![笔记本电脑键盘禁用_暂时禁用您的笔记本电脑键盘,以便清理掉所有脏东西 笔记本电脑键盘禁用_暂时禁用您的笔记本电脑键盘,以便清理掉所有脏东西](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzI2NS8yMDRiMWRkMWRlMzFmOGU0YTFjOTRjNTE2YzE1ZjEzMS5wbmc%3D.png?w=700&webp=1)
Laptop keyboards are filthy, but cleaning them means pressing keys. KeyboardCleanTool for macOS and ToddlerTrap for Windows are two simple apps that temperarily disable your keyboard, giving you a chance to clean.
笔记本电脑键盘很脏,但是清洁它们意味着按下键。 适用于macOS的KeyboardCleanTool和适用于Windows的ToddlerTrap是两个简单的应用程序,可暂时禁用键盘,让您有机会进行清洁。
You might think you can do this by shutting down your computer, but that’s a lot of effort just to quickly clean your keys. And shutting down might now even work—recent MacBooks, for example, start up if you press any key, which I discovered while trying to clean my keyboard (I was annoyed.) Happily these two programs solve the problem.
您可能会认为可以通过关闭计算机来完成此操作,但这只是为了快速清洁键而进行的大量工作。 现在关机甚至可以工作,例如,最近的MacBook,只要您按任意键就可以启动,这是我在尝试清洁键盘时发现的(我很生气。)很高兴,这两个程序可以解决问题。
And they have another potential use for parents with toddlers who like to mash keys. Just fire one of these programs up and your kid can mash to her heart’s content, without deleting your files.
对于有孩子喜欢打钥匙的学步的父母来说,它们还有另一个潜在的用途。 只需启动其中一个程序,您的孩子就可以将自己的内容捣碎,而无需删除文件。
Photo credit: Denis Torkhov/Shutterstock.com
图片来源: Denis Torkhov / Shutterstock.com