《Programming from the Ground Up》阅读笔记:p181-p216-二、英语总结

时间:2024-10-10 06:56:29

1.hallway vs hall

p187, We have a switch for outside lights, a switch for the hallway lights, a switch for the living room lights, and a switch for the bedroom lights.

hallway和hall的意思差不多,都是指"a passage in a house(走廊)", 它们之间的一个微小差别是:hallway implies “narrow passage”, hall implies “large space or room”。

2.flinch at

flinch: make a sudden small movement of pain or fear(这是物理意义上的),也可以用于比喻意义(退缩)。

示例:p213, Languages are simply tools, and learning to use a new tool should not be something a programmer flinches at.


p214, However, in well-made interpreters, this time can be fairly negligible.

(1)negligible: negligence + -ible。

(2)negligence: neglect。

(3) neglect: *ne-(“not”) + *leg-(“to collect, gather”).vt. to not give enough care or attention to sth(忽视)。