
时间:2021-11-16 05:05:12

I have the following code;


// World
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 100, 200, 100 );
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 'green' } );
var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
cube.position.y = (cube.height / 2); // this doesn't work
scene.add( cube );

What is the correct method to get the height of the cube? I know the height = 100, but I want to understand how I get the height using program code.

获得立方体高度的正确方法是什么?我知道身高= 100,但我想知道如何使用程序代码获得高度。

4 个解决方案


If you create a cube mesh using THREE.BoxGeometry, you can get the height of the cube by accessing the parameters property of the geometry:


height = mesh.geometry.parameters.height;

If you have changed the mesh property scale.y from its default value of 1, then you will have to multiply the above quantity by scale.y.


three.js r.71


The bounding box of an object will give its accurate dimensions:


var cube_bbox = new THREE.Box3();
cube_bbox.setFromObject( cube );

Now you have the vectors cube_bbox.max and cube_bbox.min so:


cube_height = cube_bbox.max.y - cube_bbox.min.y;


The box Geometry object that you created has 3 properties (Height, Width and Depth). These 3 properties are read as x,y,z. As a result, if you want to change the height, you will have to change the Y axis.


geometry.scale.y = 200;


You have to calculate it from geometry.


//you need to get correct verts 0 and 4 are for example
var height=cube.geometry.vertices[4].y-cube.geometry.vertices[0].y;


If you create a cube mesh using THREE.BoxGeometry, you can get the height of the cube by accessing the parameters property of the geometry:


height = mesh.geometry.parameters.height;

If you have changed the mesh property scale.y from its default value of 1, then you will have to multiply the above quantity by scale.y.


three.js r.71


The bounding box of an object will give its accurate dimensions:


var cube_bbox = new THREE.Box3();
cube_bbox.setFromObject( cube );

Now you have the vectors cube_bbox.max and cube_bbox.min so:


cube_height = cube_bbox.max.y - cube_bbox.min.y;


The box Geometry object that you created has 3 properties (Height, Width and Depth). These 3 properties are read as x,y,z. As a result, if you want to change the height, you will have to change the Y axis.


geometry.scale.y = 200;


You have to calculate it from geometry.


//you need to get correct verts 0 and 4 are for example
var height=cube.geometry.vertices[4].y-cube.geometry.vertices[0].y;