sudo apt-cache madison curl
curl | 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.7 | /ubuntu focal-updates/main amd64 Packages
curl | 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.7 | /ubuntu focal-security/main amd64 Packages
curl | 7.68.0-1ubuntu2 | /ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
sudo apt-cache search curl
curl - command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
debian-goodies - Small toolbox-style utilities for Debian systems
devscripts - scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
libcurl3-gnutls - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (GnuTLS flavour)
libcurl3-nss - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (NSS flavour)
libcurl4 - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour)
libcurl4-doc - documentation for libcurl
libcurl4-gnutls-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (GnuTLS flavour)
libcurl4-nss-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (NSS flavour)
libcurl4-openssl-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour)
libhttp-cookies-perl - HTTP cookie jars
php-curl - CURL module for PHP [default]
php7.4-curl - CURL module for PHP
python-pycurl-doc - Python bindings to libcurl (documentation)
python3-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl (Python 3)
python3-pycurl-dbg - Python bindings to libcurl (debug extension, Python 3)
ario - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
ario-common - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) (Common files)
cl-curry-compose-reader-macros - Reader macros for function partial application and composition.
collectd-core - statistics collection and monitoring daemon (core system)
cupt - flexible package manager -- console interface
curlftpfs - filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL
dehydrated - ACME client implemented in Bash
etcd-client - highly-available key value store -- client
etcd-server - highly-available key value store -- daemon
filetea - Web-based file sharing system
flickcurl-doc - utilities to call the Flickr API from command line - documentation
flickcurl-utils - utilities to call the Flickr API from command line
forensics-extra - Forensics Environment - extra console components (metapackage)
fp-units-net - Free Pascal - networking units dependency package
fp-units-net-3.0.4 - Free Pascal - networking units
gambas3-gb-net-curl - Gambas advanced networking component
geany-plugin-autoclose - auto-closing plugin for Geany
gnupg1 - GNU privacy guard - a PGP implementation (deprecated "classic" version)
golang-etcd-server-dev - highly-available key value store -- source
golang-github-moul-http2curl-dev - Go package for convert Golang's to CURL command line
golang-github-ssgelm-cookiejarparser-dev - Go library that parses a curl cookiejar file into a Go
golang-github-tideland-golib-dev - collection of misc Go packages
httpie - CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
kamailio-utils-modules - Utility functions for the Kamailio SIP server
kubuntu-wallpapers-focal - Selection of classic KDE wallpapers for Focal Fossa
libcupt4-2-downloadmethod-curl - flexible package manager -- libcurl download method
libcurl-ocaml - OCaml curl bindings (Runtime Library)
libcurl-ocaml-dev - OCaml libcurl bindings (Development package)
libcurlpp-dev - c++ wrapper for libcurl (development files)
libcurlpp0 - c++ wrapper for libcurl
libflickcurl-dev - C library for accessing the Flickr API - development files
libflickcurl0 - C library for accessing the Flickr API
libflickcurl0-dbg - C library for accessing the Flickr API - debugging symbols
libghc-curl-dev - GHC libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings
libghc-curl-doc - Documentation for the libcurl Haskell bindings; documentation
libghc-curl-prof - Profiling libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings; profiling libraries
libghc-hxt-curl-dev - LibCurl interface for HXT
libghc-hxt-curl-doc - LibCurl interface for HXT; documentation
libghc-hxt-curl-prof - LibCurl interface for HXT; profiling libraries
libghc-hxt-dev - collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
libghc-hxt-doc - collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell; documentation
libghc-hxt-http-dev - Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP
libghc-hxt-http-doc - Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP; documentation
libghc-hxt-http-prof - Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP; profiling libraries
libghc-hxt-prof - collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell; profiling libraries
libhttp-tinyish-perl - HTTP::Tiny compatible HTTP client wrappers
libjs-jquery-metadata - jQuery plugin for parsing metadata from elements
libjsonrpccpp-client0 - library implementing json-rpc C++ clients
libjsonrpccpp-client0-dbg - debugging symbols for libjsonrpccpp-client0
libotbcurladapters-7.0-1 - ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBCurlAdapters
libresource-retriever-dev - Robot OS resource_retriever library - development files
libresource-retriever0d - Robot OS resource_retriever library
librust-curl+force-system-lib-on-osx-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "force-system-lib-on-osx"
librust-curl+http2-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "http2"
librust-curl+openssl-probe-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "openssl-probe"
librust-curl+openssl-sys-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "openssl-sys"
librust-curl+ssl-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "ssl" and 1 more
librust-curl+static-curl-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "static-curl"
librust-curl+static-ssl-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - feature "static-ssl"
librust-curl-dev - Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests - Rust source code
librust-curl-sys+http2-dev - Native bindings to the libcurl library - feature "http2" and 1 more
librust-curl-sys+openssl-sys-dev - Native bindings to the libcurl library - feature "openssl-sys" and 3 more
librust-curl-sys-dev - Native bindings to the libcurl library - Rust source code
librust-git2+curl-dev - Bindings to libgit2 for interoperating with git repositories - feature "curl"
librust-git2-curl-dev - Backend for an HTTP transport in libgit2 powered by libcurl - Rust source code
librust-libgit2-sys+curl-dev - Native bindings to the libgit2 library - feature "curl"
librust-libgit2-sys+curl-sys-dev - Native bindings to the libgit2 library - feature "curl-sys"
libstd-rust-1.41 - Rust standard libraries
libstd-rust-dev-wasm32-cross - Rust standard libraries - development files
libstrongswan-extra-plugins - strongSwan utility and crypto library (extra plugins)
libulfius-dev - Web Framework for REST Applications in C - development
libulfius2.5 - Web Framework for REST Applications in C
libwsman-curl-client-transport1 - Open Web Services Manager run-time libraries
libwww-curl-perl - Perl bindings to libcurl
libyahc-perl - Yet another HTTP client
lua-curl - libcURL bindings for the Lua language
lua-curl-dev - libcURL development files for the Lua language
mpdas - AudioScrobbler client for MPD
mpdcron - add scrobbler, rating, play counts and other functionalities to MPD
openssh-known-hosts - download, filter and merge known_hosts for OpenSSH
php-http-request2 - Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
php-symfony-http-client - methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously
pmccabe - McCabe-style function complexity and line counting for C and C++
python-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl
python-pycurl-dbg - Python bindings to libcurl (debug extension)
python3-colorclass - ANSI color text library for Python
python3-resource-retriever - Robot OS resource_retriever library - Python 3
python3-smartypants - smart-quotes plugin for pyblosxom (Python 3 version)
r-cran-crul - simple HTTP Client for GNU R
r-cran-curl - GNU R modern and flexible web client for R
r-cran-fauxpas - GNU R HTTP error helpers
r-cran-rcurl - GNU R General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface
redfishtool - redfish command-line client
ruby-curb - Ruby libcurl bindings
ruby-ethon - libcurl wrapper using ffi
ruby-typhoeus - parallel HTTP library on top of ethon
ruby-vcr - Record and replay HTTP interactions (Ruby library)
rust-doc - Rust systems programming language - Documentation
rust-gdb - Rust debugger (gdb)
rust-lldb - Rust debugger (lldb)
rust-src - Rust systems programming language - source code
rustc - Rust systems programming language
s3curl - Easily interact with AWS S3 HTTP services
slang-curl - transfer files using HTTP and FTP from S-Lang
tclcurl - Tcl bindings to libcurl
twittering-mode - Twitter client for Emacs
uacme - Lightweight client for the RFC8555 ACMEv2 protocol
uwsgi-infrastructure-plugins - infrastructure plugins for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-alarm-curl - cURL alarm plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-curl-cron - cron cURL plugin for uWSGI
wmget - Background download manager in a Window Maker dock app
wuzz - Interactive console tool for HTTP inspection
xmms2-plugin-curl - XMMS2 - curl transport for HTTP
libstd-rust-1.43 - Rust standard libraries
libstd-rust-1.47 - Rust standard libraries
libstd-rust-1.51 - Rust standard libraries
libstd-rust-1.53 - Rust standard libraries
libstd-rust-dev - Rust standard libraries - development files
rust-all - Rust systems programming language - all developer tools
rust-clippy - Rust linter
rustfmt - Rust formatting helper