
时间:2025-01-29 07:53:06

基于Android 12的force-stop流程分析


(1)adb shell kill -9 <进程号>


(2)adb shell am force-stop <包名>


(3)adb shell pm clear <包名>



从adb shell am命令来开始分析,force-stop是一个am的命令,所以可以从ActivityManagerShellCommand.java来开始分析,这个文件里定义了各种am命令会执行的原生方法,我们可以通过这个类来很快的判断am命令最终调用的方法。

case "force-stop":
    return runForceStop(pw);
int runForceStop(PrintWriter pw) throws RemoteException {
        int userId = UserHandle.USER_ALL;//当不指定userId时,则默认为UserHandle.USER_ALL
        String opt;
        while ((opt = getNextOption()) != null) {
            if (("--user")) {//是否需要指定userId
                userId = (getNextArgRequired());
            } else {
                getErrPrintWriter().println("Error: Unknown option: " + opt);
                return -1;
        (getNextArgRequired(), userId);//binder访问AMS中的方法
        return 0;

adb shell force-stop命令有两种使用方法:

(1)adb shell force-stop <包名>

(2)adb shell force-stop --user <userid>  <包名> :停止某个userId下某个包名的进程信息,指定userId


public void forceStopPackage(final String packageName, int userId) {
    if (checkCallingPermission(.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES)
            != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {//force-stop需要FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES权限
        String msg = "Permission Denial: forceStopPackage() from p, u requires " + .FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES;
        (TAG, msg);
        throw new SecurityException(msg);//缺少权限的情况下需要抛出异常
    final int callingPid = ();
    userId = (callingPid, (),
            userId, true, ALLOW_FULL_ONLY, "forceStopPackage", null);
    final long callingId = ();
    try {
        IPackageManager pm = ();
        synchronized(this) {
            int[] users = userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL
                    ? () : new int[] { userId };
            for (int user : users) {//遍历所有用户,可能涉及到多用户
                if (getPackageManagerInternal().isPackageStateProtected(
                        packageName, user)) {//如果package的状态是受保护的,那么不能被force-stop
                    (TAG, "Ignoring request to force stop protected package "
                            + packageName + " u" + user);
                int pkgUid = -1;
                try {
                    pkgUid = (packageName, MATCH_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING,
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                if (pkgUid == -1) {
                    (TAG, "Invalid packageName: " + packageName);
                try {
                    (packageName, true, user);//将包的状态设置为stopped
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    (TAG, "Failed trying to unstop package "
                            + packageName + ": " + e);
                if ((user, 0)) {
                    forceStopPackageLocked(packageName, pkgUid, "from pid " + callingPid);//主要实现方法
                    finishForceStopPackageLocked(packageName, pkgUid);//结束force-stop之后的广播发送
    } finally {




private void forceStopPackageLocked(final String packageName, int uid, String reason) {
    forceStopPackageLocked(packageName, (uid), false,
            false, true, false, false, (uid), reason);
final boolean forceStopPackageLocked(String packageName, int appId,
        boolean callerWillRestart, boolean purgeCache, boolean doit,
        boolean evenPersistent, boolean uninstalling, int userId, String reason) {
    int i;
    if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL && packageName == null) {
        (TAG, "Can't force stop all processes of all users, that is insane!");//不允许stop 所有用户的所有进程
    if (appId < 0 && packageName != null) {
        try {
            appId = (()
                    .getPackageUid(packageName, MATCH_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, 0));
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
    boolean didSomething;//当方法中有所行为,则返回true。只要杀过一个进程则代表didSomething为true.
    if (doit) {
        if (packageName != null) {
            (TAG, "Force stopping " + packageName + " app user=" + userId + ": " + reason);//log打印,会打印出stop的reason
        } else {
            (TAG, "Force stopping u" + userId + ": " + reason);
        (packageName == null, appId, userId);
    synchronized (mProcLock) {
        // Notify first that the package is stopped, so its process won't be restarted
        // unexpectedly if there is an activity of the package without attached process
        // becomes visible when killing its other processes with visible activities.
        didSomething = (
                packageName, doit, evenPersistent, userId);//主要方法:强制停止该package
        didSomething |= (packageName, appId, userId,
                ProcessList.INVALID_ADJ, callerWillRestart, false /* allowRestart */, doit,
                evenPersistent, true /* setRemoved */,
                packageName == null ? ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_USER_STOPPED
                : ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_USER_REQUESTED,
                (packageName == null ? ("stop user " + userId) : ("stop " + packageName))
                + " due to " + reason);//主要方法:停止该pakcage所涉及的进程
    if ((
            packageName, null /* filterByClasses */, userId, evenPersistent, doit)) {//主要方法:清理该package所涉及的Service
        if (!doit) {
            return true;
        didSomething = true;
    if (packageName == null) {
        // Remove all sticky broadcasts from this user.
    ArrayList<ContentProviderRecord> providers = new ArrayList<>();
    if (().collectPackageProvidersLocked(packageName, null, doit,
            evenPersistent, userId, providers)) {//收集该package相关的provider
        if (!doit) {
            return true;
        didSomething = true;
    for (i = () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        (null, (i), true);//主要方法:清理该package所涉及的Provider
    // Remove transient permissions granted from/to this package/user
    (packageName, userId, false, false);//主要方法:删除授予/授予此包/用户的临时权限
    if (doit) {
        for (i =  - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            didSomething |= mBroadcastQueues[i].cleanupDisabledPackageReceiversLocked(
                    packageName, null, userId, doit);//主要方法:清理该package所涉及的广播
    if (packageName == null || uninstallbringDownDisabledPackageServicesLockeding) {
        didSomething |= (
                packageName, userId, appId, doit);//主要方法:移除所涉及到的intent
    if (doit) {
        if (purgeCache && packageName != null) {
            AttributeCache ac = ();
            if (ac != null) {
        if (mBooted) {
            (true /* scheduleIdle */);
    return didSomething;







(6).removePendingIntentsForPackage():停止该package所涉及的pending intent



public boolean onForceStopPackage(String packageName, boolean doit, boolean evenPersistent,
        int userId) {//doit传过来的值为true,evenPersistent值为false
    synchronized (mGlobalLock) {
        return (packageName,
                null /* filterByClasses */, doit, evenPersistent, userId,
                // Only remove the activities without process because the activities with
                // attached process will be removed when handling process died with
                // WindowProcessController#isRemoved == true.
                true /* onlyRemoveNoProcess */);

调用了里的finishDisabledPackageActivities()方法,主要是强制停止所涉及的无进程activities.。在这里,只移除没有进程的activity,因为那些有进程的activity,后面将会通过kill process的方法随着进程一起被kill

boolean finishDisabledPackageActivities(String packageName, Set<String> filterByClasses,
        boolean doit, boolean evenPersistent, int userId, boolean onlyRemoveNoProcess) {
    return (packageName, filterByClasses, doit,
            evenPersistent, userId, onlyRemoveNoProcess);


boolean process(String packageName, Set<String> filterByClasses,
        boolean doit, boolean evenPersistent, int userId, boolean onlyRemoveNoProcess) {
    reset(packageName, filterByClasses, doit, evenPersistent, userId, onlyRemoveNoProcess);
    final PooledFunction f = (
            FinishDisabledPackageActivitiesHelper::collectActivity, this,
    boolean didSomething = false;
    final int size = ();//被finsh的activity的数量
    // Keep the finishing order from top to bottom.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        final ActivityRecord r = (i);
        if (mOnlyRemoveNoProcess) {//是否只移除没有进程的activity,传过来的值为true
            if (!()) {
                didSomething = true;
                (TAG, "  Force removing " + r);
                (false /* cleanServices */, false /* setState */);
        } else {
            didSomething = true;
            (TAG, "  Force finishing " + r);
            ("force-stop", true /* oomAdj */);//清除activity
    return didSomething;


private boolean collectActivity(ActivityRecord r) {
        final boolean sameComponent =
                ((mPackageName) && (mFilterByClasses == null
                        || (())))
                        || (mPackageName == null &&  == mUserId);//具有相同包名的activity需要被finsh
        final boolean noProcess = !();//没有进程绑定的activity
        if ((mUserId == UserHandle.USER_ALL ||  == mUserId)
                && (sameComponent || () == mLastTask)
                && (noProcess || mEvenPersistent || !())) {
            if (!mDoit) {//mDoit表示是否有操作
                if () {//如果次activity正在finsh,不做重复操作
                    // If this activity is just finishing, then it is not
                    // interesting as far as something to stop.
                    return false;
                return true;
            mLastTask = ();
        return false;


boolean killPackageProcessesLSP(String packageName, int appId,
        int userId, int minOomAdj, boolean callerWillRestart, boolean allowRestart,
        boolean doit, boolean evenPersistent, boolean setRemoved, int reasonCode,
        int subReason, String reason) {
    ArrayList<ProcessRecord> procs = new ArrayList<>();
    // Remove all processes this package may have touched: all with the
    // same UID (except for the system or root user), and all whose name
    // matches the package name.
    final int NP = ().size();//移除这个package可能接触的所有进程:具有相同uid(除非系统或者root用户)、所有名称的package名相同的进程
    for (int ip = 0; ip < NP; ip++) {
        SparseArray<ProcessRecord> apps = ().valueAt(ip);
        final int NA = ();
        for (int ia = 0; ia < NA; ia++) {
            ProcessRecord app = (ia);
            if (() && !evenPersistent) {//如果是persistent进程,则不会被kill掉
                // we don't kill persistent processes
            if (()) {//应用被移除,则不会被kill
                if (doit) {
            // Skip process if it doesn't meet our oom adj requirement.
            if (() < minOomAdj) {//进程setAdj < minOomAdj则不会被kill,minOomAdj值为-10000
                // Note it is still possible to have a process with oom adj 0 in the killed
                // processes, but it does not mean misjudgment. . a bound service process
                // and its client activity process are both in the background, so they are
                // collected to be killed. If the client activity is killed first, the service
                // may be scheduled to unbind and become an executing service (oom adj 0).
            // If no package is specified, we call all processes under the
            // give user id.
            if (packageName == null) {//如果没有指定包,下面情况不会被kill。
                if (userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL &&  != userId) {//非UserHandle.USER_ALL同时, 且进程的userId不相等,不kill,因为多用户模型下,不同用户下不能相互杀
                if (appId >= 0 && () != appId) {
                // Package has been specified, we want to hit all processes
                // that match it.  We need to qualify this by the processes
                // that are running under the specified app and user ID.
            } else {//包名不为null
                final boolean isDep = () != null
                        && ().contains(packageName);//进程的pkgDeps中不包含该packageName,则会被杀
                if (!isDep && () != appId) {
                if (userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL &&  != userId) {
                if (!().containsKey(packageName) && !isDep) {
            // Process has passed all conditions, kill it!//以下情况全部会被kill
            if (!doit) {
                return true;
            if (setRemoved) {
    int N = ();
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        removeProcessLocked((i), callerWillRestart, allowRestart,
                reasonCode, subReason, reason);
    1.从mProcessNames, mPidsSelfLocked队列移除该进程;
    killAppZygotesLocked(packageName, appId, userId, false /* force */);//查看是否有任何app zygotes 正在为此 packageName / UID 组合运行,如果有,则将其杀死。
    return N > 0;

(2)进程setAdj < minOomAdj(默认为-10000):
(3)非UserHandle.USER_ALL同时, 且进程的userId不相等:多用户模型下,不同用户下不能相互杀;
(4)进程没有依赖该packageName, 且进程的AppId不相等;
(5)进程没有依赖该packageName, 且该packageName没有运行在该进程.










boolean bringDownDisabledPackageServicesLocked(String packageName, Set<String> filterByClasses,
        int userId, boolean evenPersistent, boolean doit) {
    boolean didSomething = false;
    if (mTmpCollectionResults != null) {//mTmpCollectionResults这个是符合条件的services
    if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
        for (int i = () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            didSomething |= collectPackageServicesLocked(packageName, filterByClasses,
                    evenPersistent, doit, (i).mServicesByInstanceName);//收集满足条件的service到mTmpCollectionResults并kill
            if (!doit && didSomething) {
                return true;
            if (doit && filterByClasses == null) {
                forceStopPackageLocked(packageName, (i).mUserId);
    } else {
        ServiceMap smap = (userId);
        if (smap != null) {
            ArrayMap<ComponentName, ServiceRecord> items = ;
            didSomething = collectPackageServicesLocked(packageName, filterByClasses,
                    evenPersistent, doit, items);
        if (doit && filterByClasses == null) {
            forceStopPackageLocked(packageName, userId);
    if (mTmpCollectionResults != null) {
        final int size = ();
        for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            bringDownServiceLocked((i), true);//主要方法:遍历mTmpCollectionResults,通过bringDownServiceLocked来kill service
        if (size > 0) {
    return didSomething;


private boolean collectPackageServicesLocked(String packageName, Set<String> filterByClasses,
        boolean evenPersistent, boolean doit, ArrayMap<ComponentName, ServiceRecord> services) {
    boolean didSomething = false;
    for (int i = () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        ServiceRecord service = (i);
        final boolean sameComponent = packageName == null
                || ((packageName)
                    && (filterByClasses == null
                        || (())));//相同包名进程下的service
        if (sameComponent
                && ( == null || evenPersistent || !())) {//具有相同包名时,以下情况会被kill掉没有绑定的app、为true 、绑定的app不是persistent
            if (!doit) {
                return true;
            didSomething = true;
            (TAG, "  Force stopping service " + service);
            if ( != null && !()) {
                stopServiceAndUpdateAllowlistManagerLocked(service);//stop 对应的service
            (null, null, 0, null);
             = null;
            if (mTmpCollectionResults == null) {
                mTmpCollectionResults = new ArrayList<>();
    return didSomething;








当其他app使用该provider, 且建立stable的连接, 那么对于非persistent进程,则会由于依赖该provider的缘故而被杀.




方法 方法所在类 使用层 描述
(int status) 应用层 退出虚拟机。status=0为正常退出、非0为异常退出。
(int pid) 系统、应用层 调用sendSignal发送信号9,杀死指定pid进程。app调用只能自杀,系统能够杀掉指定pid进程。
(int uid, int pid) 系统 杀掉pid所在的进程组内的全部进程。
killApplicationProcess(String processName, int uid) AMS 系统 系统uid应用才能调用,binder call到客户端自杀:();
killApplication(String pkg, int appId, int userId, String reason) AMS 系统 系统uid应用才能调用,会将目标应用强杀,做用于指定用户空间。
killAllBackgroundProcesses() AMS 系统 须要KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESS权限,杀死系统全部优先级小于等于CACHED进程。
killBackgroundProcesses(final String packageName, int userId, String reason) AMS 系统、应用层 须要KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESS权限,杀死指定package全部优先级小于等于SERVICE进程,做用于指定用户空间。
killProcessesBelowForeground(String reason) AMS 系统 系统uid应用才能调用,杀死系统全部优先级小于FOREGROUND的进程。
killPackageDependents(String packageName, int userId) AMS 系统 须要KILL_UID权限,杀死指定package全部优先级小于等于FOREGROUND进程,做用于指定用户空间。
killPids(int[] pids, String pReason, boolean secure) AMS 系统 系统UID应用才能调用,首先找出全部进程全部worstType(跟adj相关的一个判断值),杀死小于等于这个优先级的进程。很保守的查杀方法,并不保证进程被杀
killUid(int appId, int userId, String reason) AMS 系统、应用层 须要KILL_UID权限,杀死UID下全部进程,system_server与native进程除外
killAppAtUsersRequest(ProcessRecord app, Dialog fromDialog) AMS 系统 系统发生异常后调用,例如ANR ,多为用户主动触发
forceStopPackage(final String packageName, int userId) AMS 系统 须要FORCE_STOP_PACKAGE权限,杀死应用全部进程,并清除各个进程组件信息,做用于指定用户空间,强杀以后连根拔起,寸草不生。属于终极Kill。