\caption{Curve $F=0$ was bounded by two conic curves $f_{1}=0$ and $f_{2}=0$. \textcolor[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{What is the expression of $F$? and where is the triangular domain (as you always emphasize the tri-box, you'd better illustrate it in the figs )?}}
\caption{Surface $F$ (middle surface) are bounded by two degree 2 surfaces (the pink and green meshes) in 3-dimension, . \textcolor[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{\emph{combine Fig1 and Fig 2 into a single Fig with two subfigs}}}

The pink domain is candidate region (a) Rectangular parameter domain by~\cite{Nishita:1990:rayRS}; (b) Triangular parameter domain by using~\cite{Nishita:1990:rayRS}; (c) Triangular parameter domain just keep $u_{min}, v_{min}, w_{min}$. }