WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: uniform1i:当前程序的位置

时间:2022-08-21 19:38:11

I'm trying to setup two textures in my fragment shader but am getting this error if I try setup the corresponding uniform variables with:


gl.uniform1i(getUniformLocation(program, "uTextureOne"), 0); and gl.uniform1i(getUniformLocation(program, "uTextureTwo"), 1);.


What does it mean? (I'm using Chrome)


My shader looks like this:


        "#ifdef GL_ES                       \r\n" +
        "precision mediump float;           \r\n" + 
        "#endif                             \r\n" +
        "uniform sampler2D uTextureOne;     \r\n" +
        "uniform sampler2D uTextureTwo;     \r\n" +
        "varying vec3 vOrgNormal;           \r\n" +
        "void main(void) {                  \r\n" +

1 个解决方案



“Location not for current program” means that the active shader program (gl.useProgram) is not the program which you obtained the uniform locations from.


If you are using only one shader program, then simply make sure that in your initialization you do gl.useProgram before you do any gl.uniform….

如果您使用的是只有一个着色器程序,然后简单地确保你的初始化之前gl.useProgram你做任何gl.uniform ....

If you are using multiple shader programs, make sure that the correct one is selected before you attempt to set uniform values. Note that uniforms are specific to programs and they are remembered by the programs, so you don't have to re-set them every time you switch programs!




“Location not for current program” means that the active shader program (gl.useProgram) is not the program which you obtained the uniform locations from.


If you are using only one shader program, then simply make sure that in your initialization you do gl.useProgram before you do any gl.uniform….

如果您使用的是只有一个着色器程序,然后简单地确保你的初始化之前gl.useProgram你做任何gl.uniform ....

If you are using multiple shader programs, make sure that the correct one is selected before you attempt to set uniform values. Note that uniforms are specific to programs and they are remembered by the programs, so you don't have to re-set them every time you switch programs!
