
Have you tried to type an ampersand (&) in a header or footer in Excel and seen it disappear on your printed worksheet? There’s a special trick to typing ampersands in headers and footers in Excel so you don’t lose them.
您是否尝试过在Excel的页眉或页脚中键入与号(&),并在打印的工作表中看到它消失了? 在Excel的页眉和页脚中键入“&”号有一个特殊的技巧,这样您就不会丢失它们。
For example, a company with an ampersand in their name–like our fictional “Smith & Jones” law firm–may want to put their name in the header. However, the ampersand is used in Excel headers and footers as a “marker” that indicates a special formatting code follows. We’ll show you the trick to including an ampersand in your header or footer text.
例如,一个名字带有“&”号的公司(例如我们虚构的“史密斯•琼斯”律师事务所)可能希望将其名字放在标题中。 但是,&符在Excel的页眉和页脚中用作“标记”,表示紧随其后的特殊格式代码。 我们将向您展示在页眉或页脚文本中包含“&”号的技巧。
To add a header or footer to your workbook, click the “Page Layout” tab.

In the “Page Setup” section, click the “Page Setup” button in the lower-right corner.

The “Page Setup” dialog box displays. Click the “Header/Footer” tab.
显示“页面设置”对话框。 点击“页眉/页脚”标签。

There are ready-made headers and footers available, but we want to create a custom header or footer. For our example, we’re going to add a header to our workbook, so click “Custom Header”. This procedure works the same way for custom footers.
有现成的页眉和页脚可用,但我们要创建自定义页眉或页脚。 对于我们的示例,我们将在工作簿中添加标题,因此请单击“自定义标题”。 对于自定义页脚,此过程的工作方式相同。

In the Header (or Footer) dialog box, enter the text you want to display in the header or footer. You can enter your text in the Left section, Center section, or Right section, depending on where in the header or footer you want the text to display.
在“页眉(或页脚)”对话框中,输入要在页眉或页脚中显示的文本。 您可以在左侧部分,中间部分或右侧部分中输入文本,具体取决于要在页眉或页脚中显示文本的位置。
Here’s the trick. When you type your ampersand, type two of them, one right after the other, as shown in the following image. In our case, that means typing “Smith && Jones”.
这就是窍门。 键入“&”号时,请依次键入两个,如下图所示。 在我们的情况下,这意味着键入“ Smith && Jones”。
Then, click “OK”.

You are returned to the Page Setup dialog box. Notice that the header text displays in the sample header with one ampersand. Click “OK”. Your header or footer will now display one ampersand when you print the worksheet or workbook.
您将返回到“页面设置”对话框。 请注意,标题文本在示例标题中显示为一个与号。 点击“确定”。 现在,当您打印工作表或工作簿时,页眉或页脚将显示一个与号。

In addition to this trick for typing ampersands into headers and footers in Excel, you can also insert Page X of Y into a header or footer and make the header and footer different on the first page on an Excel spreadsheet.
除了在Excel中在页眉和页脚中键入与号的技巧之外,还可以在页眉或页脚中插入Y的第X页 , 并使Excel电子表格的首页上的页眉和页脚不同 。
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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/258557/how-to-type-ampersands-in-excels-headers-and-footers/