recyclerView.addOnScrollListener(new () {
* Callback method to be invoked when the RecyclerView has been scrolled. This will be
* called after the scroll has completed.
* This callback will also be called if visible item range changes after a layout
* calculation. In that case, dx and dy will be 0.
* @param recyclerView The RecyclerView which scrolled.
* @param dx The amount of horizontal scroll.
* @param dy The amount of vertical scroll.
public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
manager = ();//获取LayoutManager
if (manager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
//经测试第一个完整的可见的item位置,若为0则是最上方那个;在item超过屏幕高度的时候只有第一个item出现的时候为0 ,其他时候会是一个负的值
int findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) manager).findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
int findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) manager).findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
int findFirstVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) manager).findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int findLastVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) manager).findLastVisibleItemPosition();
int topPosition =
(recyclerView == null || () == 0) ? 0 : (0).getTop();
Log.e("touch", "onScroll:" + topPosition);
mSwipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(topPosition >= 0);