
时间:2024-10-23 08:56:07


Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, and Mint use the same package management software named dpkg and apt. Updating OS is an important part of the system administration. We will look at how to update and upgrade deb based distributions.

Ubuntu,Debian,Kali和Mint使用相同的软件包管理软件dpkg和apt。 更新操作系统是系统管理的重要部分。 我们将研究如何更新和升级基于deb的发行版。

更新包索引 (Update Package Index)

The first step to updating packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, and Mint is updating the package index. The package index holds the most recent available packages from the repository and crosscheck with already installed packages. Than upgrade-able packages are created. We need root privileges to run this command. So we will use sudo command.

为Ubuntu,Debian,Kali和Mint更新软件包的第一步是更新软件包索引。 软件包索引包含存储库中最新可用的软件包,并与已安装的软件包进行交叉检查。 创建了超过可升级的软件包。 我们需要root特权才能运行此命令。 所以我们将使用sudo命令。

$ sudo apt update
Update Package Index
Update Package Index

列出可升级的软件包(List Upgradeable Packages)

We can list currently upgrade-able packages. We will use apt list command with --upgradeable option.

我们可以列出当前可升级的软件包。 我们将使用带有--upgradeable选项的apt list命令。

$ sudo apt list --upgradeable

升级所有套餐 (Upgrade All Packages)

Now we have the required information to upgrade packages. We also know which packages will be upgraded by listing upgrade-able packages. We will upgrade with apt dist-upgrade which will upgrade and made version selection automatically. We required root privileges which are given by sudo.

现在,我们拥有升级软件包所需的信息。 通过列出可升级的软件包,我们也知道哪些软件包将被升级。 我们将使用apt dist-upgrade ,它将自动升级并进行版本选择。 我们需要sudo赋予的root特权。

$ sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

升级特定套餐 (Upgrade Specific Package)

In the previous example, we will upgrade all newly versioned packages. But in some cases like comp ability, this makes break comp-ability of existing software. We may need to upgrade specific packages. We will upgrade a specific package by giving the package name to the dist-upgrade command as a parameter. In this example, we will upgrade the package named tmux.

在前面的示例中,我们将升级所有新版本的软件包。 但是在某些情况下,例如comp能力,这会使现有软件失去兼容性。 我们可能需要升级特定的软件包。 通过将软件包名称作为参数提供给dist-upgrade命令,我们将升级特定的软件包。 在此示例中,我们将升级名为tmux的软件包。

$ sudo apt dist-upgrade tmux

单次更新和升级 (Update and Upgrade In Single Shot)

In daily operations, we may need a fast and furious solution which will update and upgrade packages. I generally bind two commands together to make things faster and still reliable. If update operation fails upgrade will not start with the following command.

在日常操作中,我们可能需要快速而激烈的解决方案来更新和升级软件包。 我通常将两个命令绑定在一起,以使事情变得更快且更可靠。 如果更新操作失败,则升级不会以以下命令开始。

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
Update and Upgrade In Single Shot
Update and Upgrade In Single Shot

Clean Apt程序包缓存(Clean Apt Package Cache)

Over time the downloaded packages and package metadata will be held in the cache. This will take some space from our disk. We need to clean this cache periodically to get our disk space. We can clean our apt and dpkg cache with autoclean option.

随着时间的流逝,下载的软件包和软件包元数据将保存在缓存中。 这将占用我们磁盘的一些空间。 我们需要定期清理此缓存以获取磁盘空间。 我们可以使用autoclean选项来清理apt和dpkg缓存。

$ sudo apt autoclean

删除不需要和不使用的软件包 (Remove Unneeded and Unused Packages)

Over time some packages are obsolete or not needed by their parents. These packages are not updated nor removed automatically. We can remove these unneeded packages with autoremove option like below.

随着时间的流逝,某些包已过时或父母不需要。 这些软件包不会更新也不自动删除。 我们可以使用如下所示的autoremove选项删除这些不需要的软件包。

$ sudo apt autoremove -y
LEARN MORE  Apt Command "Hash Sum mismatch" Error and Solution On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali

翻译自: /update-and-upgrade-ubuntu-debian-mint-and-kali/
