Evaluating the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related emergency medical service incidents: Lessons from Austin, Texas
Extreme heat exposure and sensitivity have been a growing concern in urban regions as the effects of extreme heat pose a threat to public health, the water supply, and the infrastructure. Heat-related illnesses demand an immediate Emergency Medical Service (EMS) response since they might result in death or serious disability if not treated quickly. Despite increased concerns about urban heat waves and relevant health issues, a limited amount of research has investigated the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related illnesses. This study explores the geographical distribution of heat vulnerability in the city of Austin and Travis County areas of Texas and identifies neighborhoods with a high degree of heat vulnerability and restricted EMS accessibility. We conducted negative binomial regressions to investigate the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related EMS incidents. Heat-related EMS calls have increased in neighborhoods with more impervious surfaces, Hispanics, those receiving social benefits, people living alone, and the elderly. Higher urban capacity, including efficient road networks, water areas, and green spaces, is likely to reduce heat-related EMS incidents. This study provides data-driven evidence to help planners prioritize vulnerable locations and concentrate local efforts on addressing heat-related health concerns.
Kijin Seong,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院的博士后研究员。她的研究重点是气候适应能力、灾害恢复能力、减灾和气候变化适应以及环境公平的智慧城市框架。