: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT s.STUDENT_NAME,f.FACULTY_NAME,m.MAJOR_NAME,c.CLASS_NAME,g.GRADE_CODE,l.* FROM leave_info l LEFT JOIN student_info s ON s.STUDENT_KEY=l.STUDENT_KEY LEFT JOIN faculty_info f ON f.FACULTY_ID= LEFT JOIN major_info m ON m.MAJOR_ID= LEFT JOIN class_info c ON c.CLASS_ID=s.STUDENT_CLASS LEFT JOIN grade_info g ON c.GRADE_ID=g.GRADE_ID WHERE 1=1 AND s.SET_ID=1 AND =402836e64f69e44e014f6f01203b000d]; nested exception is : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'f69e44e014f6f01203b000d' at line 1
at (:237)
at (:72)
at (:407)
at (:456)
at (:464)
at (:497)
at (:30)
at $$M$_jr_0CFB20FDEEBD11B8_1.getLeaveInfoPageList(:113)
at .(Unknown Source)
at .invokeWithParams2(SourceFile:113)
at (:71)
at .(Unknown Source)
at (:45005)
at (:483)
at (:221)
at (:136)
at (:104)
at (:743)
at (:672)
at (:82)
at (:933)
at (:867)
at (:951)
at (:842)
at (:618)
at (:827)
at (:725)
at (:291)
at (:206)
at (:52)
at (:239)
at (:206)
at (:52)
at (:239)
at (:206)
at (:129)
at (:77)
at (:239)
at (:206)
at (:449)
at $(:365)
at (:90)
at (:83)
at (:383)
at (:362)
at (:125)
at (:343)
at (:260)
at (:239)
at (:206)
at (:180)
at (:106)
at (:239)
at (:206)
at (:88)
at (:106)
at (:239)
at (:206)
at (:219)
at .__invoke(:106)
at (:41002)
at (:501)
at (:142)
at (:79)
at (:610)
at (:88)
at (:537)
at .http11.(:1085)
at $(:658)
at .http11.Http11NioProtocol$(:222)
at $(:1556)
at $(:1513)
at (:1142)
at $(:617)
at $(:61)
at (:745)
Caused by: : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'f69e44e014f6f01203b000d' at line 1
at (:120)
at (:97)
at (:122)
at (:1218)
at $(:441)
at (:396)
... 73 more
- 解决异常: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar
- 解决bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid LOC header (bad signature)异常解决方法
- mysql 8.0.39 Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Illegal mix of collations 异常解决
- SQL server 2008提示“应用程序的组件发生了无法处理的异常”, “ 尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常指示其他内存已损坏”的解决方法
- java.sql.SQLException: Value……异常解决,数据库异常
- mysql系列——异常,错误小记 解决错误:java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Data source rejected establishment of connection, message from server: \"Too many connections\"
- bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
- 解决 U2000 R017 安装报错: 检查SQL server数据库环境变量信息 ( 异常 ) [ 详细信息 ] PATH环境变量中缺少数据库路径的信息
- Java与SQL Server, MySql, Oracle, Access的连接方法以及一些异常解决