We may be living in the future, but sending large files over the web remains…complicated. Email is a terrible way to send files over 1GB, and using cloud-based services like Dropbox or Google Drive means filling limited space on a service, and you’ve got to manage permissions or accept that your link might be handed off to third parties.
我们可能生活在未来,但是通过网络发送大文件仍然……复杂。 电子邮件是一种发送文件超过1GB的可怕方式,使用基于云的服务(例如Dropbox或Google云端硬盘)意味着只能在服务上填充有限的空间,因此您必须管理权限或接受将链接移交给第三方的权限。
Firefox Send, the latest experiment from Mozilla, attempts to solve this problem with one-time transfers of large files. Just click and drag any file up to 2GB using the web-based interface, in Firefox or Chrome. The file is encrypted, uploaded, and you’ll get a one-time link for sharing. Send the link to the person you want to share the file with. After the file is downloaded it will be deleted from Mozilla’s servers, meaning no one else can download it. It’s Snapchat, but for file sharing.
Mozilla的最新实验Firefox Send尝试通过一次性传输大文件来解决此问题。 在Firefox或Chrome浏览器中,只需使用基于Web的界面单击并拖动最大2GB的文件即可。 该文件已加密,上传,您将获得一个一次性链接以进行共享。 将链接发送给您要与之共享文件的人。 下载文件后,该文件将从Mozilla的服务器中删除,这意味着没有其他人可以下载它。 它是Snapchat,但用于文件共享。
Firefox calls this an experiment, and it shows. In our tests this was occasionally a little flaky: some files took an unreasonably long time, and even ultimately failed. Others were speedy and worked just fine. Still, it’s an interesting idea and worth checking out.
Firefox称其为实验,并显示出来。 在我们的测试中,这有时有点不稳定:某些文件花费了不合理的长时间,甚至最终失败了。 其他人则很快并且工作得很好。 不过,这是一个有趣的想法,值得一试。
使用Firefox发送和共享文件 (Uploading and Sharing a File With Firefox Send)
Getting started is simple. First open up any modern browser: Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Edge are all supported as of this writing, assuming your browser is up to date. Then head to send.firefox.com.
入门很简单。 首先打开任何现代浏览器:在撰写本文时,假设您的浏览器是最新的,都支持Firefox,Chrome,Safari和Edge。 然后前往send.firefox.com 。

You can click the blue box to select a file, or you can drag a file to your browser window from your computer’s file manager.

Once you do this the site will locally verify and encrypt your file before uploading it to the Firefox Send servers.

Verifying and encrypting may take a while depending on your processor, and uploading might take a while depending on your internet connection and the file’s size. However long it takes, you’ll eventually get a link.
验证和加密可能需要一段时间,具体取决于您的处理器,而上传可能需要一段时间,具体取决于您的Internet连接和文件的大小。 无论花费多长时间,您最终都会获得一个链接。

Share this with your friend. Remember: the file can only be downloaded once, so don’t bother sending the link to multiple people.
与您的朋友分享。 请记住:该文件只能下载一次,因此不必费心将链接发送给多个人。

We had better luck with downloads working using Firefox, but Chrome should work as well.

Once the file has been downloaded once it cannot be downloaded again, freeing up space on Mozilla’s servers while also ensuring you data stays secure.

It’s not a perfect experiment, but it is an interesting one. Check out our list of file sharing services if you’d like to try out something else.
这不是一个完美的实验,但却是一个有趣的实验。 如果您想尝试其他方法,请查看我们的文件共享服务列表 。
Photo Credit: Nathan Anderson
图片来源: 内森·安德森(Nathan Anderson)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/321002/how-to-securely-send-large-files-to-anyone-with-firefox-send/