
时间:2021-10-31 04:47:11

Following is my method for adding an image using three.js -

以下是我使用three.js添加图像的方法 -

rendererModule.addImage = function (primitive){
    var self = this;
    var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
    console.log("HERE 1");
    textureLoader.load("image/myimage.jpg", function(map){
        console.log("HERE 2");
        map.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
        var mat = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({map:map, color:0xFFFFFF, fog:true});
        var sprite = new THREE.Sprite(mat);
        sprite.name = primitive.id;
        sprite.position.z = -15;
        var distance = camera.position.distanceTo(sprite.position);
        var halfHeight = distance * Math.atan( camera.fov/2 * Math.PI / 180 );
        sprite.scale.x = halfHeight * 2;
        sprite.scale.y = halfHeight * 2;
    console.log("HERE 3");

and I am using the method like this -

我正在使用这样的方法 -

workitems.forEach(function(item, index, array){
    if(item['type'] === "planar-item" ) {
    } else if(item['type']==="image-item"){

Though my plane method is working fine but not the image one.....another surprise is that "HERE 1" & "HERE 3" is printing in the console, but not 2. Let me know what I am doing wrong here.

虽然我的飞机方法工作正常,但不是图像...另一个惊喜是“HERE 1”和“HERE 3”在控制台中打印,但不是2.让我知道我在这里做错了什么。

2 个解决方案



The second question has the easier answer: function(map) {...} is a callback for an asynchronous operation, so inline code before and after it is guaranteed to run first (the Javascript engine won't pick up async operations until after the current context finishes) and it's not necessarily the case that it will run at all. Since it's an "onload" in this case, it won't run if the resource is never loaded. You probably want to put an onError callback in there to see what's going on.


As for the first, I can't reliably answer that without an error message, but the most likely cause of course is just that the file doesn't exist (at that path). An easy way to test is to just create an <img src="image/myimage.jpg"/>, programatically or hard-coded, and see if it appears.




In according to other answer the problem is most likely the opening failure of the image; you can easly check in your browser developer tool in the network section.


The main causes of this issue can be:


  • Wrong path, if your image path is http://yoursite/imahe/myimage.jpg try to add slash in your load parameter


    textureLoader.load("/image/myimage.jpg", ...

  • Privilege error, you have to check the privilege, the owner of the file and permission (644 can be fine)


Other problems can be caused bywrong virtualhost, .htaccess or other webserver configuration, but is hard to say what...


Notice that if you try lo load image from other domain (like http://lorempixel.com/image_output/nature-q-c-150-150-8.jpg) you have a cross-domain error and the load fail!




The second question has the easier answer: function(map) {...} is a callback for an asynchronous operation, so inline code before and after it is guaranteed to run first (the Javascript engine won't pick up async operations until after the current context finishes) and it's not necessarily the case that it will run at all. Since it's an "onload" in this case, it won't run if the resource is never loaded. You probably want to put an onError callback in there to see what's going on.


As for the first, I can't reliably answer that without an error message, but the most likely cause of course is just that the file doesn't exist (at that path). An easy way to test is to just create an <img src="image/myimage.jpg"/>, programatically or hard-coded, and see if it appears.




In according to other answer the problem is most likely the opening failure of the image; you can easly check in your browser developer tool in the network section.


The main causes of this issue can be:


  • Wrong path, if your image path is http://yoursite/imahe/myimage.jpg try to add slash in your load parameter


    textureLoader.load("/image/myimage.jpg", ...

  • Privilege error, you have to check the privilege, the owner of the file and permission (644 can be fine)


Other problems can be caused bywrong virtualhost, .htaccess or other webserver configuration, but is hard to say what...


Notice that if you try lo load image from other domain (like http://lorempixel.com/image_output/nature-q-c-150-150-8.jpg) you have a cross-domain error and the load fail!
