using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Valve.VR;
namespace Valve.VR{
public class SteamVR_Behaviour_Skeleton : MonoBehaviour{
//The action this component will use to update the model. Must be a Skeleton type action.(立钻哥哥:此组件将用于更新模型的操作。必须是骨架类型的动作。)
[SteamVR_DefaultAction(“Skeleton”, “default”, “inputSource”)]
public SteamVR_Action_Skeleton skeletonAction;
[Tooltip(“The device this action should apply to. Any if the action is not device specific.”)]
public SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource;
[Tooltip(“The range of motion you’d like the hand to move in. With controller is the best estimate of the fingers wrapped around a controller. Without is from a flat hand to a fist.(立钻哥哥:你希望手移动的范围。用控制器是手指缠绕在控制器上的最佳估计值。没有是从平的手到拳头。)”)]
public EVRSkeletalMotionRange rangeOfMotion = EVRSkeletalMotionRange.WithoutController;
//The root Transform of the skeleton. Needs to have a child(wrist) then wrist should have children in the order thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky.(立钻哥哥:骨架的根变换。需要有一个孩子(手腕)那么手腕应该有孩子的顺序拇指,食指,中指,戒指,小指。)
[Tooltip(“This needs to be in the order of: root -> wrist -> thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky”)]
public Transform skeletonRoot;
//The transform this transform should be relative to.(立钻哥哥:这个变换应该是相对的。)
[Tooltip(“If not set, relative to parent.”)]
public Transform origin;
//Whether or not to update this transform’s position and rotation inline with the skeleton transforms or if this is handled in another script.(立钻哥哥:是否与骨架转换一起更新此转换的位置和旋转,或者是否在另一个脚本中处理此转换。)
[Tooltip(“Set to true if you want this script to update its position and rotation. False if this will be handled elsewhere.(立钻哥哥:如果您希望此脚本更新其位置和旋转,请将其设置为true。如果将在其他地方处理,则为False。)”)]
public bool updatePose = true;
[Tooltip(“Check this to not set the positions of the bones. This is helpful for differently scaled skeletons.(立钻哥哥:检查一下,不要让骨头的位置固定。这对于不同比例的骨架是有帮助的。)”)]
public bool onlySetRotations = false;
//How much of a blend to apply to the transform positions and rotations. Set to 0 for the transform orientation to be set by an animation. Set to 1 for the transform orientation to be set by the skeleton action.(立钻哥哥:有多少混合应用于变换位置和旋转。为动画要设置的转换方向设置为0。将骨架动作要设置的转换方向设置为1。)
[Range(0, 1)]
[Tooltip(“Modify this to blend between animations setup on the hand.(立钻哥哥:修改这一点,以混合之间的动画设置在手上。)”)]
public float skeletonBlend = 1f;
//Can be set to mirror the bone data across the x axis.(立钻哥哥:可设置为在x轴上镜像骨骼数据。)
[Tooltip(“Is this rendermodel a mirror of another one?”)]
public MirrorType mirroring;
public bool isActive{}
public Transform root{}
public Transform wrist{}
public Transform indexMetacarpal{}
public Transform indexProximal{}
public Transform indexMiddle{}
public Transform indexDistal{}
public Transform indexTip{}
public Transform middleMetacarpal{}
public Transform middleProximal{}
public Transform middleMiddle{}
public Transform middleDistal{}
public Transform middleTip{}
public Transform pinkyMetacarpal{}
public Transform pinkyProximal{}
public Transform pinkyMiddle{}
public Transform pinkyDistal{}
public Transform pinkyTip{}
public Transform ringMetacarpal{}
public Transform ringProximal{}
public Transform ringMiddle{}
public Transform ringDistal{}
public Transform ringTip{}
public Transform thumbMetacarpal{}
public Transform thumbProximal{}
public Transform thumbMiddle{}
public Transform thumbDistal{}
public Transform thumbTip{}
public Transform thumbAux{}
public Transform indexAux{}
public Transform middleAux{}
public Transform ringAux{}
public Transform pinkyAux{}
//An array of all the finger proximal joint transforms.(立钻哥哥:所有手指近端关节变换的数组。)
public Transform[] proximals{}
//An array of all the finger middle joint transforms.(立钻哥哥:所有手指中间关节变换的数组。)
public Transform[] middles{}
//An array of all the finger distal joint transforms.(立钻哥哥:所有手指远端关节变换的数组。)
public Transform[] distals{}
//An array of all the finger tip transforms.(立钻哥哥:所有指尖变换的数组。)
public Transform[] tips{}
//An array of all the finger aux transforms.(立钻哥哥:所有手指辅助变换的数组。)
public Transform[] auxs{}
protected Coroutine blendRoutine;
protected Coroutine rangeOfMotionBlendRoutine;
protected Transform[] bones;
//The range of motion that is set temporarily (Call ResetTemporaryRangeOfMotion to reset to rangeOfMotion).(立钻哥哥:临时设置的运动范围(调用ResetTemporaryRangeOfMotion将其重置为rangeOfMotion)。)
protected EVRSkeletalMotionRange? temporaryRangeOfMotion = null;
//Returns true if we are in the process of blending the skeletonBlend field (between animation and bone data).(立钻哥哥:如果我们正在混合骨架混合字段(在动画和骨骼数据之间),返回true。)
public bool isBlending{}
protected virtual void Awake(){}
protected virtual void AssignBonesArray(){}
protected virtual void OnEnable(){}
protected virtual void OnDisable(){}
protected virtual void SteamVR_Input_OnSkeletonsUpdated(bool obj){}
protected virtual void UpdateSkeleton(){}
//Sets a temporary range of motion for this action that can easily be reset (using ResetTemporaryRangeOfMotion). This is useful for short range of motion changes, for example picking up a controller shaped object.(立钻哥哥:为这个动作设置一个可以轻松重置的临时动作范围(使用ResetTemporaryRangeOfMotion)。这对于短范围的运动变化是有用的,例如拾取一个控制器形状的对象。)
public void SetTemporaryRangeOfMotion(EVRSkeletalMotionRange newRangeOfMotion, float blendOverSeconds=0.1f){}
//Resets the previously set temporary range of motion. Will return to the range of motion defined by the rangeOfMotion field.(立钻哥哥:重置先前设置的临时运动范围。将返回到由rangeOfMotion字段定义的运动范围。)
public void ResetTemporaryRangeOfMotion(float blendOverSeconds=0.1f){}
//Permanently sets the range of motion for this component.(立钻哥哥:永久设置此组件的运动范围。)
//@param newRangeOfMotion:The new range of motion to be set. WithController being the best estimation of where fingers are wrapped around the controller (pressing buttons, etc). WithoutController being a range between a flat hand and a fist.(立钻哥哥:设置新的运动范围。控制器是对手指缠绕在控制器上的位置(按下按钮等)的最佳估计。没有控制器是一个介于平手和拳头之间的范围。)
//@param blendOverSeconds:How long you want the blend to the new range of motion to take (in seconds).(立钻哥哥:你希望混合到新的运动范围需要多长时间(以秒为单位)。)
public void SetRangeOfMotion(){}
//Blend from the current skeletonBlend amount to full bone data. (skeletonBlend = 1)(立钻哥哥:从当前骨骼混合到完整的骨骼数据。(skeletonBlend = 1))
public void BlendToSkeleton(float overTime=0.1f){}
//Blend from the current skeletonBlend amount to full animation data (no bone data. skeletonBlend = 0)(立钻哥哥:从当前骨骼混合到完整的动画数据(没有骨骼数据)。skeletonBlend = 0))
public void BlendToAnimation(float overTime=0.1f){}
//Blend from the current skeletonBlend amount to a specified new amount.(立钻哥哥:从当前骨架混合量到指定的新混合量。)
public void BlendTo(float blendToAmount, float overTime){}
protected IEnumerator DoBlendRoutine(float blendToAmount, float overTime){}
protected void RangeOfMotionBlend(EVRSkeletalMotionRange newRangeOfMotion, float blendOverSeconds){}
protected void TemporaryRangeOfMotionBlend(EVRSkeletalMotionRange newRangeOfMotion, float blendOverSeconds){}
protected void ResetTemporaryRangeOfMotionBlend(float blendOverSeconds){}
protected IEnumerator DoRangeOfMotionBlend(EVRSkeletalMotionRange oldRangeOfMotion, EVRSkeletalMotionRange newRangeOfMotion, float overTime){}
protected virtual void UpdateSkeletonTransforms(){}
protected virtual void SetBonePosition(int boneIndex, Vector3 localPosition){}
protected virtual void SetBoneRotation(int boneIndex, Quaternion localRotation){}
//Gets the transform for a bone by the joint index. Joint indexes specified in: SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes. (立钻哥哥:通过关节指数得到骨头的变换。在:steamvr_skeleton on_joint索引中指定的联合索引。)
public virtual Transform GetBone(int joint){}
public Vector3 GetBonePosition(int joint, bool local=false){}
public Vector3 GetBoneRotation(int joint, bool local=false){}
protected Vector3[] GetBonePositions(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource){}
protected Quaternion rightFlipAngle = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.right);
protected Quaternion[] GetBoneRotations(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource){}
protected virtual void UpdatePose(){}
public enum MirrorType{
} //立钻哥哥:public enum MirrorType{}
protected bool IsMetacarpal(int boneIndex){}
} //立钻哥哥:public class SteamVR_Behaviour_Skeleton:MonoBehaviour{}
//The order of the joints that SteamVR Skeleton Input is expecting.(立钻哥哥:SteamVR骨架输入所期望的关节顺序。)
public class SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes{
public const int root = 0;
public const int wrist = 1;
public const int thumbMetacarpal = 2;
public const int thumbProximal = 2;
public const int thumbMiddle = 3;
public const int thumbDistal = 4;
public const int thumbTip = 5;
public const int indexMetacarpal = 6;
public const int indexProximal = 7;
public const int indexMiddle = 8;
public const int indexDistal = 9;
public const int indexTip = 10;
public const int middleMetacarpal = 11;
public const int middleProximal = 12;
public const int middleMiddle = 13;
public const int middleDistal = 14;
public const int middleTip = 15;
public const int ringMetacarpal = 16;
public const int ringProximal = 17;
public const int ringMiddle = 18;
public const int ringDistal = 19;
public const int ringTip = 20;
public const int pinkyMetacarpal = 21;
public const int pinkyProximal = 22;
public const int pinkyMiddle = 23;
public const int pinkyDistal = 24;
public const int pinkyTip = 25;
public const int thumbAux = 26;
public const int indexAux = 27;
public const int middleAux = 28;
public const int ringAux = 29;
public const int pinkyAux = 30;
} //立钻哥哥:public class SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes{}
public enum SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexEnum{
root = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.root,
wrist = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.wrist,
thumbMetacarpal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.thumbMetacarpal,
thumbProximal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.thumbProximal,
thumbMiddle = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.thumbMiddle,
thumbDistal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.thumbDistal,
thumbTip = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.thumbTip,
indexMetacarpal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.indexMetacarpal,
indexProximal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.indexProximal,
indexMiddle = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.indexMiddle,
indexDistal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.indexDistal,
indexTip = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.indexTip,
middleMetacarpal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.middleMetacarpal,
middleProximal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.middleProximal,
middleMiddle = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.middleMiddle,
middleDistal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.middleDistal,
middleTip = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.middleTip,
ringMetacarpal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.ringMetacarpal,
ringProximal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.ringProximal,
ringMiddle = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.ringMiddle,
ringDistal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.ringDistal,
ringTip = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.ringTip,
pinkyMetacarpal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.pinkyMetacarpal,
pinkyProximal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.pinkyProximal,
pinkyMiddle = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.pinkyMiddle,
pinkyDistal = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.pinkyDistal,
pinkyTip = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.pinkyTip,
thumbAux = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.thumbAux,
indexAux = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.indexAux,
middleAux = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.middleAux,
ringAux = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.ringAux,
pinkyAux = SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexes.pinkyAux,
} //立钻哥哥:public enum SteamVR_Skeleton_JointIndexEnum{}
} //立钻哥哥:namespace {}