Android studio运行遇到的问题记录一下
- stack overflow
More likely that you're trying to update already installed app but as it is system app - adb doesn't have proper privileges and can't close already running process. Quick solution - manually uninstall your app, then install it again. One more thing - if you're developing system app - to be sure that you app behaves as expected - you should install it in system apps directory with proper Linux permissions (644 if I'm not mistaken). Under installation I mean just placing apk to system apps directory, granting permissions and rebooting device.
您更有可能尝试更新已安装的应用程序,但由于它是系统应用程序 - adb 没有适当的权限并且无法关闭已经运行的进程。 快速解决方案 - 手动卸载您的应用程序,然后重新安装。 还有一件事-如果您正在开发系统应用程序-以确保您的应用程序按预期运行-您应该将其安装在具有适当Linux权限的系统应用程序目录中(如果我没记错的话,644)。 在安装下,我的意思是将 apk 放入系统应用程序目录,授予权限并重新启动设备。
解决方法 :
- adb uninstall 包名
- adb reboot