xml 取值错误 #{} boolean 一直为 false

时间:2024-06-09 13:28:52
<select id="findPageOaReading" resultType="com.focusin.data.office.func.dto.ProcessMessageInfoDTO"> select i.*, t.template_name procdefName from process_message_info i inner join process_oa_template t on i.process_oa_template_id = t.id where i.del_flag = 0 and i.status = 1 and i.receive_user = #{param.receiveUser} and i.data_type in (1, 2, 3, 4) and i.msg_status = #{param.msgStatus} <if test="param.processTitle!=null and param.processTitle!=''"> and i.process_title like concat(#{param.processTitle}, '%') </if> <if test="param.tenant!=null and param.tenant!=''"> and i.tenant = #{param.tenant} </if> <if test="param.sendUser!=null and param.sendUser!=''"> and i.send_user = #{param.sendUser} </if> <if test="param.templateName!=null and param.templateName!=''"> and t.template_name like CONCAT(#{param.templateName},'%') </if> <if test="param.receiveBeginTime!=null and param.receiveEndTime!=null"> and i.create_time between #{param.receiveBeginTime} and #{param.receiveEndTime} </if> <if test="param.msgStatus == true and param.operateBeginTime!=null and param.operateEndTime!=null"> and i.update_time between #{param.operateBeginTime} and #{param.operateEndTime} </if> </select>