Nearly every browser has an quick access download page that is easy to find and navigate, but Chromium the open-source version of Google’s Chrome does not. Francois Beaufort decided to rectify that problem by creating a dedicated webpage for downloading Chromium without all the hassle.
几乎每个浏览器都有一个快速访问下载页面,该页面易于查找和浏览,但Chromium的Google Chrome浏览器的开源版本却不然。 Francois Beaufort决定通过创建专门的网页来下载Chromium的所有麻烦来纠正此问题。
Once you visit Francois’s website simply click on the Download Chromium for PC text to start the download. Keep in mind that these zip file (portable) versions of Chromium will access your regular installation’s profile folder if you have a Chromium-based browser already set up (such as Iron Browser for instance).
访问Francois的网站后,只需单击PC的下载Chromium文本即可开始下载。 请记住,如果您已经设置了基于Chromium的浏览器(例如Iron浏览器),这些Chromium的zip文件(便携式)版本将访问常规安装的配置文件文件夹。
Visit the Download Chromium Homepage [via PC Geek Blog]
Those of you who prefer a different approach for downloading Chromium can download the browser from the Daily Builds Archives using the links below. Just scroll down to the latest numerical folder listing and click on that to access the files.
那些喜欢使用另一种下载Chromium方法的人可以使用以下链接从“每日构建档案”中下载浏览器。 只需向下滚动到最新的数字文件夹列表,然后单击以访问文件。
Download Chromium Daily Builds for Windows (mini_installer.exe & chrome-win32.zip)
Download Chromium Daily Builds for Linux (chrome-linux.zip)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/102824/download-portable-chromium-browser-the-easy-way/