GitLab CI/CD脚本入门

时间:2024-09-29 15:02:12
# 全局配置 stages: # 定义各个阶段 - setup - build - test - deploy variables: # 全局变量设置 NODE_ENV: "development" PACKAGE_VERSION: "1.0.0" GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: "recursive" # 设置git子模块策略 before_script: # 全局的before_script,适用于所有job - echo "Setting up the environment" - apt-get update -y - apt-get install -y python3-pip # Cache设置,适用于所有的job cache: paths: - node_modules/ - .cache/pip setup_job: # setup 阶段的 job stage: setup image: node:16 script: - npm install artifacts: paths: - node_modules/ build_job: # build 阶段的 job stage: build image: node:16 script: - npm run build artifacts: paths: - dist/ expire_in: 1 week # 设置 artifacts 的过期时间 test_job: # test 阶段的 job stage: test image: node:16 dependencies: # 声明依赖于 build_job 的 artifacts - build_job script: - npm run test cache: # 局部 cache 配置,覆盖全局配置 paths: - .cache/ test_python: # 另一个 test 阶段的 job,用 Python 执行测试 stage: test image: python:3.9 script: - pip install -r requirements.txt - pytest artifacts: paths: - test-reports/ reports: junit: test-reports/report.xml # 生成 JUnit 格式的测试报告 manual_deploy: # deploy 阶段的 job,手动执行 stage: deploy script: - echo "Deploying to production server..." when: manual # 手动触发 only: - master auto_deploy: # 自动部署,允许失败 stage: deploy script: - echo "Deploying to staging server..." environment: # 设置环境变量 name: staging url: allow_failure: true # 部署失败不影响 pipeline 成功状态 pages: # 使用 GitLab Pages 部署静态站点 stage: deploy script: - echo "Building static pages" - mkdir .public - echo "<html><body><h1>My Project</h1></body></html>" > .public/index.html artifacts: paths: - .public only: - master retry_example: # 设置失败后自动重试 stage: test script: - echo "This will retry on failure" - exit 1 retry: 2 # 失败时重试2次 timeout_example: # 设置超时 stage: test script: - echo "This job has a timeout" - sleep 120 timeout: 1m # 超时时间1分钟 # 使用extends继承配置 .base_job_template: # 定义一个基础job模板 image: alpine:latest before_script: - echo "This is before script from base template" script: - echo "Running from base template" my_extended_job: extends: .base_job_template # 继承模板 script: - echo "This is an extended job" # Docker in Docker 服务示例 docker_build: stage: build image: docker:latest services: - docker:dind # 使用 Docker in Docker script: - docker build -t myapp . only_master_branch: # 只在 master 分支上运行的 job stage: test script: - echo "This runs only on the master branch" only: - master except_develop_branch: # 除了 develop 分支外,所有分支都运行的 job stage: test script: - echo "This runs on all branches except develop" except: - develop