影响。 Invite stakeholders to discuss the impact of adding the regulatory feature.
- C:估算相关成本并申请延期。 Estimate the related cost and ask for a project extension.
- D:增加团队的能力以包含遗漏的功能。 Increase the capacity of the team to include the missed feature.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
33、 [单选] 一个项目正在进行六次迭代中的第五次。团队中有一个成员意外离开了公司。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A project is on its fifth iteration out of six. One member of the team has left the company unexpectedly. What should the project manager do next?
- A:在状态报告中详细说明项目延迟的原因。 Detail the reason for the project delay in the status report.
- B:邀请干系人讨论缓解计划。 Invite the stakeholders to discuss a mitigation plan.
- C:承担一些必要的工作,以尽量减少影响。 Take on some of the necessary work to minimize the impact.
- D:登记一个问题,并将其升级到项目发起人。 Register an issue and escalate it to the project sponsor.
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
34、 [单选] 正在进行紧密部署的团队等待从客户那里收到关键信息,客户一直推迟发送信息,这就延迟了部署。项目经理应该做些什么来防止延迟?
A team working on a close deployment waits to receive critical information from the customer. The customer keeps postponing sending the information which is delaying the deployment. What should the project manager have done to prevent the delay?
- A:提前获得所有关键信息 Obtained all critical information ahead of time
- B:让高层管理人员参与该过程 Involved upper management in the process
- C:让客户参与部署过程 Involved the customer in the deployment process
- D:使用已经到位的样本数据 Used the sample data already in place
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
46、 [单选] 数据库迁移的敏捷项目几乎影响公司的所有业务部门。为了在数据库平台的支持结束日期之前完成迁移,已经尽了一切努力。新的障碍因素现在意味着需要以更高的价格继续使用旧平台一年。对于这种情况,产品负责人应该怎么做?
An agile project for a database migration impacts nearly all business units of the corporation. Every effort has been made to complete the migration before the end-of support date for the database platform. Anew impediment now implies the need to continue use of the old platform another year at a higher support price. What should the product owner do about this situation?
- A:根据延迟的价值和成本除以持续时间,重新排列待办事项的优先级。 Reprioritize the backlog based on value and cost of delay divided by duration.
- B:根据故事规模和能力可用性重新排列待办事项的优先级。 Reprioritize the backlog based on story size and competence availability.
- C:从待办事项中删除低价值的项目,以弥补较高的成本。 Remove low-value items from the backlog to compensate for the higher cost.
- D:切换到预测方法,以防止任何进一步的延迟完成。 Switch to a predictive approach to prevent any further delays to completion.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
63、 [单选] 一个非常关键的项目由于缺乏专业资源而处于危险之中。新任命的项目经理首先应该做什么?
A highly critical project is in jeopardy due to missing professional resources. What should the newly assigned project manager do first?
- A:在组织内寻找可用的专业人员来填补空白。 Find available professionals within the organization to fill the gaps.
- B:拨出资金,物色外部专业人员以填补空缺。 Allocate funding for seeking external professionals to fill the gaps.
- C:确定团队成员分工完成所需任务的可能性。 Determine the possibility for team members to split up the required tasks.
- D:为缺少的专门知识的团队培训申请额外预算。 Request additional budget for team training for the missing expertise.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
70、 [单选] 项目经理领导着一个由不同知识和经验水平的成员组成的项目团队。有些人是专家,有些人经验不足一年。项目进度得到了指导委员会的批准。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a project team composed of members with varying levels of knowledge and experience. Some are experts and some have less than 1 year of experience. The project schedule was approved by the steering committee. What should the project manager do?
- A:要求经验较少的成员完全按照经验丰富的成员的指示执行任务。 Ask the less-experienced members to perform tasks exactly as they are instructed by the experienced members.
- B:要求每个有经验的成员成为一个经验较少的成员的导师。 Ask each experienced member to be the mentor to one of the less-experienced members.
- C:要求经验丰富的成员审查所有由经验较少的成员完成的任务。 Ask the more experienced members to review all of the tasks performed by the less-experienced members.
- D:要求资源经理用更有经验的团队成员替换经验较少的成员。 Ask the resource manager to replace the less-experienced members with more experienced team members.
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
72、 [单选] 项目团队外部的主题专家 (SME)提出了节省项目交付时间的建议。该SME有时间支持该项目,但没有计划参与当前的敏捷迭代。项目经理应该怎么做?
A subject matter expert (SME) external to the project team provides a suggestion that will save the project delivery time. This SME has available time to support the project, but was not planned to be involved in the current agile iteration. What should the project manager do?
- A:立即让SME参与,稍后再讨论有关影响。 Bring the SME on board immediately and discuss the implications later.
- B:要求现有的团队成员与SME合作,完成活动。 Ask the existing team members to collaborate with the SME and complete the activity.
- C:要求SME完成所有必要的变更,这将节省时间。 Ask the SME to complete all of the necessary changes, which will save time.
- D:指示团队成员忽略SME的变更,因为它们不是计划的。 Direct the team member to ignore the SME's changes as they were not planned.
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
101、 [单选] 一个城镇想要建立一个社区中心,并任命了一名项目经理。找到了一个站点,所有必要的审批和管理都已完成。当项目启动时,人们发现当地的一个农民团体没有得到咨询,他们利用这个场地每月举办一次集市。项目经理应该做什么来推进项目?
A town wants to build a community center and has appointed a project manager. A site was found, and all of the necessary approvals and governance were completed. When the project kick-off was held, it was discovered that a local farmers ‘group was not consulted, and they use the site for a monthly market. What should the project manager do to move forward with the project?
- A:继续建设中心,不需要征求农民团体的意见。 Continue building the center as the farmers' group does not need to be consulted.
- B:记录与农民团体可能给项目带来的影响有关的风险。 Document a risk related to the impact that the farmers' group could bring to the project.
- C:要求项目发起人与农民团体讨论赔偿损失的业务。 Request that the project sponsor discuss compensation with the farmers' group for the lost business.
- D:与包括农民团体在内的所有干系人讨论项目目标,并审查他们的要求。 Discuss the project objectives with all stakeholders, including the farmers' group, and review their requirements.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
103、 [单选] 项目干系人正在讨论如何在设计新应用程序时获得最佳的用户体验。敏捷团队在方法上产生了分歧。这种冲突更多的是一种集体分歧,而不是直接的冲突。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
Project stakeholders are engaged in a discussionon how to achieve the best user experience in the design of a new application. The agile team is divided on the approach. The conflict is more ofa collective disagreement than an outright conflict. What should the project manager do next?
- A:应用适当的冲突解决技术来解决问题。 Apply appropriate conflict resolution technigues to solve the issue.
- B:与每个团队成员进行单独的对话。 Engage in individual conversation with each team member.
- C:召开团队会议,正式讨论这个问题。 Call a team meeting to have a formal discussion of the issue.
- D:允许团队自己解决问题,除非需要帮助。 Allow the team to work through it on their own unless help is needed.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:在敏捷项目中,项目经理可以介入来解决冲突,或者团队可以被授权根据他们认为恰当的方式来解决冲突。是否介入需要看冲突的严重性。题目中的冲突是“一种集体分歧”,属于高等级冲突,项目经理应适当介入来解决冲突,选A。敏捷项目中的冲突分级和冲突管理可以参考PM官网文章《指导敏捷项目团队-驾驭冲突》https:/www. pmi. org/learning/library/coaching-agile-project-teams-navigate-conflict-6760。
114、 [单选] 项目经理领导的创新项目由于高度的不确定性而面临很多风险。项目经理应该使用什么策略来使用敏捷方法来管理这些风险?
A project manager is leading an innovation project that is facing a lot of risks due to a high level of uncertainty. What strategy should the project manager use to manage these risks using an agile approach?
- A:开发敏捷风险矩阵来跟踪、评估和评估项目的不确定性。 Develop an agile risk matrix to track, assess, and evaluate the uncertainty of the project.
- B:实施scrum风险回顾会议,在项目结束时分析风险。 Implement a scrum risk retrospective to analyze the risks at the end of the project.
- C:指派一个敏捷风险经理来更好地理解和跟踪项目风险。 Assign an agile risk manager to better understand and track the project risks.
- D:不断评估风险,并随着项目进展重新确定工作的优先次序。 Evaluate the risks constantly and reprioritize work as the project progresses.
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
117、 [单选] 经过一个广泛而竞争的采购过程,一家咨询公司最终被选定并承包了一个项目。项目执行几个月后,客户问项目经理,为什么顾问公司只签了18个月的合同,而不是32个月的完整项目。项目经理将需要进行计划外的第二次招标过程,以确保服务到位,直到项目结束。项目经理应该做些什么来防止这种情况的发生?
A consultancy firm is finally selected and contracted for a project following an extensive and competitive procurement process. A few months into project execution, the client asks the project manager why the consultant is contracted for only 18 months instead of the full 32-month-long project. The project manager will need to carry out an unplanned second bidding process to ensure services are in place until the end of the project. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?
- A:拟订一项详细的分阶段采购管理计划,包括所需的所有活动,并经客户核准。 Developed a detailed, phased procurement management plan including all activities required and had the client approve it.
- B:将客户纳入与咨询公司的所有谈判阶段,以便在签署合同之前获得他们的提前批准。 Included the client in all negotiation phases with the consultancy to obtain their advanced approval before signing the contract.
- C:第一个合同签署后的其余14个月内,与咨询公司拟订和谈判第二份合同。 Prepared and negotiated a second contract with the consultancy firm for the remaining 14 months after the first contract signature.
- D:事先与客户商定报告项目内采购活动现况的频率。 Agreed beforehand with the client on the frequency of reporting on the status of the procurement activities within the project.
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
126、 [单选] 项目进度会议通过虚拟电话会议进行。在每次项目进度会议中,一名团队成员在讨论过程中不断打断其他人。其他团队成员通常没有机会交谈或完成他们的解释。项目经理应该做什么?
Project progress meetings occur via virtual conference calls. In every project progress meeting, one team member continuously interrupts others during discussions. Other team members often have no opportunity to talk or complete their explanations. What should the project manager do?
- A:与不参与对话的团队成员单独交谈。 Speak individually with the team members who do not participate in conversations.
- B:利用议程有效地管理时间,并要求每位参与者做出贡献。 Manage time efficiently using the agenda and ask each participant to contribute.
- C:与总是干扰谈话的团队成员单独交谈。 Speak individually with the team member who always disrupts the conversations.
- D:开始会议时,首先回顾基本规则、会议目标和问题。 Start the meeting with a review of the ground rules, meeting objectives, and the agenda.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C