SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the official Microsoft application used for managing all components within Microsoft SQL Server. It is a powerful tool which allows users to control any objects in the SQL Server. It also provides script editing and GUI tools which are easy to use and user friendly.
SQL Server has multiple editions including: Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Core Edition, Business Intelligence Edition, Standard Edition, Web Edition, Express and Developer Edition each with its own features and functions.
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)是用于管理Microsoft SQL Server中所有组件的正式Microsoft应用程序。 它是一个功能强大的工具,允许用户控制SQL Server中的任何对象。 它还提供易于使用且用户友好的脚本编辑和GUI工具。
SQL Server有多个版本,包括: 企业 版 , 企业核心版 , 商业智能版 , 标准版 , Web版 , Express和Developer Edition, 每个 版本 都有自己的特性和功能。
SQL Server Management Studio is widely available and even has a free “Express” version which can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft website from the following link: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012. The free “Express” version does not include all the options other versions have, but will satisfy your basic needs.
SQL Server Management Studio广泛可用,甚至具有免费的“ Express ”版本,可以从以下链接直接从Microsoft网站下载: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012 。 免费的“ Express”版本不包括其他版本提供的所有选项,但可以满足您的基本需求。
Be advised that by clicking the download button you will list all available files of SSMS 2012, but we only need one of these files. Based on your system version (32-bit or 64-bit) it is important to choose the appropriate file for download from the list:
请注意 ,通过单击下载按钮,您将列出SSMS 2012的所有可用文件,但是我们仅需要这些文件之一。 根据您的系统版本(32位或64位),从列表中选择适当的文件进行下载很重要:

Note: To determine whether your system is 32-bit or 64-bit, do the following:
注意 :要确定您的系统是32位还是64位,请执行以下操作:
- Click the Start button 点击开始按钮
- Right click on “My computer” or “Computer” 右键单击“我的电脑”或“计算机”
- Select properties and look for “System type” or “system” 选择属性并查找“系统类型”或“系统”
- Here, the operating system type can be seen. 在这里,可以看到操作系统类型。
Once the appropriate installation file for your server type has been acquired, you will need to run it, you can find it in your specified download location.
The downloaded file will be in .exe file format and the size should not exceed 620 MB.
Double click on it to begin the installation wizard.
A window will pop up extracting the files for installation to a temporary location, don’t worry these files will be deleted right after the installation or anytime you quit the installation wizard.
When the process finishes extracting, it will close the window and there may be a small delay until the wizard begins.
下载的文件将为.exe文件格式,并且大小不得超过620 MB。
Once started, the SQL Server Installation Center is displayed.
启动后,将显示“ SQL Server安装中心” 。
This is the first screen of SQL Server installation process. If not already selected, choose the Installation tab on the left.
这是SQL Server安装过程的第一个屏幕。 如果尚未选择,请选择左侧的“ 安装”选项卡。
Select “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation” to initiate the installation of a new SQL Server instance.
选择“新建SQL Server独立安装或向现有安装添加功能”以启动新SQL Server实例的安装。
When the “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation” option is selected, a screen will pop up and perform a check on the setup rules on the server. There is no user interaction here, and it is quickly completed.
选择“新建SQL Server独立安装或向现有安装添加功能”选项时,将弹出一个屏幕,并检查服务器上的安装规则。 这里没有用户交互,并且可以快速完成。
After this, the License Terms screen is shown which must be accepted in order to proceed with the installation. And optionally if you want to send feature usage data to Microsoft you must check the option bellow “Send feature usage data to Microsoft. Feature usage data includes information about your hardware configuration and how you use SQL Server and its components”.
此后,将显示“ 许可证 序列”屏幕 ,必须接受该屏幕才能继续安装。 另外,如果要向Microsoft发送功能使用情况数据,则必须选择以下选项“将功能使用情况数据发送给Microsoft。 功能使用情况数据包括有关硬件配置以及如何使用SQL Server及其组件的信息。
It’s up to the user to accept or deny sending usage data. Keep in mind that the next version upgrade will be installed with this option enabled by default.
由用户决定是否接受使用情况数据。 请记住,默认情况下将启用此选项来安装下一个版本升级。
Proceed with the installation by clicking on the Next button.
At this point, the installation will perform a search for any product updates which might be available, so the latest version is installed immediately.
The updates and updates information will be shown in the installation window.
Once again these choices are optional, however it is recommended that you download any critical updates along with the installation.
To proceed with the installation click the Next button.
要继续安装,请单击下一步。 按钮。
The next installation step of SQL Server Management Studio setup will download and install setup files to your server. This might be a lengthy process, depending on the file size, and internet/network limitations. It is strongly recommended not to close the window while the operation is processing.
SQL Server Management Studio安装程序的下一个安装步骤将下载安装文件并将其安装到您的服务器。 根据文件大小和Internet /网络限制,这可能是一个漫长的过程。 强烈建议在操作进行过程中不要关闭窗口。
In the next step of installation wizard, Setup support rules, wizard will perform a check on potential problems which might occur when setup support files are installed.
在安装向导的下一步中,安装程序支持规则 ,向导将检查安装安装程序支持文件时可能发生的潜在问题。
The dialog may show warnings which may be ignored, such as Windows Firewall warning, because it is a warning for remote access and is unnecessary if you plan to run SSMS on your local computer.
You can also configure firewall settings in order to pass the firewall warning.
Microsoft has a detailed instruction here.
The provided list shows the rules that must be fulfilled in order for the installation process to continue. The rules may vary based on the operating system, architecture type of the system and system updates.
提供的列表显示了要继续安装过程必须满足的规则。 规则可能会根据操作系统,系统的体系结构类型和系统更新而有所不同。
It will automatically check the rules and determine the components which may have the following status: passed, failed, warning and skipped.
Additionally you may click on the status result for more information about each rule.
These rules only involve the files needed in the setup, not the application itself. If any changes or permissions have been changes at this point (due to some warning or fails on initial run), the check should be performed again by clicking on the Re-run button which will provide fresh values for the statuses.
这些规则仅涉及设置中所需的文件,而不涉及应用程序本身。 如果此时有任何更改或权限发生更改(由于某种警告或在首次运行时失败),则应通过单击“重新运行”按钮(将提供状态的新值)再次执行检查。
If there are no failures you may proceed, by clicking on the Next button:
When SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup is done with installing setup files you can proceed to the next installation step that will take you to the Feature selection screen or if you already have another instance of SSMS installed to the Installation type screen.
When you are at the Installation type screen you have two options:
当SQL Server Management Studio中(SSMS)设置与安装的安装文件做,你可以继续到下一个安装步骤,将带你到F eature选择屏幕 或者如果您已经在“安装类型”屏幕上安装了另一个SSMS实例。
- Install a fresh copy of SSMS 2012 安装SSMS 2012的新副本
- Add features to an already installed version of SQL Server via the drop down menu, note that the features within an instance must be the same edition.
通过下拉菜单将功能添加到已安装SQL Server版本中,请注意,实例中的功能必须是相同版本。
Below you can see the list of already installed instances, and their editions along with version numbers.
When you are at the Feature Selection screen, you will see a few options under the Shared features list.
在“ 功能选择”屏幕上,您将在“共享功能”列表下看到一些选项。
Due to this being the free Express version you have only one option to choose from.
Select Management tools – Basic.
This option installs support for the Database Engine, Server CLI (Command line interface) support, SQL Server Express itself and the PowerShell provider.
选择管理工具-基本 。
此选项安装对数据库引擎,服务器CLI(命令行界面)的支持,SQL Server Express本身和PowerShell提供程序的支持。
SQL Client Connectivity SDK. It’s a SQL server integration service.
SQL客户端连接SDK。 这是一个SQL Server集成服务。
Make sure both options are selected before you proceed.
By selecting both tools you will get the most of SSMS and get optimized settings.
Click the Next button:
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup will check the installation rules.
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)安装程序将检查安装规则。
These rules affect the application directly and have to be passed in order to continue the installation.
They also vary based on the operating system, the system type and installed updates. Most commonly the rules needed to be fulfilled are:
它们还根据操作系统,系统类型和已安装的更新而有所不同。 最常见的需要满足的规则是:
- Device administrator privileges 设备管理员权限
- NET Framework components NET Framework组件
- Any previous restarts pending 任何先前的重启等待中
- Windows updates Windows更新
Microsoft offers support for any problems encountered during the installation on the official Microsoft Forums
Click the Next button to continue:
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup will then verify the disk space.
It will inform you of the install location and directory and also about total space on the system drive and the space it requires.
然后,SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)安装程序将验证磁盘空间。
Click on the Next button to continue:
Note that the last two steps might automatically proceed and fast forward you to Error reporting.
You may manually return and review these steps but it is not necessary as there is no user input.
请注意,最后两个步骤可能会自动进行,并将您快速转到错误报告 。
In this step Error reporting window will show. And you can select optionally if you want SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to send error reports to Microsoft.
在此步骤中,将显示“ 错误报告”窗口。 如果希望SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)将错误报告发送给Microsoft,则可以选择。
Click the Next button:
Next step will briefly configure installation rules and start Installation progress window.
下一步将简要配置安装规则并启动“ 安装进度”窗口。
When the Installation progress completes click the Next button:
安装进度完成后,单击“ 下一步”按钮:
This is the final step that shows the installation status of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), which feature has been installed and the status of the installation.
这是最后一步,显示SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)的安装状态,已安装的功能以及安装的状态。
You may additionally click on the Help button for further assistance and support regarding SSMS.
Click the Close button:
In order to start SQL Server Management Studio 2012, look for it in the default installation directory or open the start menu and find it in all programs.
为了启动SQL Server Management Studio 2012,请在默认安装目录中查找它,或打开“开始”菜单并在所有程序中找到它。
Now that you have SSMS 2012 installed, you are ready to upgrade it with some free productivity add-ins
现在,您已经安装了SSMS 2012,就可以使用一些免费的生产力外接程序对其进行升级了。
翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/step-by-step-installation-of-sql-server-management-studio-ssms/