
If you brought your Mac back from sleep only to see that your Wi-Fi isn’t working at all, even after a reboot, you might be experiencing the Wi-Fi: No hardware installed error. And luckily it’s really easy to fix.
如果您使Mac从睡眠中恢复过来,只是看到Wi-Fi根本不工作,即使在重新启动后,也可能遇到Wi-Fi:未安装硬件错误。 幸运的是,它确实很容易修复。
Essentially what has happened is that the MacBook lost track of which devices are supposed to be powered on and which are supposed to be powered off, and it just left your Wi-Fi completely turned off even though the rest of the computer is on. It’s like when you wake up and your arm is still asleep because you slept funny. The rest of you is ready to go, and your arm doesn’t want to work.
从本质上讲,发生的事情是MacBook无法跟踪应该打开哪些设备以及应该关闭哪些设备,即使计算机的其余部分都已打开,它也只是使Wi-Fi完全关闭。 就像当您醒来并且手臂睡着时,因为您睡得很有趣。 其余的人都准备好了,而手臂却不想工作。
Luckily you can fix this very simply by resetting the System Management Controller (SMC), which is as easy to do as pressing a couple of keys.
什么是系统管理控制器? (What is the System Management Controller?)
The SMC is a subsystem in Mac computers that helps control power management, battery charging, video switching, sleep and wake mode, LED indicators, keyboard backlighting, and a bunch of other stuff.
When your computer goes in and out of sleep mode, the SMC will control what devices are powered down to save battery. And this is where the problem lies. The SMC gets the wrong signal and thinks the Wi-Fi adapter should stay powered off even when the computer comes back to life.
当计算机进入和退出睡眠模式时,SMC将控制关闭哪些设备的电源以节省电池。 这就是问题所在。 SMC收到错误的信号,并认为即使计算机恢复运行,Wi-Fi适配器也应保持关闭状态。
重置系统管理控制器(以解决您的Wi-Fi问题) (Resetting the System Management Controller (to Fix Your Wi-Fi Problem))
If you’re using a device that doesn’t have a removable battery, which is pretty much all devices that Apple has made for a very long time, you’ll need to close down your apps and then use a simple key combination.
Newer MacBook without a Removable Battery
- Plug the laptop into a power source 将笔记本电脑插入电源
- Press and hold all of these keys at the same time: Control + Shift + Option + Power 同时按住所有这些键:Control + Shift + Option + Power
- Release the keys 释放钥匙
- Press the Power button to turn it back on 按下电源按钮将其重新打开
This should fix the problem — it definitely fixed the issue for us.
Older MacBook with Removable Battery
If you’re using an older device that has a removable battery, you can use a slightly different method for resetting the system management controller.
- Unplug the laptop 拔下笔记本电脑的电源
- Remove the battery 取出电池
- Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds 按住电源按钮5秒钟
- Put the battery back in and turn everything back on 放回电池,然后重新打开所有电源
Mac Mini, Pro, or iMac
Mac Mini,Pro或iMac
If you’re using an Apple desktop, the process is very simple.
- Turn it off and unplug from the wall 将其关闭并从墙上拔下电源
- Wait 15 seconds (or a few more to be sure) 等待15秒钟(或可以确定几秒钟)
- Plug it back in and turn it on 重新插上电源并打开
At this point your problems should be solved, and hopefully you can get back to whatever you were doing.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227662/how-to-fix-the-wi-fi-no-hardware-installed-error-on-os-x/