
For most people, the quickest method for combining Word documents is to manually copy and paste them into one. This isn’t the best method for merging documents—a far easier method is to insert your documents as objects instead. Here’s how.
对于大多数人而言,组合Word文档的最快方法是手动将其复制并粘贴到一个文档中。 这不是合并文档的最佳方法,一种更简单的方法是将文档作为对象插入。 这是如何做。
You should be able to do this in any modern version of Microsoft Word, even those included with the latest versions of Office. These instructions should work for older versions of Word, too.
您应该能够在任何现代版本的Microsoft Word中进行此操作,甚至包括最新版本的Office附带的版本。 这些说明也适用于旧版本的Word。
To begin, open a new or existing Microsoft Word document. This is the “master” document where you’ll combine all of your Word documents into a single file.
首先,打开一个新的或现有的Microsoft Word文档。 这是“主”文档,您可以在其中将所有Word文档组合到一个文件中。
From the ribbon bar, click the “Insert” tab.

You’ll need to locate the “Object” button in the “Text” section. The icon may be large or small, depending on your screen resolution.
您需要在“文本”部分中找到“对象”按钮。 图标的大小可能取决于屏幕分辨率。
Press the downward-pointing arrow next to the “Object” button and then click the “Text from File” option in the drop-down menu that appears.

In the “Insert File” selection box, locate the first Word document you want to add to your open document.
Select the file and then click the “Insert” button to add it to your document.

The contents of the selected Word document will be combined with your open document.
If it’s a new document, the contents will appear from the beginning. If you’re merging Word files into an existing document, the contents of your inserted files will appear below any existing content.
如果是新文档,则内容将从头开始显示。 如果要将Word文件合并到现有文档中,则插入文件的内容将显示在任何现有内容的下方。
There are no limitations to this process—you can repeat these steps to combine as many Word documents as you like.
You’ll need to think about the order of your final document before you merge multiple documents, however. In the example below, several Word documents have been named with the endings A, B, and C to clarify the order of insertion.
但是,在合并多个文档之前,您需要考虑最终文档的顺序。 在下面的示例中,几个Word文档以结尾A,B和C命名,以阐明插入顺序。

Merging multiple documents using the same Word format should mean your formatting, images, and other content move across to the new document, but double-check that this is the case when the merge process has been completed.
If you’re moving from a DOC to a DOCX file, you might lose formatting or other content, depending on how recently the file was edited in a modern version of Word.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659471/how-to-combine-word-documents/