监控有两种方式:基于脚本扫描gc log、基于JMX(GitHub - prometheus/jmx_exporter: A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumption)
这两种监控方式各有优缺点。基于脚本扫描gc log的方法简单直接,但可能会有一定的延迟。而开启JMX则能提供实时的监控数据,但需要额外的配置和资源。
我们可以编写一个简单的脚本来定期扫描gc日志文件,检查是否存在长时间的Full GC或者频繁的Young GC。这个脚本可以设置为一个cron job,定期运行并在发现异常时发送告警。
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def scan_gc_log(log_file, time_threshold, frequency_threshold):
full_gc_count = 0
young_gc_count = 0
last_gc_time = None
with open(log_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if 'Full GC' in line:
full_gc_count += 1
last_gc_time = parse_time(line)
elif 'Young GC' in line:
young_gc_count += 1
if full_gc_count > 0 and (datetime.now() - last_gc_time) < timedelta(minutes=time_threshold):
send_alert(f"Full GC detected in last {time_threshold} minutes")
if young_gc_count > frequency_threshold:
send_alert(f"High frequency of Young GC: {young_gc_count} in last hour")
# 实现parse_time和send_alert函数
2、基于JMX(GitHub - prometheus/jmx_exporter: A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumption)的实现方式: