没法访问谷歌 wifi
Mesh Wi-Fi networking is all the rage lately, and even Google has gotten in on the fun. Here’s how to set up Google WiFi in order to get rid of dead spots at all corners of your house or apartment.
网状Wi-Fi网络近来风靡一时,甚至Google也参与其中。 以下是设置Google WiFi的方法,以消除房屋或公寓各个角落的死角。
If you’re not familiar with what mesh Wi-Fi is and how it works, we have an explainer that can get you caught up. But essentially, mesh Wi-Fi systems are a set of wireless routers that you place around your house. From there, they all connect together and carpet-bomb your house with the best Wi-Fi signal possible.
如果您不熟悉什么是网状Wi-Fi以及它如何工作,我们可以为您提供解释器,让您如虎添翼。 但实际上,网状Wi-Fi系统是您放置在房屋周围的一组无线路由器。 从那里,它们都连接在一起,并用可能的最佳Wi-Fi信号地毯轰炸您的房屋。
Google WiFi is just one of the many mesh Wi-Fi systems on the market, similar to Eero or Luma. Here’s how to set it up.
Google WiFi只是市场上众多网状Wi-Fi系统之一,类似于Eero或Luma 。 设置方法如下。
Start by unboxing the Google WiFi units and grab one to use as your main unit that you’ll connect to your modem (or router, if you’re looking to keep the advanced features of your old router). You’ll need the power cord, as well as the ethernet cable that’s included.
首先将Google WiFi设备拆箱,然后抓住其中一个作为您要连接到调制解调器(或路由器,如果要保留旧路由器的高级功能)的主机。 您将需要电源线以及随附的以太网电缆。
Next, plug in the first Google WiFi unit into an outlet and connect the other end into the USB-C port on the bottom of the unit. Then take the ethernet cable and plug one end into the ethernet port on your modem and the other end into the green ethernet port on the Google WiFi unit. If you have a modem/router combo, simply just plug the ethernet cable into any one of the numbered ethernet ports on the combo unit.
接下来,将第一个Google WiFi设备插入电源插座,并将另一端连接到设备底部的USB-C端口。 然后,拔掉以太网电缆,一端插入调制解调器的以太网端口,另一端插入Google WiFi装置的绿色以太网端口。 如果您有调制解调器/路由器组合,只需将以太网电缆插入组合单元上任何编号的以太网端口即可。
The Google WiFi unit will automatically power up. While it’s doing that, go ahead and download the Google WiFi app to your iPhone or Android device.
Google WiFi单元将自动启动。 在此过程中,请继续并将Google WiFi应用下载到您的iPhone或Android设备。
Once the app is installed, open it up and tap on “Sign In” down in the lower-right corner of the screen.
If you have multiple Google accounts connected to your device, select the one you want to use with Google WiFi. Otherwise, tap on “Add account” to sign in to your Google account.
如果您有多个连接到设备的Google帐户,请选择要用于Google WiFi的帐户。 否则,请点击“添加帐户”以登录到您的Google帐户。
Next, tap on “Get Started” in the bottom-right corner.
The app will automatically begin looking for the Google WiFi unit that you hooked up. Once it finds it, it will ask you to scan the QR code on the bottom of the unit. You can either use the camera on your phone by tapping on “Scan Code”, or enter in the code manually by selecting “Type Code”.
该应用程序将自动开始寻找您所连接的Google WiFi设备。 找到它后,它将要求您扫描设备底部的QR码。 您可以通过点击“扫描代码”在手机上使用相机,也可以通过选择“类型代码”手动输入代码。
Next, you’ll select from the list where your Google WiFi unit is located, and then hit “Next”.
接下来,您将从列表中选择Google WiFi设备所在的位置,然后点击“下一步”。
You’ll then type in a new Wi-Fi network name, as Google WiFi creates a whole new Wi-Fi network. Hit “Next” when finished.
然后,您将输入新的Wi-Fi网络名称,因为Google WiFi会创建一个全新的Wi-Fi网络。 完成后点击“下一步”。
On the next screen, enter in a password that users will type in in order to access the network. Tap on “Create Network” when finished.
在下一个屏幕上,输入用户键入的密码以访问网络。 完成后点击“创建网络”。
The app will take a few moments to create your Wi-Fi network.
All you have to do now is go into your phone’s settings and switch to your new Wi-Fi network that was created by Google WiFi.
您现在所要做的就是进入手机的设置,然后切换到由Google WiFi创建的新Wi-Fi网络。
After that, you can go back into the app and begin the process of setting up more Google WiFi units around your house. Start by selecting how many more units you want to set up and tap “Next” at the bottom.
之后,您可以返回该应用并开始在房屋周围设置更多Google WiFi装置的过程。 首先选择要设置的单元数,然后点击底部的“下一步”。
Go ahead and plug in the next Google WiFi unit and hit “Next” in the app until you get to the room selection screen. Just like before, select the room that your second unit is located in and hit “Next”.
继续并插入下一个Google WiFi设备,然后在应用程序中单击“下一步”,直到进入房间选择屏幕。 与之前一样,选择第二个单元所在的房间,然后单击“下一步”。
Once it’s connected, you’ll now test the connection to see if the distance between these two units is sufficient. Hit “Test Now” in the bottom-right corner.
连接后,您现在将测试连接,以查看这两个单元之间的距离是否足够。 点击右下角的“立即测试”。
Give it a minute to run the test, and when it’s done, tap on “Next”. If it says there was a problem, then you’ll need to move your second unit a bit closer to the main unit to get a better connection.
花一点时间运行测试,完成后,点击“下一步”。 如果显示出问题,则需要将第二个设备移到更靠近主机的位置才能获得更好的连接。
You’ll repeat this same process for setting up your third Google WiFi unit, including where it’s located and running the Wi-Fi test.
您将重复相同的过程来设置您的第三个Google WiFi装置,包括其所在位置并运行Wi-Fi测试。
After that, an overview of your Wi-Fi network will show on the screen. Make sure everything looks good and then tap on “Next”.
之后,屏幕上将显示您的Wi-Fi网络的概述。 确保一切看起来都不错,然后点击“下一步”。
Next, your Google Wifi units may need to apply an update, which could take a few minutes, so let it do its thing and it will let you know when it’s done.
接下来,您的Google Wifi单元可能需要应用更新,这可能需要几分钟的时间,因此请让其完成工作,并在完成时通知您。
Once the update is complete, tap on “Explore” to be taken to the main screen of the app.
You’ll have three tabs to choose from. The first tab is the main screen of sorts where various cards appear when something new happens to your network.
您将有三个选项卡可供选择。 第一个选项卡是排序的主屏幕,当网络发生新情况时,其中会显示各种卡。
The middle tab shows you an overview of your Wi-Fi network, like how many mesh units you’re using and how many devices are connected to your network. You can tap on any of the circles to get even more details.
中间的标签向您显示Wi-Fi网络的概述,例如您正在使用多少个网状单元以及连接到网络的设备数量。 您可以点击任意一个圈子以获取更多详细信息。
The last tab is where all of the settings are, like guest Wi-Fi, setting up family Wi-Fi, and performing network tests.
That’s all there is to it! There are quite a bit of steps, but they’re easy to follow and it really only takes about 5-10 minute to get your Google WiFi network all set up and ready to go.
这里的所有都是它的! 虽然有很多步骤,但是它们很容易遵循,实际上只需要5到10分钟就可以设置好您的Google WiFi网络并准备就绪。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295692/how-to-set-up-the-google-wi-fi-system/
没法访问谷歌 wifi