uniapp 自定义map组件

时间:2025-01-19 15:18:09

(此处需注意因为原生组件z-index 大于任何前端组件,要按实际需求处理)

	<view class="card map_address">
		<view class="mapBox" :style="[{height:$g_.CustomBar + 'px'},{paddingTop:$g_.StatusBar + 'px'}]">
			<view class="mapTitBack" @tap="backClik">
				<text class="cuIcon-back"><span></span></text>
			<view class="mapTitNanem">选择位置</view>
			<view class="mapSure" @tap="sureMap">

		<view class="serchCont">
			<input class="uni-input serchBtn" :class="mapHiden?'serchBtn1':''" :focus="mapHiden" v-model="serarchText" @input="onKeyInput"
			 placeholder="搜索地点" @focus='fusHiden(true)' placeholder-style='text-align: center' />
			<text class="clearText" @tap='fusHiden(false)' v-if="mapHiden">取消</text>
		<view class="" style="width: 100%; height: 600upx;" v-show="!mapHiden">
			<map  ref="map1" style="width: 100%; height: 600upx;" @regionchange='selectMap' :markers="covers"
			 show-location :scale="16"></map>

		<view class="" style="position: relative;">
			<view class="tmapList" :class="mapHiden?'tmapList1':''" v-if="!mapHiden">
				<view class="mapSing" v-for="(item,index) in mapResult" :key='index' @tap='selectAddress(item)'>
					<view class="mapleflt">
						<view class="weiz">{{index == 0&&!mapHiden?'我的位置':}} </view>
						<view class="adress">{{}}</view>
					<view class="mapright">
						<image src="../../../static/map/" mode="" v-if=""></image>
			<view class="tmapList" :class="mapHiden?'tmapList1':''" v-else>
				<view class="mapSing" v-for="(item,index) in keyResult" :key='index' @tap='keySelect(item)'>
					<view class="mapleflt">
						<view class="weiz">{{}} </view>
						<view class="adress">{{}}</view>
					<view class="mapright">
						<image src="../../../static/map/" mode="" v-if=""></image>
			<view class="mapLoading2" v-if="!shoeLoding">
				<image src="../../../static/center/"></image>

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				title: 'map',
				searchNeary: 4000,
				covers: [{
					width: 20,
					height: 20,
					latitude: 31.972952,
					longitude: 118.78025,
					iconPath: '../../../static/map/',
					address: ''
				aaa: 'bg-gradual-fff',
				map: null,
				keyResult: [],
				mapResult: [],
				mapHiden: false,
				inputClearValue: '',
				showClearIcon: false,
				serarchText: '',
				keyUser: {},
				shoeLoding: false
		computed: {
		mounted() {
			sHeight = uni.upx2px(360);
			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			// ('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#ffffff');
		beforeDestroy() {
			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			// ('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:""')
		onReady() {
		onLoad: function(option) { //option为object类型,会序列化上个页面传递的参数

		onShow() {},
		methods: {
			pushData(data) {
				("data: " + (data));
				setTimeout(() => {
					(": " + ());
					(, , true, true)
				}, 500)
			newMap() {
				let self = this;
				var mapCtx = ('map1', self)
				// (mapCtx.$getAppMap())
				 = mapCtx.$getAppMap()
				 = new ();
				 = function(state, result) {
					('onPoiSearchComplete ' + state)
					if (state == 0) {
						if ( <= 0) {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							 = true

						} else {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							 = true
							 = ;
							 = [0]
					} else {
						// self.ab_.load(0)
						 = true

				 = new ();
				 = function(state, result) {
					('onPoiSearchComplete ' + state)
					if (state == 0) {
						if ( <= 0) {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							 = true
							if ( < 5000) {
								 *= 2
								var searchNeary = 
								setTimeout(function() {
									if ( <= 0 && searchNeary == ) {
										// self.ab_.load(1)
										 = false;
										('', new ([0].longitude, [0].latitude),
											, 0)
									} else {
										// self.ab_.load(0)
										 = true
								}, 100)

							} else {
								// self.ab_.load(0)
								 = true

						} else {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							 = true
							for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
								[i].check = false;
							(": " + ());
							if ( && ) {
								 = {};
					} else {
						// self.ab_.load(0)
						 = true
			setPoint(lng, lat, cover, center) {
				let self = this;
				if (cover) {
					[0].longitude = lng
					[0].latitude = lat

				if (center) {
					(new (lng, lat))
					// setTimeout(function() {
					// 	('', new (lng, lat), , 0)
					// }, 100);
			keySelect(item) {
				let self = this;
				let poi = ;
				("poipoi: " + (poi));
				((), (), true, true)
				 = false;
				 = '';
				 = item;
				 = [];
			fusHiden(blone) {
				let self = this;
				 = blone
				if (!blone) {
					 = '';
				 = [];
				 = {}
				// if (!blone) {
				// 	();
				// } else {
				// 	//获得焦点列表置空
				// 	 = [];
				// }
			selectAddress(item) {
				let self = this;
				(": " + ());
				[0].address =  + ;
				let poi = ;
				for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
					[i].check = false;
				("item: " + (item));
				 = true;
				 = false;
				 = [];
				setTimeout(function() {
					((), (), true)
				}, 100)

			onKeyInput(e) {
				let self = this;
				if ( == '') return;
				//  = []
				// self.ab_.load(1)
				("", )
			selectMap(e) {
				let self = this

				 = []
				 = 300
				try {
					(function(state, point) {
						('getCurrentCenter back')
						if (0 == state) {
							// = ()
							// = ()
							try {
								("point: " + (point));
								((), (), true)
								// setTimeout(function() {
								// 	self.ab_.load(1)
								// 	('', point, , 0)
								// }, 100)
								setTimeout(function() {
									// self.ab_.load(1)
									('', new (, ), ,
								}, 100)

							} catch (e) {

						} else {

						('getCurrentCenter back done')

				} catch (e) {
			//经纬度赋值方法  index == 0 赋值当前位置
			latOrLon(lng, lat, index) {
				let self = this;
				if (index == 0) {
					 = lng;
					 = lat;
				[0].longitude = lng;
				[0].latitude = lat;
			sureMap() {
				if ([0].address == '') {
						// title: '提示',
						content: '您尚未选择位置!',
						showCancel: false,
						success: function(res) {
							if () {
							} else if () {
				} else {
					this.$emit('getMapSite', )
			backClik() {
				// this.ab_.navBack()
			clearInput: function(event) {
				 = ;
				if ( > 0) {
					 = true;
				} else {
					 = false;
					 = false;


<style lang='scss' scoped>
	.map_address {
		width: 100%;
		min-height: 100vh;
		background: #fff;
		position: fixed;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		z-index: 10000;
		overflow: hidden;

		.mapLoading2 {
			width: 80rpx;
			height: 80rpx;
			position: absolute;
			top: 15%;
			left: 50%;
			margin-left: -40rpx;
			/* margin-top: -40rpx; */
			z-index: 99999;

			image {
				width: 100%;
				height: 100%;

		.mapBox {
			width: 100%;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			align-items: center;
			text-align: center;

			.mapTitBack {
				margin-left: 30upx;

			.mapSure {
				font-size: 28upx;
				font-weight: bold;
				text-align: center;

				text {
					margin-right: 30upx;

			.mapTitBack {
				font-size: 44upx;

			.mapTitNanem {
				color: #000;
				font-size: 32upx;

		.serchCont {
			width: 100%;
			height: 80upx;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: center;
			align-items: center;

			.serchBtn {
				width: 96%;
				height: 60upx;
				background-color: #eee;
				border-radius: 12upx;
				text-align: center;

				.icon {
					padding: 0 15upx;

					&.icon-del {
						font-size: 38upx;

						&:before {
							content: "\e644";

					&.icon-serach:before {
						content: "\e61c";

			.serchBtn1 {
				width: 80% !important;

			.clearText {
				width: 10%;
				text-align: center;
				color: #6767EA;
				font-size: 32upx;

		.tmapList1 {
			height: calc(100vh - 80upx - 44upx) !important;

		.tmapList {
			width: 100%;
			height: calc(100vh - 80upx - 600upx - 44upx);
			overflow-x: hidden;
			overflow-y: auto;
			border-top: 2upx solid #ccc;

			.mapSing {
				width: calc(100% - 20upx);
				display: flex;
				justify-content: space-between;
				align-items: flex-start;
				border-bottom: 2upx solid #ccc;
				padding: 20upx 0;
				margin-left: 20upx;

				.mapleflt {
					width: calc(100% - 80upx);
					display: flex;
					flex-direction: column;
					justify-content: flex-start;
					align-items: center;

					view {
						width: 100%;

					.weiz {
						color: #333;
						font-size: 28upx;

					.adress {
						color: gray;
						font-size: 24upx;
						margin-top: 10upx;

				.mapright {
					width: 80upx;
					height: 80upx;
					display: flex;
					justify-content: center;
					align-items: center;

					image {
						width: 32upx;
						height: 32upx;




	<view class="card add_address">
		<aCustom :isBack="true" :bgColor="aaa">
			<block slot="content">收货地址</block>
		<view class="address-info">
			<view class="unit name">
				<view class="tit">收货人</view>
				<view class="cont"><input v-model="recipient" maxlength='8' name="recipient" /></view>
			<view class="unit phone">
				<view class="tit">手机号码</view>
				<view class="cont"><input v-model="phone" name="phone" maxlength='11' type='number' /></view>
			<!-- #ifdef H5 || MP-WEIXIN -->
			<view class="unit addr" @tap='chooseLocation'>
				<view class="tit">所在地区</view>
				<view class="cont">
					<view class="adress">{{}}</view>
				<view class="address_s"></view>
			<!-- #endif -->
			<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
			<view class="unit addr" @tap='siteSelection'>
				<view class="tit">所在地区</view>
				<view class="cont">
					<view class="adress">{{}}</view>
				<view class="address_s"></view>
			<!-- #endif -->
			<view class="unit phone">
				<view class="tit">详细地址</view>
				<view class="cont"><input v-model="detail" placeholder="例如:道路/门牌号/小区/单元" name="detail" /></view>
		<view class="btn" @tap="addAddresses">保存</view>
		<map-sit :class="!showMap?'':'mapShow'" class='maphidden' ref="mapSite"  @getMapSite="getMapSite" @hideModal='hideModal'></map-sit>
	import mapSit  from '../../../component/mapSite/'
	var sHeight = 180
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				aaa: 'bg-gradual-fff',
				state: 0,
				recipient: '',
				phone: '',
				address: '',
				detail: '',
				steps: {},
				canPost: true,
				latitude: 0,
				longitude: 0,
				line_address: [],
				plans: [],
				plan: {
				travelDistance: 0,
				includePoints: [],
				markers: [],
				polyline: [{
					points: [],
					color: "#FF4500",
					width: 3,
					dottedLine: true,
					arrowLine: true
		computed: {
		components: {

		onLoad: function(option) { //option为object类型,会序列化上个页面传递的参数
			let self = this;
			if ( &&  > 0) {
				let plan = ();
				 = plan;
				 = ;
				 = ;
				 = ;
				 = ;
				 = ;
		onShow() {
		methods: {
				("data: " + (data));
				 = data[0].address;
				 = data[0].latitude;
				 = data[0].longitude;
				let self = this;
				 = false;
				let self = this;
				(": " + ());
				 = true;

<style lang='scss' scoped>
		min-height: 100vh;	
			display: block!important;
			display: none;


	<view class="card map_address">
		<view class="mapBox" :style="[{height:$g_.CustomBar + 'px'},{paddingTop:$g_.StatusBar + 'px'}]">
			<view class="mapTitBack" @tap="backClik">
				<text class="cuIcon-back"><span></span></text>
			<view class="mapTitNanem">选择位置</view>
			<view class="mapSure" @tap="sureMap">

		<view class="serchCont">
			<input class="uni-input serchBtn" :class="mapHiden?'serchBtn1':''" :focus="mapHiden" v-model="serarchText" @input="onKeyInput"
			 placeholder="搜索地点" @focus='fusHiden(true)' placeholder-style='text-align: center' />
			<text class="clearText" @tap='fusHiden(false)' v-if="mapHiden">取消</text>
		<view class="" style="width: 100%; height: 600upx;overflow: hidden;" v-show="!mapHiden" @="">
			<map  ref="map1" style="width: 100%; height: 600upx;" @regionchange='selectMap' 
			 show-location :scale="16"></map>
			 <!-- :markers="covers" -->

		<view class="">
			<view class="tmapList" :class="mapHiden?'tmapList1':''" v-if="!mapHiden">
				<view class="mapSing" v-for="(item,index) in mapResult" :key='index' @tap='selectAddress(item)'>
					<view class="mapleflt">
						<view class="weiz">{{index == 0&&!mapHiden?'我的位置':}} </view>
						<view class="adress">{{}}</view>
					<view class="mapright">
						<image src="../../../static/map/" mode="" v-if=""></image>
			<view class="tmapList" :class="mapHiden?'tmapList1':''" v-else>
				<view class="mapSing" v-for="(item,index) in keyResult" :key='index' @tap='keySelect(item)'>
					<view class="mapleflt">
						<view class="weiz">{{}} </view>
						<view class="adress">{{}}</view>
					<view class="mapright">
						<image src="../../../static/map/" mode="" v-if=""></image>
			<!-- <view class="mapLoading2" v-if="!shoeLoding">
				<image src="../../../static/center/"></image>
			</view> -->

	import AMap from '../../lib/'; //此处为引入高德js
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				key: '9541ccc4a3eb95641300f91f3e9cb3d2',
				addressName: '',
				weather: {
					hasData: false,
					data: []
				title: 'map',
				searchNeary: 4000,
				covers: [{
					width: 20,
					height: 20,
					latitude: 31.972952,
					longitude: 118.78025,
					iconPath: '../../../static/map/',
					address: ''
				aaa: 'bg-gradual-fff',
				map: null,
				keyResult: [],
				mapResult: [],
				mapHiden: false,
				inputClearValue: '',
				showClearIcon: false,
				serarchText: '',
				keyUser: {},
				shoeLoding: false,
		computed: {
		mounted() {
			let that = this;

			sHeight = uni.upx2px(360);
			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			// ('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#ffffff');
		beforeDestroy() {
			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			// ('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:""')
		// onReady() {
		// 	('onReady')
		// 	var mapCtx = ('map1', this)
		// 	// (mapCtx.$getAppMap())
		// 	 = mapCtx.$getAppMap()
		// 	(true);
		// },
		onReady() {

			 = new ({
			// ('',[114.30, 30.60], '武汉');
		onLoad: function(option) { //option为object类型,会序列化上个页面传递的参数
		onShow() {},
		methods: {
			// 高德地图查询周边
			getPoiAround(keywords,centerPoint, city) {
				let self = this;
					keywords: keywords,
					location: centerPoint[0] + ',' + centerPoint[1],
					city: city,
					success: function(data) { 
						//  = ;
						// for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
						// 	[i].check = false;
						// }
						//  = false;
						//  = false;
						// ("回调成功1111111111: " + ());
						 = false;

			getInputtips(keywords) {
				let self = this;
				('执行getInputtips:' +keywords )
					keywords: keywords,
					success: function(data) {
						//  = ;
						// for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
						// 	[i].check = false;
						// }
						//  = true;
						//  = false;
						// ("回调成功222222: " + ());
						 = false;
				let self = this;
				("公共赋值data: " + (data));
				for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
					// data[i].check = false;
				if(index == 0){
					 = data;
					 = false;
					("回调成功11111  +++ mapResult : " + ());
					 = data
					 = true;
					("回调成功222222  +++ keyResult : " + ());
				 = false;
			pushData(data) {
				("data: " + (data));
				setTimeout(() => {
					(": " + ());
					(, , true, true)
				}, 500)
			newMap() {
				let self = this;
				var mapCtx = ('map1', self)
				// (mapCtx.$getAppMap())
				 = mapCtx.$getAppMap()
				 = new ();
				 = function(state, result) {
					('onPoiSearchComplete ' + state)
					if (state == 0) {
						if ( <= 0) {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							//  = true

						} else {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							//  = true
							 = ;
							 = [0]
					} else {
						// self.ab_.load(0)
						//  = true

				 = new ();
				//  = function(state, result) {
				// 	('onPoiSearchComplete ' + state)
				// 	if (state == 0) {
				// 		if ( <= 0) {
				// 			// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 			//  = true
				// 			("没有检索到结果");
				// 			if ( < 5000) {
				// 				 *= 2
				// 				var searchNeary = 
				// 				setTimeout(function() {
				// 					if ( <= 0 && searchNeary == ) {
				// 						// self.ab_.load(1)
				// 						 = false;
				// 						('', new ([0].longitude, [0].latitude),
				// 							, 0)
				// 					} else {
				// 						// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 						//  = true
				// 					}
				// 				}, 100)

				// 			} else {
				// 				// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 				//  = true
				// 			}

				// 		} else {
				// 			// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 			//  = true
				// 			for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
				// 				[i].check = false;
				// 			}
				// 			(": " + ());
				// 			if ( && ) {
				// 				();
				// 				 = {};
				// 			}
				// 			 = 
				// 		}
				// 	} else {
				// 		// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 		//  = true
				// 		("检索失败");
				// 	}
				// }
			fusHiden(blone) {
				let self = this;
				 = blone
				if (!blone) {
					 = '';
				 = [];
				 = {}
				 = false;
				// if (!blone) {
				// 	();
				// } else {
				// 	//获得焦点列表置空
				// 	 = [];
				// }
			setPoint(lng, lat, cover, center) {
				let self = this;
				if (cover) {
					[0].longitude = lng
					[0].latitude = lat
					('',[[0].longitude, [0].latitude], '');	
				=new (new (lng,lat));
				// ("HBuilder");
				var bubble = new ("打造最好的HTML5移动开发工具");
				if (center) {
					(new (lng, lat))
					// setTimeout(function() {
					// 	('', new (lng, lat), , 0)
					// }, 100);
			keySelect(item) {
				let self = this;
				// let poi = ;
				(" item.location111: " + ( ));
				let poi = (',');;
				("poipoi: " + (poi));
				(poi[0], poi[1], false, true)
				 = false;
				 = '';
				 = item;
				 = [];
			selectAddress(item) {
				let self = this;
				(": " + (item));
				[0].address =  +  +  + ;
				let poi = (',');;
				for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
					[i].check = false;
				("item: " + (item));
				 = true;
				 = false;
				 = [];
				(poi[0] , poi[1] , false)
				// var marker=new (new (poi[0] , poi[1] ));
				// ("/");
				// (marker);
				// ()
				// setTimeout(function() {
					// (poi[0] , poi[1] , true,true)
				// }, 100)

			onKeyInput(e) {
				let self = this;
				if ( == '') return;
				//  = []
				// self.ab_.load(1)
				// ("", )
				(,['', ''], '');
			selectMap(e) {
				let self = this

				 = []
				 = 300
				try {
					(function(state, point) {
						('getCurrentCenter back')
						if (0 == state) {
							// = ()
							// = ()
							try {
								("point: " + (point));
								((), (), true)
								// setTimeout(function() {
								// 	self.ab_.load(1)
								// 	('', point, , 0)
								// }, 100)
								// setTimeout(function() {
								// 	// self.ab_.load(1)
								// 	('', new (, ), ,
								// 		0)
								// }, 100)

							} catch (e) {

						} else {

						('getCurrentCenter back done')

				} catch (e) {
			//经纬度赋值方法  index == 0 赋值当前位置
			latOrLon(lng, lat, index) {
				let self = this;
				if (index == 0) {
					 = lng;
					 = lat;
				[0].longitude = lng;
				[0].latitude = lat;
			sureMap() {
				if ([0].address == '') {
						// title: '提示',
						content: '您尚未选择位置!',
						showCancel: false,
						success: function(res) {
							if () {
							} else if () {
				} else {
					this.$emit('getMapSite', )
			backClik() {
				// this.ab_.navBack()
			clearInput: function(event) {
				 = ;
				if ( > 0) {
					 = true;
				} else {
					 = false;
					 = false;


<style lang='scss' scoped>
	.map_address {
		width: 100%;
		min-height: 100vh;
		background: #fff;
		position: fixed;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		z-index: 10000;
		overflow: hidden;

		.mapLoading2 {
			width: 80rpx;
			height: 80rpx;
			position: absolute;
			top: 15%;
			left: 50%;
			margin-left: -40rpx;
			/* margin-top: -40rpx; */
			z-index: 99999;

			image {
				width: 100%;
				height: 100%;

		.mapBox {
			width: 100%;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			align-items: center;
			text-align: center;

			.mapTitBack {
				margin-left: 30upx;

			.mapSure {
				font-size: 28upx;
				font-weight: bold;
				text-align: center;

				text {
					margin-right: 30upx;

			.mapTitBack {
				font-size: 44upx;

			.mapTitNanem {
				color: #000;
				font-size: 32upx;

		.serchCont {
			width: 100%;
			height: 80upx;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: center;
			align-items: center;

			.serchBtn {
				width: 96%;
				height: 60upx;
				background-color: #eee;
				border-radius: 12upx;
				text-align: center;

				.icon {
					padding: 0 15upx;

					&.icon-del {
						font-size: 38upx;

						&:before {
							content: "\e644";

					&.icon-serach:before {
						content: "\e61c";

			.serchBtn1 {
				width: 80% !important;

			.clearText {
				width: 10%;
				text-align: center;
				color: #6767EA;
				font-size: 32upx;

		.tmapList1 {
			height: calc(100vh - 80upx - 44upx) !important;

		.tmapList {
			width: 100%;
			height: calc(100vh - 80upx - 600upx - 120upx - 44upx);
			overflow-x: hidden;
			overflow-y: scroll;
			border-top: 2upx solid #ccc;
			position: static;
			-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

			.mapSing {
				width: calc(100% - 20upx);
				display: flex;
				justify-content: space-between;
				align-items: flex-start;
				border-bottom: 2upx solid #ccc;
				padding: 20upx 0;
				margin-left: 20upx;

				.mapleflt {
					width: calc(100% - 80upx);
					display: flex;
					flex-direction: column;
					justify-content: flex-start;
					align-items: center;

					view {
						width: 100%;

					.weiz {
						color: #333;
						font-size: 28upx;

					.adress {
						color: gray;
						font-size: 24upx;
						margin-top: 10upx;

				.mapright {
					width: 80upx;
					height: 80upx;
					display: flex;
					justify-content: center;
					align-items: center;

					image {
						width: 32upx;
						height: 32upx;




	<view class="card map_address">
		<view class="mapBox" :style="[{height:$g_.CustomBar + 'px'},{paddingTop:$g_.StatusBar + 'px'}]">
			<view class="mapTitBack" @tap="backClik">
				<text class="cuIcon-back"><span></span></text>
			<view class="mapTitNanem">选择位置</view>
			<view class="mapSure" @tap="sureMap">

		<view class="serchCont">
			<input class="uni-input serchBtn" :class="mapHiden?'serchBtn1':''" :focus="mapHiden" v-model="serarchText" @input="onKeyInput"
			 placeholder="搜索地点" @focus='fusHiden(true)' placeholder-style='text-align: center' />
			<text class="clearText" @tap='fusHiden(false)' v-if="mapHiden">取消</text>
		<view class="" style="width: 100%; height: 600upx;overflow: hidden;" v-show="!mapHiden" @touchmove.stop="">
			<map id="map1" ref="map1" style="width: 100%; height: 600upx;" @regionchange='selectMap' 
			 show-location :scale="16"></map>
			 <!-- :markers="covers" -->

		<view class="">
			<view class="tmapList" :class="mapHiden?'tmapList1':''" v-if="!mapHiden">
				<view class="mapSing" v-for="(item,index) in mapResult" :key='index' @tap='selectAddress(item)'>
					<view class="mapleflt">
						<view class="weiz">{{index == 0&&!mapHiden?'我的位置':item.name}} </view>
						<view class="adress">{{item.address}}</view>
					<view class="mapright">
						<image src="../../static/map/" mode="" v-if=""></image>
			<view class="tmapList" :class="mapHiden?'tmapList1':''" v-else>
				<view class="mapSing" v-for="(item,index) in keyResult" :key='index' @tap='keySelect(item)'>
					<view class="mapleflt">
						<view class="weiz">{{item.name}} </view>
						<view class="adress">{{ item.address }}</view>
					<view class="mapright">
						<image src="../../static/map/" mode="" v-if=""></image>
			<!-- <view class="mapLoading2" v-if="!shoeLoding">
				<image src="../../../static/center/"></image>
			</view> -->

	import AMap from '../../lib/'; //如:..­/..­/libs/
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				key: '9541ccc4a3eb95641300f91f3e9cb3d2',
				addressName: '',
				weather: {
					hasData: false,
					data: []
				title: 'map',
				searchNeary: 4000,
				covers: [{
					width: 20,
					height: 20,
					latitude: 31.972952,
					longitude: 118.78025,
					iconPath: '../../../static/map/',
					address: ''
				aaa: 'bg-gradual-fff',
				map: null,
				keyResult: [],
				mapResult: [],
				mapHiden: false,
				inputClearValue: '',
				showClearIcon: false,
				serarchText: '',
				keyUser: {},
				shoeLoding: false,
		computed: {
		mounted() {
			let that = this;

			sHeight = uni.upx2px(360);
			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			// ('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#ffffff');
		beforeDestroy() {
			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			// ('body').setAttribute('style', 'background-color:""')
		// onReady() {
		// 	('onReady')
		// 	var mapCtx = ('map1', this)
		// 	// (mapCtx.$getAppMap())
		// 	 = mapCtx.$getAppMap()
		// 	(true);
		// },
		onReady() {

			this.amapPlugin = new AMap.AMapWX({
				key: this.key
			// ('',[114.30, 30.60], '武汉');
		onLoad: function(e) { //option为object类型,会序列化上个页面传递的参数
			this._select = e.s
			conosle.log('接收到seldrct' +this._select )
		onShow() {},
		methods: {
			// 高德地图查询周边
			getPoiAround(keywords,centerPoint, city) {
				let self = this;
				if (!self.amapPlugin) {
					self.amapPlugin = new AMap.AMapWX({
						key: this.key
				console.log('amapPlugin', self.amapPlugin)
					keywords: keywords,
					location: centerPoint[0] + ',' + centerPoint[1],
					city: city,
					success: function(data) { 
						//  = ;
						// for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
						// 	[i].check = false;
						// }
						//  = false;
						//  = false;
						// ("回调成功1111111111: " + ());
						self.shoeLoding = false;

			getInputtips(keywords) {
				let self = this;
				console.log('执行getInputtips:' +keywords )
				console.log('', self.amapPlugin)
				if (!self.amapPlugin) {
					self.amapPlugin = new AMap.AMapWX({
						key: this.key
					keywords: keywords,
					success: function(data) {
						//  = ;
						// for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
						// 	[i].check = false;
						// }
						//  = true;
						//  = false;
						// ("回调成功222222: " + ());
						self.shoeLoding = false;
				let self = this;
				console.log("公共赋值data: " + JSON.stringify(data));
				for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
					// data[i].check = false;
				if(index == 0){
					self.mapResult = data;
					self.mapHiden = false;
					console.log("回调成功11111  +++ mapResult : " + JSON.stringify(self.mapResult));
					for (let i=0,len=data.length;i<len;i++) {
						if(typeof( data[i].address.length<=0) != 'string' ){
							data[i].address = data[i].district
					self.keyResult = data
					self.mapHiden = true;
					console.log("回调成功222222  +++ keyResult : " + JSON.stringify(self.keyResult));
				self.shoeLoding = false;
			pushData(data) {
				console.log("data: " + JSON.stringify(data));
				setTimeout(() => {
					console.log(": " + JSON.stringify(data.lng));
					this.setPoint(data.lng, data.lat, true, true)
				}, 500)
			newMap() {
				let self = this;
				var mapCtx = uni.createMapContext('map1', self)
				// (mapCtx.$getAppMap())
				self.map = mapCtx.$getAppMap()
					success: function(res) {
						console.log('success ' + JSON.stringify(res))
						self.setPoint(res.longitude, res.latitude, true, true)
					fail(err) {
						console.error('fail ' + JSON.stringify(err))
				self.searchKeyObj = new plus.maps.Search(self.map);
				self.searchKeyObj.onPoiSearchComplete = function(state, result) {
					console.log('onPoiSearchComplete ' + state)
					if (state == 0) {
						if (result.currentNumber <= 0) {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							//  = true

						} else {
							// self.ab_.load(0)
							//  = true
							self.keyResult = result.poiList;
							self.keyUser = self.keyResult[0]
					} else {
						// self.ab_.load(0)
						//  = true

				self.searchObj = new plus.maps.Search(self.map);
				//  = function(state, result) {
				// 	('onPoiSearchComplete ' + state)
				// 	if (state == 0) {
				// 		if ( <= 0) {
				// 			// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 			//  = true
				// 			("没有检索到结果");
				// 			if ( < 5000) {
				// 				 *= 2
				// 				var searchNeary = 
				// 				setTimeout(function() {
				// 					if ( <= 0 && searchNeary == ) {
				// 						// self.ab_.load(1)
				// 						 = false;
				// 						('', new ([0].longitude, [0].latitude),
				// 							, 0)
				// 					} else {
				// 						// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 						//  = true
				// 					}
				// 				}, 100)

				// 			} else {
				// 				// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 				//  = true
				// 			}

				// 		} else {
				// 			// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 			//  = true
				// 			for (var i = 0, len = ; i < len; i++) {
				// 				[i].check = false;
				// 			}
				// 			(": " + ());
				// 			if ( && ) {
				// 				();
				// 				 = {};
				// 			}
				// 			 = 
				// 		}
				// 	} else {
				// 		// self.ab_.load(0)
				// 		//  = true
				// 		("检索失败");
				// 	}
				// }
			fusHiden(blone) {
				let self = this;
				self.mapHiden = blone
				if (!blone) {
					self.serarchText = '';
				self.keyResult = [];
				self.keyUser = {}
				self.shoeLoding = false;
				// if (!blone) {
				// 	();
				// } else {
				// 	//获得焦点列表置空
				// 	 = [];
				// }
			setPoint(lng, lat, cover, center) {
				let self = this;
				if (cover) {
					self.covers[0].longitude = lng
					self.covers[0].latitude = lat
					self.getPoiAround('',[self.covers[0].longitude, self.covers[0].latitude], '');	
				self.marker=new plus.maps.Marker(new plus.maps.Point(lng,lat));
				// ("HBuilder");
				var bubble = new plus.maps.Bubble("打造最好的HTML5移动开发工具");
				if (center) {
					self.map.setCenter(new plus.maps.Point(lng, lat))
					// setTimeout(function() {
					// 	('', new (lng, lat), , 0)
					// }, 100);
			keySelect(item) {
				let self = this;
				// let poi = ;
				console.log(" item.location111: " + JSON.stringify( item.location));
				let poi = item.location.split(',');;
				console.log("poipoi: " + JSON.stringify(poi));
				self.setPoint(poi[0], poi[1], false, true)
				self.mapHiden = false;
				self.serarchText = '';
				self.keyUser = item;
				self.keyResult = [];
			selectAddress(item) {
				let self = this;
				// (": " + (item));
				self.covers[0].address = item.pname + item.cityname + item.adname + item.address;
				let poi = item.location.split(',');;
				for (var i = 0, len = self.mapResult.length; i < len; i++) {
					if(item.id == self.mapResult[i].id){
						self.mapResult[i].check = true;
						self.mapResult[i].check = false;
				console.log("selectAddressitem: " + JSON.stringify(item));
				//  = true;
				console.log(": " + JSON.stringify(item.check));
				self.mapHiden = false;
				self.keyResult = [];
				self.setPoint(poi[0] , poi[1] , false)
				// var marker=new (new (poi[0] , poi[1] ));
				// ("/");
				// (marker);
				// ()
				// setTimeout(function() {
					// (poi[0] , poi[1] , true,true)
				// }, 100)

			onKeyInput(e) {
				let self = this;
				if (e.target.value == '') return;
				//  = []
				// self.ab_.load(1)
				// ("", )
				self.getInputtips(e.target.value,['', ''], '');
			selectMap(e) {
				let self = this
				if (!self.map) {
					console.log('============== created ================')

				self.mapResult = []
				self.searchNeary = 300
				try {
					self.map.getCurrentCenter(function(state, point) {
						console.log('getCurrentCenter back')
						if (0 == state) {
							// = ()
							// = ()
							try {
								console.log("point: " + JSON.stringify(point));
								self.setPoint(point.getLng(), point.getLat(), true)
								// setTimeout(function() {
								// 	self.ab_.load(1)
								// 	('', point, , 0)
								// }, 100)
								// setTimeout(function() {
								// 	// self.ab_.load(1)
								// 	('', new (, ), ,
								// 		0)
								// }, 100)

							} catch (e) {

						} else {

						console.log('getCurrentCenter back done')

				} catch (e) {
			//经纬度赋值方法  index == 0 赋值当前位置
			latOrLon(lng, lat, index) {
				let self = this;
				if (index == 0) {
					self.longitude = lng;
					self.latitude = lat;
				self.covers[0].longitude = lng;
				self.covers[0].latitude = lat;
			sureMap() {
				if (this.covers[0].address == '') {
						// title: '提示',
						content: '您尚未选择位置!',
						showCancel: false,
						success: function(res) {
							if (res.confirm) {
							} else if (res.cancel) {
				} else {
						this.$emit('getMapSite', this.covers)
						this.$center.$abActBack('choiceSite', [null,  this.covers])
						// #ifdef APP-PLUS
						// #endif
			backClik() {
			clearInput: function(event) {
				this.inputClearValue = event.target.value;
				if (event.target.value.length > 0) {
					this.showClearIcon = true;
				} else {
					this.showClearIcon = false;
					this.mapHiden = false;


<style lang='scss' scoped>
	.map_address {
		width: 100%;
		min-height: 100vh;
		background: #fff;
		position: fixed;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		z-index: 10000;
		overflow: hidden;

		.mapLoading2 {
			width: 80rpx;
			height: 80rpx;
			position: absolute;
			top: 15%;
			left: 50%;
			margin-left: -40rpx;
			/* margin-top: -40rpx; */
			z-index: 99999;

			image {
				width: 100%;
				height: 100%;

		.mapBox {
			width: 100%;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			align-items: center;
			text-align: center;

			.mapTitBack {
				margin-left: 30upx;

			.mapSure {
				font-size: 28upx;
				font-weight: bold;
				text-align: center;

				text {
					margin-right: 30upx;

			.mapTitBack {
				font-size: 44upx;

			.mapTitNanem {
				color: #000;
				font-size: 32upx;

		.serchCont {
			width: 100%;
			height: 80upx;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: center;
			align-items: center;

			.serchBtn {
				width: 96%;
				height: 60upx;
				background-color: #eee;
				border-radius: 12upx;
				text-align: center;

				.icon {
					padding: 0 15upx;

					&.icon-del {
						font-size: 38upx;

						&:before {
							content: "\e644";

					&.icon-serach:before {
						content: "\e61c";

			.serchBtn1 {
				width: 80% !important;

			.clearText {
				width: 10%;
				text-align: center;
				color: #6767EA;
				font-size: 32upx;

		.tmapList1 {
			height: calc(100vh - 80upx - 44upx) !important;

		.tmapList {
			width: 100%;
			height: calc(100vh - 80upx - 600upx - 120upx - 44upx);
			overflow-x: hidden;
			overflow-y: scroll;
			border-top: 2upx solid #ccc;
			position: static;
			-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

			.mapSing {
				width: calc(100% - 20upx);
				display: flex;
				justify-content: space-between;
				align-items: flex-start;
				border-bottom: 2upx solid #ccc;
				padding: 20upx 0;
				margin-left: 20upx;

				.mapleflt {
					width: calc(100% - 80upx);
					display: flex;
					flex-direction: column;
					justify-content: flex-start;
					align-items: center;

					view {
						width: 100%;

					.weiz {
						color: #333;
						font-size: 28upx;

					.adress {
						color: gray;
						font-size: 24upx;
						margin-top: 10upx;

				.mapright {
					width: 80upx;
					height: 80upx;
					display: flex;
					justify-content: center;
					align-items: center;

					image {
						width: 32upx;
						height: 32upx;

