macos 菜单栏 oc

You’ve seen it in screenshots: a black menu bar, and a black dock. How did they do that?
您已经在屏幕截图中看到了它:黑色的菜单栏和黑色的底座。 他们是怎么做到的?
If this seems like a magic trick, there’s a reason for that: until Yosemite a few years ago, setting up a black menu bar meant employing hard-to-install third party hacks. These days, it’s simple.
如果这看起来像是魔术,那是有原因的:直到几年前优胜美地,设置黑色菜单栏意味着要使用难以安装的第三方黑客程序。 这些天,这很简单。
在macOS中启用黑暗模式 (Enable Dark Mode in macOS)
First, open System Preferences, then click “General.”

Next, check the box labelled “Use dark menu bar and Dock.”

No, seriously: that’s it. You now have a dark menu bar, and your menu bar icons should turn white so that you can still see them.
不,认真:就是这样。 现在,您有一个深色的菜单栏,并且菜单栏图标应变为白色,以便您仍然可以看到它们。

The dock will also take on a darker hue.

That’s just about all this tweak changes: your programs will look the same, and so will their interface elements. The only other thing we could find that’s black now is the on-screen volume and brightness indicators.
这就是所有这些调整更改:您的程序将看起来相同,并且它们的界面元素也将相同。 我们唯一能发现的黑色是屏幕上的音量和亮度指示器。

It’s unfortunate that more things aren’t darkened by this setting, especially because third party theming options basically broke when System Identity Protection came around. Still, if you’re editing videos in a dark room, it’s nice that you can make the menu bar black to match the already dark user interface of your editing software.
不幸的是,此设置并没有使更多的事情变暗,特别是因为当System Identity Protection出现时,第三方主题选项基本上就失效了。 不过,如果您要在黑暗的房间中编辑视频,可以将菜单栏设为黑色以匹配您的编辑软件已经很暗的用户界面,这是很好的选择。
禁用透明度以消除更多黑暗 (Disable Transparency for Even More Darkness)
You’ll notice in both screenshots that the wallpaper color bleeds into the menu bar. If you want prefer that completely black look, you’ll need to disable transparency in the Accessibility settings.
您会在两个屏幕截图中注意到墙纸颜色渗入菜单栏。 如果您希望使用全黑外观,则需要在“辅助功能”设置中禁用透明度 。

This will reduce transparency throughout the system, giving you the jet menu bar your dark heart deserves.
自动切换到黑暗模式 (Automatically Switching to Dark Mode)
If you only want a dark menu bar sometimes, you’ve got a few options. First of all there’s Flux, which changes your color temperature at night. The Mac version offers a simple option for enabling Dark Mode every day at sunset.
如果有时您只想要深色的菜单栏,则可以选择几种方法。 首先是助焊剂,它会在晚上改变您的色温 。 Mac版本提供了一个简单的选项,可以每天在日落时启用暗模式。

Check this option and your menu bar and dock will change automatically. If you’d rather not install Flux just for this, there’s command line utility named darkmode
that we’ve featured before, which changes your menu bar and dock from one theme to another whenever it’s run. You could create an Automator Calendar Alarm to set up your own script for changing the menu bar, if you want.
选中此选项,菜单栏和停靠栏将自动更改。 如果您不只是为此目的安装Flux,那么以前我们已经提供了一个名为darkmode
的命令行实用程序,该实用程序会在运行时将菜单栏和停靠菜单从一个主题更改为另一个主题。 您可以根据需要创建一个Automator Calendar Alarm,以设置自己的脚本来更改菜单栏。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/316424/how-to-enable-macos-dark-menu-bar-and-dock/
macos 菜单栏 oc