本质是 找到mendeley的插件启动项,放在word启动目录下,
3. Manual Installation (If Automatic Installation Fails)
If the automatic installation doesn't work, you can manually install the plugin:
Locate the Plugin Folder:
- Navigate to '/Applications/Mendeley'.
Copy the Plugin File:
- Find the file named '' (version number may vary).
- Copy this file.
Paste into Word Startup Folder:
- Go to '/Users/[YourUsername]/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/Word/'.
- If you can't find the 'Library' folder, it might be hidden. Press Command + Shift + . (dot) in Finder to reveal hidden files.
- Paste the copied plugin file into this folder.
Restart Word:
- Open Microsoft Word. The Mendeley plugin should now appear in the ribbon under the 'References' tab.
- mendeley路径:`/Applications/Mendeley`
- 复制到word startup路径:`/Users/XXX(username)/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word/Mendeley-word2016-1.19.8.dotm`
- 重启word,就能发现有了