
Robocopy, or “Robust File Copy,” is a command line directory replication tool from Microsoft. It is available as part of Windows 7 and Vista as a standard feature, and was available as part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.
Robocopy或“ Robust File Copy”是Microsoft的命令行目录复制工具。 它作为标准功能作为Windows 7和Vista的一部分提供,并且作为Windows Server 2003资源工具包的一部分提供。
NOTE: For Windows XP, you can obtain Robocopy by downloading the resource kit.
注意:对于Windows XP,可以通过下载资源工具包获得Robocopy。
Robocopy allows you to setup simple or advanced backup strategies. It provides such features as multi-threaded copying, mirroring or synchronization mode, automatic retry, and the ability to resume the copying process. If you are comfortable with using command line tools, you can run Robocopy directly on the command line using the command syntax and options. You can also download the command line reference and usage notes for Robocopy as a PDF file.
Robocopy允许您设置简单或高级备份策略。 它提供了诸如多线程复制,镜像或同步模式,自动重试以及恢复复制过程的功能。 如果您习惯使用命令行工具,则可以使用命令语法和options在命令行上直接运行Robocopy。 您还可以将Robocopy的命令行参考和使用说明下载为PDF文件。
If you are more comfortable using a graphical user interface, or GUI, rather than the command line, there are a couple of options for adding a GUI to the Robocopy command line tool, making it easier to use. Both tools, RoboMirror and RichCopy, are discussed below and links to download each tool are provided.
如果您更喜欢使用图形用户界面或GUI(而不是命令行),则可以使用以下两个选项将GUI添加到Robocopy命令行工具中,从而使其更易于使用。 下面讨论了RoboMirror和RichCopy这两个工具,并提供了下载每个工具的链接。
机器人镜 (RoboMirror)
RoboMirror provides a nice, clean GUI allowing you to define backup tasks you can run directly or schedule to be run at a later time. You can also easily restore a backup.
RoboMirror提供了一个简洁漂亮的GUI,可让您定义可以直接运行或计划在以后运行的备份任务。 您也可以轻松还原备份。

Select the source and target folders and specify which extended NTFS attributes to copy, if any. You can also choose to delete files and folders in the target folder that do not exist in the source folder. This gives you an exact copy of the source folder.
选择源文件夹和目标文件夹,并指定要复制的扩展NTFS属性(如果有)。 您也可以选择删除目标文件夹中源文件夹中不存在的文件和文件夹。 这为您提供了源文件夹的精确副本。
RoboMirror also allows you to create a volume shadow copy of the source volume during backup. This allows you to backup files that are locked by running processes.
RoboMirror还允许您在备份过程中创建源卷的卷影副本。 这使您可以备份被正在运行的进程锁定的文件。
NOTE: The volume shadow copy feature is only available in Windows Vista and later.
注意:卷影复制功能仅在Windows Vista和更高版本中可用。

If there are files or subfolders in the source folder that you don’t want to backup, you can exclude these items. You can also exclude files based on their attributes.
如果源文件夹中有您不想备份的文件或子文件夹,则可以排除这些项目。 您还可以根据文件的属性排除文件。

RoboMirror allows you to schedule backups to run daily, weekly, or monthly.

When you perform a backup, the pending changes are displayed before the backup process begins. This allows you to abort the process and make changes to the settings for the task, if needed.
执行备份时,将在备份过程开始之前显示待处理的更改。 这使您可以中止该过程,并根据需要更改任务的设置。

You can also view a history of the backups performed for each task in your list.

RichCopy (RichCopy)
RichCopy is a GUI for Robocopy written by a Microsoft engineer. It turns Robocopy into a more powerful, faster, and stable file copying tool than other similar tools. You can have several profiles containing different settings for different backup tasks and you can copy files from multiple, different locations to a single destination.
RichCopy是由Microsoft工程师编写的Robocopy的GUI。 与其他类似工具相比,它使Robocopy变成了更强大,更快速和稳定的文件复制工具。 您可以具有多个配置文件,其中包含针对不同备份任务的不同设置,并且可以将文件从多个不同位置复制到单个目标。
Easily select multiple folders to be backed up from different locations.

Set many different options for each backup profile separately, specifying items such as the default source and destination directories, the number of threads to use while searching directories and copying files and directories, and a timer for schedule backup tasks.

You can also start a backup task manually on the main RichCopy window.

These GUIs make Robocopy a good option for backing up files in Windows faster than simply using the normal copy command or Windows Explorer. They’re both free tools to enhance a free Windows feature. This allows you to perform simple or advanced backups without buying extra software.
这些GUI使Robocopy成为在Windows中备份文件的理想选择,而不是简单地使用普通的复制命令或Windows资源管理器。 它们都是免费工具,可增强Windows的免费功能。 这使您无需购买额外的软件即可执行简单或高级备份。