Outlook can trigger several types of alerts when you get a new message. You might see a taskbar notification, notice a message icon in your system tray, hear a sound, or even see your pointer change briefly to an email message icon. Here’s how to disable them all.
收到新消息时,Outlook可以触发几种类型的警报。 您可能会看到任务栏通知,注意到系统托盘中的消息图标,听到声音,甚至看到指针短暂更改为电子邮件图标。 以下是禁用所有功能的方法。
If you’re working on a busy project, sharing your screen for a video conference, or simply don’t want to be alerted every time John from Accounting sends another all-team email message, you might want to turn off your desktop alerts—or at least be more selective about which types of alerts appear. Several of these alert types are enabled automatically in Microsoft Outlook, so you’ll have to turn them off manually.
如果您正在处理繁忙的项目,共享视频会议的屏幕,或者只是不想每次会计部门的John发送另一条全组电子邮件时都收到警报,则可能要关闭桌面警报,或至少对显示哪种类型的警报更具选择性。 这些警报类型中的几种会在Microsoft Outlook中自动启用,因此您必须手动将其关闭。
如何关闭新消息警报 (How to Turn Off New Message Alerts)
Turning off new message alerts in Microsoft Outlook is simple! With a few quick clicks, you’ll be ready to do your work in peace.
在Microsoft Outlook中关闭新邮件警报很简单! 只需单击几下,您便可以安心进行工作。
Start by switching to the “File” tab on the Ribbon.

On the File pane that opens, click the “Options” command.

In the Outlook Options window that opens, click the “Mail” setting in the left pane.
在打开的“ Outlook选项”窗口中,单击左窗格中的“邮件”设置。

In the right pane, scroll down to the “Message Arrival” section.

This is where you’ll find the settings you’re looking for. You can configure the following options:
在这里您可以找到所需的设置。 您可以配置以下选项:
Play a sound: Disable this option if you don’t want to hear the chime every time you receive a new message.
Briefly change the mouse pointer: Disable this option to prevent your cursor from changing to an envelope when a new message arrives. It happens so quickly, it’s pretty useless anyway.
简短地更改鼠标指针:禁用此选项可防止在收到新消息时将光标更改为信封。 它发生得如此之快,无论如何它都毫无用处。
Show an envelope icon in the taskbar: Disable this option if you don’t want to see the icon appear on your system tray every time a new message arrives.
Display a Desktop Alert: Disable this option if you don’t want Outlook popping up a Windows notification when you get new messages. The extra option “Enable preview for Rights Protected messages” that’s available when this option is enabled is really only applicable if you’re using Outlook to connect to an Exchange server. Disabling it prevents Windows notifications from displaying message previews when message have been marked as sensitive.
显示桌面警报:如果您不希望Outlook在收到新消息时弹出Windows通知,请禁用此选项。 启用此选项时可用的附加选项“启用受权限保护的邮件预览”仅在使用Outlook连接到Exchange服务器时才适用。 禁用它可以防止Windows通知在消息被标记为敏感时显示消息预览。
And that’s pretty much it! Turn off the options you don’t want, and get back to working without distraction.
就是这样! 关闭您不想要的选项,然后恢复工作而不会分心。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/359531/updatehow-to-turn-off-desktop-alerts-in-microsoft-outlook/