55 WebGL加载三维模型

时间:2025-01-17 19:14:00





(2)准备Float32Array类型的数组 colors,从文件中读取模型的顶点颜色数据并保存到其中。

(3)准备Float32Array类型的数组 normals, 从文件中读取模型的顶点法线数据并保存到其中。

(4)准备 Uint15Array(或Uint8Array)类型的数组 indices, 从文件中读取顶点索引数据并保存在其中,顶点索引数据定义了组成整个模型的三角形序列。



# Blender v2.60 (sub 0) OBJ File: ''
o Cube
v 1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
v 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
v 1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000
v 1.000000 1.000000 1.000001
v -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000
usemtl Material
f 1 2 3 4
f 5 8 7 6
f 2 6 7 3
f 3 7 8 4
f 5 1 4 8
usemtl Material.001
f 1 5 6 2





mtllib < 外部材质文件名 >这里,外部材质文件是。


o < 模型名称 > 示例程序中没有用到这条信息

(4)第5行到第12行按照如下格式定义了顶点的坐标,其中w是可选的,如果没有就默认为1.0 。

v x y z [w]本例中的模型时一个标准的立方体,共有8个顶点。


usemtl < 材质名 >


f v1 v2 v3 v4 ···


f v1//vn1 v2//vn2 v3//vn3 ···



MTL 文件格式

# Blender MTL File: ''
# Material Count: 2
newmtl Material
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 96.078431
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 0
newmtl Material.001
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 1.000000 0.450000 0.000000
Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ns 96.078431
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 0


newmtl < 材质名 >




(5)第11行到第18行以同样的方法定义了另一种材质Material.001 。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;

        #canvas {
            margin: 0;
            display: block;
<body οnlοad="main()">
<canvas  height="800" width="800"></canvas>
<script src="lib/"></script>
<script src="lib/"></script>
<script src="lib/"></script>
<script src="lib/"></script>
    var canvas = ("canvas");
     = ;
     = ;

    var vertexShaderSource = "" +
        "attribute vec4 a_Position;\n" +
        "attribute vec4 a_Color;\n" +
        "attribute vec4 a_Normal;\n" +
        "uniform mat4 u_MvpMatrix;\n" +
        "uniform mat4 u_NormalMatrix;\n" +
        "varying vec4 v_Color;\n" +
        "void main(){\n" +
        "   vec3 lightDirection = vec3(-0.35, 0.35, 0.87);\n" +
        "   gl_Position = u_MvpMatrix * a_Position;\n" +
        "   vec3 normal = normalize(vec3(u_NormalMatrix * a_Normal));\n" +
        "   float nDotL = max(dot(normal, lightDirection), 0.0);\n" +
        "   v_Color = vec4(a_Color.rgb * nDotL, a_Color.a);\n" +

    var fragmentShaderSource = "" +
        "#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
        "precision mediump float;\n" +
        "#endif\n" +
        "varying vec4 v_Color;\n" +
        "void main(){\n" +
        "   gl_FragColor = v_Color;\n" +

    function main() {
        var canvas = ("canvas");

        var gl = getWebGLContext(canvas);


        if(!initShaders(gl, vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource)){

        (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0);

        var program = ;
        program.a_Position = (program, "a_Position");
        program.a_Color = (program, "a_Color");
        program.a_Normal = (program, "a_Normal");
        program.u_MvpMatrix = (program, "u_MvpMatrix");
        program.u_NormalMatrix = (program, "u_NormalMatrix");

        if(program.a_Position < 0 || program.a_Color < 0 || program.a_Normal < 0 || !program.u_MvpMatrix || !program.u_NormalMatrix){

        var model = initVertexBuffer(gl, program);

        var viewProjectMatrix = new Matrix4();
        (30.0, /, 1.0, 5000.0);
        (0.0, 500.0, 200.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

        readOBJFile("resources/", gl, model, 60, true);

        var currentAngle = 0.0; //当前模型的旋转角度
        var tick = function () {
            currentAngle = animate(currentAngle); //更新角度
            draw(gl, program, currentAngle, viewProjectMatrix, model);


    var g_modelMatrix = new Matrix4();
    var g_mvpMatrix = new Matrix4();
    var g_normalMatrix = new Matrix4();

    function draw(gl, program, angle, viewProjectMatrix, model) {
        if(g_objDoc !== null && g_objDoc.isMTLComplete()){
            g_drawingInfo = onReadComplete(gl, model, g_objDoc);
            g_objDoc = null;

        if(!g_drawingInfo) return;


        g_modelMatrix.setRotate(angle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        g_modelMatrix.rotate(angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
        g_modelMatrix.rotate(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

        gl.uniformMatrix4fv(program.u_NormalMatrix, false, g_normalMatrix.elements);

        gl.uniformMatrix4fv(program.u_MvpMatrix, false, g_mvpMatrix.elements);

        (, g_drawingInfo., gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);

    function initVertexBuffer(gl, program) {
        var obj = new Object();
         = createEmptyArrayBuffer(gl, program.a_Position, 3, );
         = createEmptyArrayBuffer(gl, program.a_Normal, 3, );
         = createEmptyArrayBuffer(gl, program.a_Color, 4, );
         = ();
        if(! || ! || ! || !){
            return null;

        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);

        return obj;

    function createEmptyArrayBuffer(gl, a_attribute, num, type) {
        var buffer = ();
            return null;

        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
        (a_attribute, num, type, false, 0, 0);

        return buffer;

    function readOBJFile(filename, gl, model, scale, reverse) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        ("GET", filename, true);

         = function () {
            if( === 4 &&  == 200){
                onReadOBJFile(, filename, gl, model, scale, reverse);

    var g_objDoc = null; //obj文件的信息数据
    var g_drawingInfo = null; //绘制3d模型的相关数据

    function onReadOBJFile(fileString, fileName, gl, obj, scale, reverse) {
        var objDoc = new OBJDoc(fileName); // 创建一个OBJDoc 对象
        var result = (fileString, scale, reverse); //解析文件
            g_objDoc = null;
            g_drawingInfo = null;
        }else {
            g_objDoc = objDoc;

    function onReadComplete(gl, model, objDoc) {
        var drawingInfo = ();


        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, );
        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, , gl.STATIC_DRAW);

        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, );
        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, , gl.STATIC_DRAW);

        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, );
        (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, , gl.STATIC_DRAW);

        (gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, );

        return drawingInfo;

    var angle_step = 30;
    var last = +new Date();
    function animate(angle) {
        var now = +new Date();
        var elapsed = now - last;
        last = now;
        var newAngle = angle + (angle_step*elapsed)/1000.0;
        return newAngle%360;

    // OBJParser

    // OBJDoc object
    // Constructor
    var OBJDoc = function(fileName) {
         = fileName;
         = new Array(0);      // Initialize the property for MTL
         = new Array(0);   // Initialize the property for Object
         = new Array(0);  // Initialize the property for Vertex
         = new Array(0);   // Initialize the property for Normal

    // Parsing the OBJ file
     = function(fileString, scale, reverse) {
        var lines = ('\n');  // Break up into lines and store them as array
        (null); // Append null
        var index = 0;    // Initialize index of line

        var currentObject = null;
        var currentMaterialName = "";

        // Parse line by line
        var line;         // A string in the line to be parsed
        var sp = new StringParser();  // Create StringParser
        while ((line = lines[index++]) != null) {
            (line);                  // init StringParser
            var command = ();     // Get command
            if(command == null)	 continue;  // check null command

                case '#':
                    continue;  // Skip comments
                case 'mtllib':     // Read Material chunk
                    var path = (sp, );
                    var mtl = new MTLDoc();   // Create MTL instance
                    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                     = function() {
                        if ( == 4) {
                            if ( != 404) {
                                onReadMTLFile(, mtl);
                                 = true;
                    ('GET', path, true);  // Create a request to acquire the file
                    ();                   // Send the request
                    continue; // Go to the next line
                case 'o':
                case 'g':   // Read Object name
                    var object = (sp);
                    currentObject = object;
                    continue; // Go to the next line
                case 'v':   // Read vertex
                    var vertex = (sp, scale);
                    continue; // Go to the next line
                case 'vn':   // Read normal
                    var normal = (sp);
                    continue; // Go to the next line
                case 'usemtl': // Read Material name
                    currentMaterialName = (sp);
                    continue; // Go to the next line
                case 'f': // Read face
                    var face = (sp, currentMaterialName, , reverse);
                    continue; // Go to the next line

        return true;

     = function(sp, fileName) {
        // Get directory path
        var i = ("/");
        var dirPath = "";
        if(i > 0) dirPath = (0, i+1);

        return dirPath + ();   // Get path

     = function(sp) {
        var name = ();
        return (new OBJObject(name));

     = function(sp, scale) {
        var x = () * scale;
        var y = () * scale;
        var z = () * scale;
        return (new Vertex(x, y, z));

     = function(sp) {
        var x = ();
        var y = ();
        var z = ();
        return (new Normal(x, y, z));

     = function(sp) {
        return ();

     = function(sp, materialName, vertices, reverse) {
        var face = new Face(materialName);
        // get indices
            var word = ();
            if(word == null) break;
            var subWords = ('/');
            if( >= 1){
                var vi = parseInt(subWords[0]) - 1;
            if( >= 3){
                var ni = parseInt(subWords[2]) - 1;

        // calc normal
        var v0 = [
        var v1 = [
        var v2 = [

        // 面の法線を計算してnormalに設定
        var normal = calcNormal(v0, v1, v2);
        // 法線が正しく求められたか調べる
        if (normal == null) {
            if ( >= 4) { // 面が四角形なら別の3点の組み合わせで法線計算
                var v3 = [
                normal = calcNormal(v1, v2, v3);
            if(normal == null){         // 法線が求められなかったのでY軸方向の法線とする
                normal = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0];
            normal[0] = -normal[0];
            normal[1] = -normal[1];
            normal[2] = -normal[2];
         = new Normal(normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);

        // Devide to triangles if face contains over 3 points.
        if( > 3){
            var n =  - 2;
            var newVIndices = new Array(n * 3);
            var newNIndices = new Array(n * 3);
            for(var i=0; i<n; i++){
                newVIndices[i * 3 + 0] = [0];
                newVIndices[i * 3 + 1] = [i + 1];
                newVIndices[i * 3 + 2] = [i + 2];
                newNIndices[i * 3 + 0] = [0];
                newNIndices[i * 3 + 1] = [i + 1];
                newNIndices[i * 3 + 2] = [i + 2];
             = newVIndices;
             = newNIndices;
         = ;

        return face;

    // Analyze the material file
    function onReadMTLFile(fileString, mtl) {
        var lines = ('\n');  // Break up into lines and store them as array
        (null);           // Append null
        var index = 0;              // Initialize index of line

        // Parse line by line
        var line;      // A string in the line to be parsed
        var name = ""; // Material name
        var sp = new StringParser();  // Create StringParser
        while ((line = lines[index++]) != null) {
            (line);                  // init StringParser
            var command = ();     // Get command
            if(command == null)	 continue;  // check null command

                case '#':
                    continue;    // Skip comments
                case 'newmtl': // Read Material chunk
                    name = (sp);    // Get name
                    continue; // Go to the next line
                case 'Kd':   // Read normal
                    if(name == "") continue; // Go to the next line because of Error
                    var material = (sp, name);
                    name = "";
                    continue; // Go to the next line
         = true;

    // Check Materials
     = function() {
        if( == 0) return true;
        for(var i = 0; i < ; i++){
            if(![i].complete) return false;
        return true;

    // Find color by material name
     = function(name){
        for(var i = 0; i < ; i++){
            for(var j = 0; j < [i].; j++){
                if([i].materials[j].name == name){
        return(new Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1));

    // Retrieve the information for drawing 3D model
     = function() {
        // Create an arrays for vertex coordinates, normals, colors, and indices
        var numIndices = 0;
        for(var i = 0; i < ; i++){
            numIndices += [i].numIndices;
        var numVertices = numIndices;
        var vertices = new Float32Array(numVertices * 3);
        var normals = new Float32Array(numVertices * 3);
        var colors = new Float32Array(numVertices * 4);
        var indices = new Uint16Array(numIndices);

        // Set vertex, normal and color
        var index_indices = 0;
        for(var i = 0; i < ; i++){
            var object = [i];
            for(var j = 0; j < ; j++){
                var face = [j];
                var color = ();
                var faceNormal = ;
                for(var k = 0; k < ; k++){
                    // Set index
                    indices[index_indices] = index_indices;
                    // Copy vertex
                    var vIdx = [k];
                    var vertex = [vIdx];
                    vertices[index_indices * 3 + 0] = ;
                    vertices[index_indices * 3 + 1] = ;
                    vertices[index_indices * 3 + 2] = ;
                    // Copy color
                    colors[index_indices * 4 + 0] = ;
                    colors[index_indices * 4 + 1] = ;
                    colors[index_indices * 4 + 2] = ;
                    colors[index_indices * 4 + 3] = ;
                    // Copy normal
                    var nIdx = [k];
                    if(nIdx >= 0){
                        var normal = [nIdx];
                        normals[index_indices * 3 + 0] = ;
                        normals[index_indices * 3 + 1] = ;
                        normals[index_indices * 3 + 2] = ;
                        normals[index_indices * 3 + 0] = ;
                        normals[index_indices * 3 + 1] = ;
                        normals[index_indices * 3 + 2] = ;
                    index_indices ++;

        return new DrawingInfo(vertices, normals, colors, indices);

    // MTLDoc Object
    var MTLDoc = function() {
         = false; // MTL is configured correctly
         = new Array(0);

     = function(sp) {
        return ();         // Get name

     = function(sp, name) {
        var r = ();
        var g = ();
        var b = ();
        return (new Material(name, r, g, b, 1));

    // Material Object
    var Material = function(name, r, g, b, a) {
         = name;
         = new Color(r, g, b, a);

    // Vertex Object
    var Vertex = function(x, y, z) {
         = x;
         = y;
         = z;

    // Normal Object
    var Normal = function(x, y, z) {
         = x;
         = y;
         = z;

    // Color Object
    var Color = function(r, g, b, a) {
         = r;
         = g;
         = b;
         = a;

    // OBJObject Object
    var OBJObject = function(name) {
         = name;
         = new Array(0);
         = 0;

     = function(face) {
         += ;

    // Face Object
    var Face = function(materialName) {
         = materialName;
        if(materialName == null)   = "";
         = new Array(0);
         = new Array(0);

    // DrawInfo Object
    var DrawingInfo = function(vertices, normals, colors, indices) {
         = vertices;
         = normals;
         = colors;
         = indices;

    // Constructor
    var StringParser = function(str) {
        ;   // Store the string specified by the argument
        ; // Position in the string to be processed
    // Initialize StringParser object
     = function(str){
         = str;
         = 0;

    // Skip delimiters
     = function()  {
        for(var i = , len = ; i < len; i++){
            var c = (i);
            // Skip TAB, Space, '(', ')
            if (c == '\t'|| c == ' ' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '"') continue;
         = i;

    // Skip to the next word
     = function() {
        var n = getWordLength(, );
         += (n + 1);

    // Get word
     = function() {
        var n = getWordLength(, );
        if (n == 0) return null;
        var word = (, n);
         += (n + 1);

        return word;

    // Get integer
     = function() {
        return parseInt(());

    // Get floating number
     = function() {
        return parseFloat(());

    // Get the length of word
    function getWordLength(str, start) {
        var n = 0;
        for(var i = start, len = ; i < len; i++){
            var c = (i);
            if (c == '\t'|| c == ' ' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '"')
        return i - start;

    // Common function
    function calcNormal(p0, p1, p2) {
        // v0: a vector from p1 to p0, v1; a vector from p1 to p2
        var v0 = new Float32Array(3);
        var v1 = new Float32Array(3);
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
            v0[i] = p0[i] - p1[i];
            v1[i] = p2[i] - p1[i];

        // The cross product of v0 and v1
        var c = new Float32Array(3);
        c[0] = v0[1] * v1[2] - v0[2] * v1[1];
        c[1] = v0[2] * v1[0] - v0[0] * v1[2];
        c[2] = v0[0] * v1[1] - v0[1] * v1[0];

        // Normalize the result
        var v = new Vector3(c);
        return ;
