Chrome has become the world's most popular web browser by offering performance and features that best its competitors. But this rise in popularity has led many to struggle with losing important web pages, research, and sessions with lost or closed chrome tabs.
Chrome通过提供性能最好的竞争对手而成为世界上最受欢迎的Web浏览器。 但是,这种受欢迎程度的上升已导致许多人为失去重要的网页,研究以及带有丢失或关闭的chrome标签页的会话而苦苦挣扎。

Imagine you are doing research for a project and, after clicking through a ton of links, arrive at the perfect source of information. You have no idea how you got there, but you're there now and that's all that matters.????
想象一下,您正在为一个项目进行研究,然后单击大量链接后,便可以找到理想的信息源。 您不知道如何到达那里,但是现在就在那里,这很重要。????
You're working on notes, emails, switching tabs, everything is going great… until disaster strikes: you accidentally click the wrong pixel and the tab you needed disappears without warning. ????
您正在处理笔记,电子邮件,切换选项卡,一切都进行得很好……直到灾难来临:您不小心单击了错误的像素,所需的选项卡在没有警告的情况下消失了。 ????
Or, to no fault of your own, Chrome decides to crash on you for no apparent reason.
You don't have to worry. You're not the first person this has happened to, and you won't be the last. Luckily Google Chrome remembers your web page browsing history, and regardless of what went wrong you should be able to fully recover.
不用担心 您不是发生这种情况的第一个人,也不会是最后一个。 幸运的是,谷歌浏览器会记住您的网页浏览历史记录,无论出什么问题,您都应该能够完全恢复。
Here's a few ways you can easily restore closed tabs in Chrome if this ever happens to you.
事故标签关闭 (Closed tab on accident)
If you simply clicked the wrong pixel and closed a tab you didn't mean to, it's easy to restore. You can simply right-click an empty area in the tab bar section and choose reopen closed tabs.
如果您只是单击了错误的像素并关闭了一个不想要的选项卡,则很容易恢复。 您只需在选项卡栏区域中的空白区域上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“重新打开已关闭的选项卡”。

You can also use a keyboard shortcut — press Ctrl+Shift+T (or Command+Shift+T on a Mac) and the last tab you closed will reopen in a new tab page.
您还可以使用键盘快捷键-按Ctrl + Shift + T(在Mac上为Command + Shift + T),最后关闭的标签页将在新标签页中重新打开。
Chrome或电脑当机 (Chrome or computer crashed)
A computer crash is never a pleasant experience, but you don't have to worry about Chrome losing your current session.
Google Chrome can handle a crash gracefully when you lose all your open tabs. Usually when you restart Chrome, it shows a "restore tabs" button. This option will fully restore your last browsing session. Click it, and you're right back where you left off.
当您丢失所有打开的标签页时,Google Chrome浏览器可以正常处理崩溃。 通常,当您重新启动Chrome时,它会显示一个“还原标签”按钮。 此选项将完全恢复您的上一次浏览会话。 单击它,您便回到上次停下的位置。
If you do not get this option, it's okay. Click the Chrome menu and hover your cursor over the history menu item. There you should see an option that reads "# tabs" for example "12 tabs". You can click this option to restore your previous session.
如果您没有获得此选项,那就可以了。 点击Chrome菜单,然后将光标悬停在历史记录菜单项上。 在那里,您应该看到一个读取“#选项卡”的选项,例如“ 12个选项卡”。 您可以单击此选项来还原上一个会话。

The Ctrl+Shift+T command can also reopen crashed or closed Chrome windows. You can keep pressing this shortcut until it runs out of tabs and closed windows to restore.
Ctrl + Shift + T命令还可以重新打开崩溃或关闭的Chrome窗口。 您可以一直按住此快捷方式,直到它用完选项卡和关闭的窗口来还原。
恢复最近关闭的标签页 (Restore recently closed tabs)
Similarly, you can restore recently closed tabs by again clicking the Chrome menu and hovering your cursor over the history menu item. A short summary of pages you recently visited will be listed there as well.
同样,您可以通过再次单击Chrome菜单并将光标悬停在历史记录菜单项上来还原最近关闭的标签页。 您最近访问过的页面的简短摘要也会在此处列出。
If the page you want to restore is listed there, you can click to restore it. If it is not there, you can try the next approach.
如果您要还原的页面在此处列出,则可以单击以还原它。 如果不存在,则可以尝试下一种方法。
选项卡您前几天关闭 (Tab you closed the other day)
If you don't see the web page you want to recover yet, click the history submenu item (chrome menu > history > history). Or you can use the shortcut Ctrl+H (Mac: Command+Y).
如果您尚未看到要恢复的网页,请单击“历史记录”子菜单项(chrome菜单>“ history”>“ history”)。 或者,您可以使用快捷键Ctrl + H(Mac:Command + Y)。

This will show a full history of pages you visited. You should be able to find the page you wanted there. You can even search your web page history to make it easy if it has been a while since you closed or lost your tab.
这将显示您访问过的页面的完整历史记录。 您应该能够在其中找到所需的页面。 自关闭或丢失标签以来已经有一段时间,您甚至可以搜索网页历史记录,以使其变得容易。
Be careful - If you were browsing incognito (private mode) and you lose your tabs, Chrome will not remember them.
请注意 -如果您以隐身模式(私有模式)浏览时丢失了标签,Chrome将不会记住它们。
小费 (Tip)
Bookmark web pages that you visit regularly by clicking the ⭐️ icon on the right side of the address bar. This will add a button to the Chrome browser — clicking this button will redirect the current tab to this web page.
通过单击地址栏右侧的⭐️图标,为您定期访问的网页添加书签。 这将在Chrome浏览器中添加一个按钮-单击此按钮会将当前选项卡重定向到此网页。