Leecode SQL 184. Department Highest Salary 找出tie

时间:2024-10-03 08:35:50
  1. Department Highest Salary

注意!要找出 tie 的 highest salary!

Write a solution to find employees who have the highest salary in each of the departments.

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.

Employee =

id name salary departmentId
1 Joe 70000 1
2 Jim 90000 1
3 Henry 80000 2
4 Sam 60000 2
5 Max 90000 1

Department =

id name
1 IT
2 Sales


Department Employee salary
IT Jim 90000
Sales Henry 80000
IT Max 90000

My wrong solution (didn’t find the tie):

-- WITH a AS (
--     SELECT departmentId AS di, name, MAX(salary) AS highest
--     FROM employee e
--     GROUP BY e.departmentId
-- )

-- SELECT d.name AS Department, a.name AS Employee, a.highest AS Salary
-- FROM a
--     JOIN department d
--         ON a.di = d.id

Correct solution by others:

SELECT dp.name AS Department, em.name AS Employee, em.salary
FROM Employee AS em 
    JOIN Department as dp 
        ON em.departmentId = dp.id 
WHERE em.salary = (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Employee 
				WHERE departmentId = dp.id )