
时间:2024-07-13 07:10:37
#include "h264_nalu.h" #include "aac_adts.h" #include "flv.h" static int generateFlvHeader(int hasVideo, int hasAudio, uint8_t *pOutData, uint32_t *pOutDataLen) { T_FlvHeader flvheader = {0}; if(!pOutData || !pOutDataLen) { printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } flvheader.signature[0] = 'F'; flvheader.signature[1] = 'L'; flvheader.signature[2] = 'V'; flvheader.version = 0x01; flvheader.type_flag = AUDIO_SUPPORT(hasAudio) | VIDEO_SUPPORT(hasVideo); flvheader.data_offset = 0x09000000; /* 9 Bytes, size of flv header. big-endian. */ memcpy(pOutData, (uint8_t *)&flvheader, sizeof(T_FlvHeader)); *pOutDataLen = SIZE_FLV_HEADER; return 0; } static int generatePreviousTagSize(uint32_t size, uint8_t *pOutData, uint32_t *pOutDataLen) { if(!pOutData || !pOutDataLen) { printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } /* storge in file with big-endian */ pOutData[0] = (uint8_t)((size >> 24) & 0xFF); pOutData[1] = (uint8_t)((size >> 16) & 0xFF); pOutData[2] = (uint8_t)((size >> 8) & 0xFF); pOutData[3] = (uint8_t)(size & 0xFF); *pOutDataLen = SIZE_PREVIOUS_TAG_SIZE; return 0; } static int generateScriptTag(uint8_t *pOutData, uint32_t *pOutDataLen) { PT_FlvTag ptScriptTag = NULL; char *pString = NULL; uint32_t stringLen = -1; uint32_t dataSize = -1; uint32_t amf2ArrayCnt = 0; /* have no member in this demo! */ uint32_t curPos = 0; #if 0 /* have no member in this demo, so not need to convert! */ union{ double d; uint8_t c[8]; } un; #endif if(!pOutData || !pOutDataLen) { printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } ptScriptTag = (PT_FlvTag)pOutData; //dataSize = -1; // calcurate bihind. //*pOutDataLen = -1; // calcurate bihind. ptScriptTag->flvheader.TagType = FLVTAG_TYPE_SCRIPT; //ptScriptTag->flvheader.DataSize[0] = -1; // calcurate bihind. //ptScriptTag->flvheader.DataSize[1] = -1; //ptScriptTag->flvheader.DataSize[2] = -1; ptScriptTag->flvheader.Timestamp[0] = 0; ptScriptTag->flvheader.Timestamp[1] = 0; ptScriptTag->flvheader.Timestamp[2] = 0; ptScriptTag->flvheader.TimestampExtended = 0; ptScriptTag->flvheader.StreamID[0] = 0; ptScriptTag->flvheader.StreamID[1] = 0; ptScriptTag->flvheader.StreamID[2] = 0; /* AMF1 */ pString = "onMetaData"; stringLen = strlen(pString); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 0] = AMF_DATA_TYPE_STRING; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 1] = (uint8_t)((stringLen >> 8) & 0xFF); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 2] = (uint8_t)(stringLen & 0xFF); memcpy(&ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 3], pString, stringLen); curPos += (3 + stringLen); /* AMF2 */ ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 0] = AMF_DATA_TYPE_MIXEDARRAY; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 1] = (uint8_t)((amf2ArrayCnt >> 24) & 0xFF); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 2] = (uint8_t)((amf2ArrayCnt >> 16) & 0xFF); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 3] = (uint8_t)((amf2ArrayCnt >> 8) & 0xFF); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 4] = (uint8_t)((amf2ArrayCnt >> 0) & 0xFF); curPos += 5; #if 0 /* reference to `uint32_t amf2ArrayCnt = ...` */ pString = "duration"; stringLen = strlen(pString); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 0] = (uint8_t)((stringLen >> 8) & 0xFF); ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 1] = (uint8_t)(stringLen & 0xFF); memcpy(&ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 2], pString, stringLen); curPos += (2 + stringLen); un.d = 30; /* Second */ ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 0] = AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 1] = un.c[7]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 2] = un.c[6]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 3] = un.c[5]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 4] = un.c[4]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 5] = un.c[3]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 6] = un.c[2]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 7] = un.c[1]; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 8] = un.c[0]; curPos += (1+8); #endif /* end */ ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 0] = 0x00; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 1] = 0x00; ptScriptTag->flvdata[curPos + 2] = AMF_DATA_TYPE_OBJECT_END; curPos += 3; // now we can calculate it. dataSize = curPos; *pOutDataLen = SIZE_FLV_TAG_HEADER + dataSize; ptScriptTag->flvheader.DataSize[0] = (uint8_t)((dataSize >> 16 & 0xFF)); ptScriptTag->flvheader.DataSize[1] = (uint8_t)((dataSize >> 8 & 0xFF)); ptScriptTag->flvheader.DataSize[2] = (uint8_t)(dataSize & 0xFF); return 0; } static int generateAvcSequenceHeader(uint8_t *spsBuf, uint16_t spsLen, uint8_t *ppsBuf, uint16_t ppsLen, uint32_t timestamp_ms, uint8_t *pOutData, uint32_t *pOutDataLen) { PT_FlvTag ptVideoTag = NULL; uint32_t dataSize = 0; if(!spsBuf || !spsLen || !ppsBuf || !ppsLen || !pOutData || !pOutDataLen) { printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } ptVideoTag = (PT_FlvTag)pOutData; dataSize = (13 + spsLen) + (3 + ppsLen); *pOutDataLen = SIZE_FLV_TAG_HEADER + dataSize; ptVideoTag->flvheader.TagType = FLVTAG_TYPE_VIDEO; ptVideoTag->flvheader.DataSize[0] = (uint8_t)((dataSize >> 16 & 0xFF)); ptVideoTag->flvheader.DataSize[1] = (uint8_t)((dataSize >> 8 & 0xFF)); ptVideoTag->flvheader.DataSize[2] = (uint8_t)(dataSize & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.Timestamp[0] = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms >> 16) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.Timestamp[1] = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms >> 8) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.Timestamp[2] = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.TimestampExtended = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms >> 24) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.StreamID[0] = 0; ptVideoTag->flvheader.StreamID[1] = 0; ptVideoTag->flvheader.StreamID[2] = 0; ptVideoTag->flvdata[0] = ((VIDEOTAG_FRAMETYPE_KEYFRAME << 4) |\ (VIDEOTAG_CODECID_AVC)); /* 0x17, keyframe, avc */ /* next for AVCVIDEOPACKET */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[1] = AVC_PACKET_TYPE_SEQUENCE_HEADER; /* AVCPacketType: 0, AVC sequence header */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[2] = 0x00; /* CompositionTime: AVCPacketType != 1, so it is 0, otherwise data[2~4] is CTS */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[3] = 0x00; /* CompositionTime: AVCPacketType != 1, so it is 0, otherwise data[2~4] is CTS */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[4] = 0x00; /* CompositionTime: AVCPacketType != 1, so it is 0, otherwise data[2~4] is CTS */ /* next for AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[5] = 0x01; /* ConfigurationVersion: always 0x01*/ ptVideoTag->flvdata[6] = spsBuf[1]; /* AVCProfileIndication: the first byte after the 'nalu type'(buf no include 'start code') */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[7] = spsBuf[2]; /* profile_compatibility: the second byte after the 'nalu type'(buf no include 'start code') */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[8] = spsBuf[3]; /* AVCLevelIndication: the third byte after the 'nalu type'(buf no include 'start code') */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[9] = 0xFF; /* lengthSi*usOne: always 0xFF, bit[7:2]: '111111b'reversed */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[10] = 0xE1; /* NumOfSequenceParmeterSets: always 0xE1, bit[7:5]: '111b'reversed */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[11] = (uint8_t)((spsLen >> 8) & 0xFF); /* SequenceParamterSetLength: big-endian, H */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[12] = (uint8_t)(spsLen & 0xFF); /* SequenceParamterSetLength: big-endian, L */ memcpy(&ptVideoTag->flvdata[13], spsBuf, spsLen); ptVideoTag->flvdata[13+spsLen] = 0x01; /* NumOfPictureParmeterSets: always 0x01 */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[13+spsLen+1] = (uint8_t)((ppsLen >> 8) & 0xFF); /* PictureParamterSetLength: big-endian, H */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[13+spsLen+2] = (uint8_t)(ppsLen& 0xFF); /* PictureParamterSetLength: big-endian, L */ memcpy(&ptVideoTag->flvdata[13+spsLen+3], ppsBuf, ppsLen); return 0; } static int generateAvcNALU(uint8_t *pNaluData, uint32_t naluDataLen, uint32_t isIDRNalu, uint32_t timestamp_ms, uint8_t *pOutData, uint32_t *pOutDataLen) { PT_FlvTag ptVideoTag = NULL; uint32_t dataSize = 0; if(!pNaluData || !naluDataLen || !pOutData || !pOutDataLen) { printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } ptVideoTag = (PT_FlvTag)pOutData; dataSize = 9 + naluDataLen; *pOutDataLen = SIZE_FLV_TAG_HEADER + dataSize; ptVideoTag->flvheader.TagType = FLVTAG_TYPE_VIDEO; ptVideoTag->flvheader.DataSize[0] = (uint8_t)((dataSize >> 16 & 0xFF)); ptVideoTag->flvheader.DataSize[1] = (uint8_t)((dataSize >> 8 & 0xFF)); ptVideoTag->flvheader.DataSize[2] = (uint8_t)(dataSize & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.Timestamp[0] = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms >> 16) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.Timestamp[1] = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms >> 8) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.Timestamp[2] = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.TimestampExtended = (uint8_t)((timestamp_ms >> 24) & 0xFF); ptVideoTag->flvheader.StreamID[0] = 0; ptVideoTag->flvheader.StreamID[1] = 0; ptVideoTag->flvheader.StreamID[2] = 0; if(isIDRNalu) { ptVideoTag->flvdata[0] = ((VIDEOTAG_FRAMETYPE_KEYFRAME << 4) |\ (VIDEOTAG_CODECID_AVC)); /* 0x17, keyframe, avc */ } else { ptVideoTag->flvdata[0] = ((VIDEOTAG_FRAMETYPE_INTER_FRAME << 4) |\ (VIDEOTAG_CODECID_AVC)); /* 0x27, inter frame, avc */ } /* next for AVCVIDEOPACKET */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[1] = AVC_PACKET_TYPE_NALU; /* AVCPacketType: 1, NALU */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[2] = 0x00; /* CompositionTime: CTS = 0, because no b'frame */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[3] = 0x00; /* CompositionTime: CTS = 0, because no b'frame */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[4] = 0x00; /* CompositionTime: CTS = 0, because no b'frame */ ptVideoTag->flvdata[5] = (ui