It can be frustrating when you need to log into a site on a different device or browser but you’ve lost the password. Luckily, if you’ve previously stored that password using Safari on iPhone or iPad, you can easily retrieve it. Here’s how.
当您需要登录到其他设备或浏览器上的站点但忘记了密码时,可能会感到沮丧。 幸运的是,如果您之前已使用Safari在iPhone或iPad上存储了该密码,则可以轻松地进行检索。 这是如何做。
First, launch “Settings,” which can usually be found on the first page of your Home screen or on your Dock.

Scroll down the list of Settings options until you see “Passwords & Accounts.” Tap it.
向下滚动“设置”选项列表,直到看到“密码和帐户”。 点一下

In the “Passwords & Accounts” section, tap “Website & App Passwords.”

After you pass authentication (using Touch ID, Face ID, or your passcode), you will see a list of saved account information organized alphabetically by website name. Scroll through or use the search bar until you find the entry with the password you need. Tap it.
通过身份验证(使用Touch ID,Face ID或您的密码)后,您将看到按网站名称按字母顺序组织的已保存帐户信息列表。 滚动浏览或使用搜索栏,直到找到带有所需密码的条目。 点一下

On the next screen, you will see account info in detail, including the username and the password.

If possible, memorize the password quickly and try to avoid writing it down on paper. If you often have trouble managing passwords, it’s better to use a password manager instead.
如果可能,请尽快记住密码,并避免将其记录在纸上。 如果您经常无法管理密码,最好改用密码管理器。