
时间:2024-10-09 07:11:40
  • public ProtocolConnection openConnectionImpl(HostSpec[] hostSpecs, String user, String database, Properties info, Logger logger) throws SQLException {
  • // Extract interesting values from the info properties:
  • // - the SSL setting
  • boolean requireSSL;
  • boolean trySSL;
  • String sslmode = ("sslmode");
  • if (sslmode==null)
  • { //Fall back to the ssl property
  • requireSSL = trySSL = (("ssl") != null);
  • } else {
  • if ("disable".equals(sslmode))
  • {
  • requireSSL = trySSL = false;
  • }
  • //allow and prefer are not handled yet
  • /*else if ("allow".equals(sslmode) || "prefer".equals(sslmode))
  • {
  • //XXX Allow and prefer are treated the same way
  • requireSSL = false;
  • trySSL = true;
  • }*/
  • else if ("require".equals(sslmode) || "verify-ca".equals(sslmode) || "verify-full".equals(sslmode))
  • {
  • requireSSL = trySSL = true;
  • } else {
  • throw new PSQLException (("Invalid sslmode value: {0}", sslmode), PSQLState.CONNECTION_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT);
  • }
  • }
  • // - the TCP keep alive setting
  • boolean requireTCPKeepAlive = (Boolean.valueOf(("tcpKeepAlive")).booleanValue());
  • // NOTE: To simplify this code, it is assumed that if we are
  • // using the V3 protocol, then the database is at least 7.4. That
  • // eliminates the need to check database versions and maintain
  • // backward-compatible code here.
  • //
  • // Change by Chris Smith <cdsmith@>
  • for (int whichHost = 0; whichHost < hostSpecs.length; ++whichHost) {
  • HostSpec hostSpec = hostSpecs[whichHost];
  • if (())
  • ("Trying to establish a protocol version 3 connection to " + hostSpec);
  • //
  • // Establish a connection.
  • //
  • int connectTimeout = 0;
  • String connectTimeoutProperty = ("connectTimeout", "0");
  • try {
  • connectTimeout = (connectTimeoutProperty) * 1000;
  • } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
  • ("Couldn't parse connectTimeout value:" + connectTimeoutProperty);
  • }
  • PGStream newStream = null;
  • try
  • {
  • newStream = new PGStream(hostSpec, connectTimeout);
  • // Construct and send an ssl startup packet if requested.
  • if (trySSL)
  • newStream = enableSSL(newStream, requireSSL, info, logger, connectTimeout);
  • // Set the socket timeout if the "socketTimeout" property has been set.
  • String socketTimeoutProperty = ("socketTimeout", "0");
  • try {
  • int socketTimeout = (socketTimeoutProperty);
  • if (socketTimeout > 0) {
  • ().setSoTimeout(socketTimeout*1000);
  • }
  • } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
  • ("Couldn't parse socketTimeout value:" + socketTimeoutProperty);
  • }
  • // Enable TCP keep-alive probe if required.
  • ().setKeepAlive(requireTCPKeepAlive);
  • // Try to set SO_SNDBUF and SO_RECVBUF socket options, if requested.
  • // If receiveBufferSize and send_buffer_size are set to a value greater
  • // than 0, adjust. -1 means use the system default, 0 is ignored since not
  • // supported.
  • // Set SO_RECVBUF read buffer size
  • String receiveBufferSizeProperty = ("receiveBufferSize", "-1");
  • try {
  • int receiveBufferSize = (receiveBufferSizeProperty);
  • if (receiveBufferSize > -1) {
  • // value of 0 not a valid buffer size value
  • if (receiveBufferSize > 0) {
  • ().setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize);
  • } else {
  • ("Ignore invalid value for receiveBufferSize: " + receiveBufferSize);
  • }
  • }
  • } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
  • ("Couldn't parse receiveBufferSize value: " + receiveBufferSizeProperty);
  • }
  • // Set SO_SNDBUF write buffer size
  • String sendBufferSizeProperty = ("sendBufferSize", "-1");
  • try {
  • int sendBufferSize = (sendBufferSizeProperty);
  • if (sendBufferSize > -1) {
  • if (sendBufferSize > 0) {
  • ().setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize);
  • } else {
  • ("Ignore invalid value for sendBufferSize: " + sendBufferSize);
  • }
  • }
  • } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
  • ("Couldn't parse sendBufferSize value: " + sendBufferSizeProperty);
  • }
  • ("Receive Buffer Size is " + ().getReceiveBufferSize());
  • ("Send Buffer Size is " + ().getSendBufferSize());
  • // Construct and send a startup packet.
  • String[][] params = {
  • { "user", user },
  • { "database", database },
  • { "client_encoding", "UTF8" },
  • { "DateStyle", "ISO" },
  • { "extra_float_digits", "2" },
  • { "TimeZone", createPostgresTimeZone() },
  • };
  • sendStartupPacket(newStream, params, logger);
  • // Do authentication (until AuthenticationOk).
  • doAuthentication(newStream, (), user, info, logger);
  • // Do final startup.
  • ProtocolConnectionImpl protoConnection = new ProtocolConnectionImpl(newStream, user, database, info, logger, connectTimeout);
  • readStartupMessages(newStream, protoConnection, logger);
  • runInitialQueries(protoConnection, info, logger);
  • // And we're done.
  • return protoConnection;
  • }
  • catch (UnsupportedProtocolException upe)
  • {
  • // Swallow this and return null so ConnectionFactory tries the next protocol.
  • if (())
  • ("Protocol not supported, abandoning connection.");
  • try
  • {
  • ();
  • }
  • catch (IOException e)
  • {
  • }
  • return null;
  • }
  • catch (ConnectException cex)
  • {
  • // Added by Peter Mount <peter@>
  • // ConnectException is thrown when the connection cannot be made.
  • // we trap this an return a more meaningful message for the end user
  • if (whichHost + 1 < ) {
  • // still more addresses to try
  • continue;
  • }
  • throw new PSQLException (("Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections."), PSQLState.CONNECTION_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT, cex);
  • }
  • catch (IOException ioe)
  • {
  • if (newStream != null)
  • {
  • try
  • {
  • ();
  • }
  • catch (IOException e)
  • {
  • }
  • }
  • if (whichHost + 1 < ) {
  • // still more addresses to try
  • continue;
  • }
  • throw new PSQLException (("The connection attempt failed."), PSQLState.CONNECTION_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT, ioe);
  • }
  • catch (SQLException se)
  • {
  • if (newStream != null)
  • {
  • try
  • {
  • ();
  • }
  • catch (IOException e)
  • {
  • }
  • }
  • if (whichHost + 1 < ) {
  • // still more addresses to try
  • continue;
  • }
  • throw se;
  • }
  • }
  • throw new PSQLException (("The connection url is invalid."), PSQLState.CONNECTION_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT);
  • }