ePub eBooks are increasingly popular today, but often they’ve been made by converting other file formats. Here’s how you can edit ePub books to remove irregularities and make them better for reading on your devices.
ePub电子书在当今越来越流行,但通常是通过转换其他文件格式来制作的。 您可以按照以下方法编辑ePub图书,以消除不规范之处,并使它们更适合在设备上阅读。
ePub’s are actually a zip file containing images, XHTML files with your text, and more with the .epub extension. You can make them better by editing the XHTML files directly. Code gurus can edit the code directly, but even if you’ve never edited HTML, you can still quickly make changes with a WYSIWYG editor.
ePub实际上是一个包含图像的zip文件,带有文本的XHTML文件,以及带有.epub扩展名的更多文件。 您可以通过直接编辑XHTML文件来使它们更好。 代码大师可以直接编辑代码,但是即使您从未编辑过HTML,也可以使用WYSIWYG编辑器快速进行更改。
Extract the Files from your ePub eBook
As mentioned before, ePub files are actually renamed zip files. So first let’s get all of the files in your ePub eBook accessible. Find an eBook you want to edit and then change the file extension to .zip.
如前所述,ePub文件实际上是重命名的zip文件。 因此,首先让我们可以访问ePub电子书中的所有文件。 找到您要编辑的电子书,然后将文件扩展名更改为.zip 。

If you don’t see the file extensions, click Organize in the menu bar and select Folder and search options.
如果没有看到文件扩展名,请单击菜单栏中的整理,然后选择文件夹和搜索选项 。

Select the View tab, and then uncheck the box beside Hide extensions for known file types. Click Ok, and then change the file type as above.
选择查看标签,然后取消选中隐藏已知文件扩展名旁边的框。 单击确定,然后如上所述更改文件类型。

Windows will warn you about changing the file type; click Yes to proceed.
Windows会警告您更改文件类型。 单击是继续。

Now you can browse the files of the ePub file. Notice that it contains mostly HTML or XHTML files and images. Click Extract all files to save them all in a folder so you can easily edit them.
现在,您可以浏览ePub文件的文件。 请注意,它主要包含HTML或XHTML文件和图像。 单击提取所有文件以将其全部保存在一个文件夹中,以便您轻松编辑它们。

Alternately, you can open the ePub file directly in your favorite file archival program such as 7-zip. Browse to the location of your ePub file, double-click it, and it’ll automatically open even if you don’t change the file extension to zip. Now you can extract the folder, or extract individual files as before.
或者,您可以直接在喜欢的文件归档程序(例如7-zip)中打开ePub文件。 浏览到ePub文件的位置,双击该文件,即使您未将文件扩展名更改为zip,它也会自动打开。 现在,您可以提取文件夹,或像以前一样提取单个文件。

Edit Your eBook in KompoZer
The actual ebook contents are stored in HTML or XHTML files. These may be stored on the top folder of you ePub file’s directory, or they may be stored in \OEBPS\text in the file.
实际的电子书内容存储在HTML或XHTML文件中。 它们可能存储在ePub文件目录的顶部文件夹中,或者可能存储在文件的\ OEBPS \ text中。

To change the contents of your eBook, you’ll want to edit these files. Often there may be separate files for each chapter, so you may have to use trial and error to find the one you need to edit. You could edit them by hand in Windows using Notepad if you don’t have an HTML editor installed.
要更改电子书的内容,您需要编辑这些文件。 通常每一章可能有单独的文件,因此您可能不得不反复试验才能找到需要编辑的文件。 如果未安装HTML编辑器,则可以在Windows中使用记事本手动编辑它们。

A better option would be to use an HTML editor. Here we’ll use the free KompoZer program to edit the files just like we’d edit a document in Word.
更好的选择是使用HTML编辑器。 在这里,我们将使用免费的KompoZer程序来编辑文件,就像在Word中编辑文档一样。
Download KompoZer (link below), and unzip the files. Then open the new folder and launch kompozer.exe; you don’t even need to install it. In fact, you could even store KompoZer on a flash drive so you could edit HTML files from any computer.
下载KompoZer( 下面的链接 ),然后解压缩文件。 然后打开新文件夹并启动kompozer.exe; 您甚至不需要安装它。 实际上,您甚至可以将KompoZer存储在闪存驱动器上,以便可以从任何计算机上编辑HTML文件。

In KompoZer, open the HTML or XHTML file from your eBook that you want to edit.

Now you can edit the file just like you would edit a document in Word. Remove extra and unneeded text, make titles stand out, correct misspellings … anything you want! This is especially helpful if your ePub file was created by converting a PDF as these often have many small errors.
现在,您可以像在Word中编辑文档一样编辑文件。 删除多余的文本,使标题脱颖而出,纠正拼写错误……任何您想要的! 如果您的ePub文件是通过转换PDF创建的,则这特别有用,因为这些文件经常有很多小错误。

Or, if you’d rather edit the code itself, select the Source tab and edit as you wish.
或者,如果您希望编辑代码本身,请选择“ 源”选项卡,然后根据需要进行编辑。

When you’re done making the changes, make sure to save the file in the same location with the same file name.

Recreate Your Edited ePub eBook
Once you’ve made all the changes you wanted, it’s time to turn this folder of files back into ePub. Make sure you change the name of the folder if it still has the same name as the original ePub or zip file so you don’t mix them up or have trouble with overwriting the old files.
完成所需的所有更改后,就该将该文件文件夹转换回ePub了。 如果文件夹的名称仍与原始ePub或zip文件相同,请确保更改其名称,以免混淆,也不会覆盖旧文件。
Zip the folder using Windows Explorer or your favorite archival utility. If you are using another archival program, make sure to compress it as a zip folder; other compression methods will render the ePub unreadable by your eReader app.
使用Windows资源管理器或您喜欢的存档实用程序压缩文件夹。 如果您正在使用其他存档程序,请确保将其压缩为zip文件夹; 其他压缩方法将使ePub无法被您的eReader应用读取。

Now change the file extension again, this time back to .epub. Now you can read your eBook with your changes in your favorite reader program or app on your mobile device.
现在,再次更改文件扩展名,这次更改为.epub 。 现在,您可以在移动设备上喜欢的阅读器程序或应用中通过更改来阅读电子书。

Whether you need to remove an odd, misplaced character or need to do fine editing, using an HTML editor is a great way to make your ePub eBooks look just like you want. Also, with an editor like KompoZer it’s not even difficult.
无论您是要删除一个奇怪的,错位的字符还是需要进行精细的编辑,使用HTML编辑器都是使ePub电子书看起来像您想要的一种很好的方法。 而且,使用像KompoZer这样的编辑器,它甚至都不困难。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19268/edit-epub-ebooks-with-your-favorite-html-editor/